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Clarion SRV250 Ultra Small Underseat Subwoofer $99 (RRP $499) + $49.99 Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Bankstown Sound


Clarion SRV250 Ultra Small Underseat Subwoofer $99 (RRP $499) + PH ($49.99)

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Bankstown Sound & Marine
Bankstown Sound & Marine

closed Comments

  • +6

    Postage kills this deal. Good if you can pick up

    • +10

      The $49 shipping fee seems quite steep for an item only 2.5 kg.

      • -7

        The cubic weight of the box will be more than 2.5kg and that's what will determine the freight cost.

      • +6

        For under 5kg, generally for large parcel through Australia Post is $22.85 max. They should update the shipping cost.

        • Plus the time/labour to pack it into another box with padding and take it to the post office.

      • +1

        Its likely the pricing is as a loss leader in the hope they will pick up some installation jobs. I've bought from these guys before and they're an oldschool car audio shop, they didn't even sell online until recent years.

        Loss leaders don't work well online as you've got next to 0 chance of any upsells on installation or extra speakers or a head unit when stuff gets posted on ozbargain. Consider the price $130 + 20 shipping.

    • +5

      Postage is $49.99 still if you buy 2 which could be of interest to some.

  • +8

    Probably sounds rubbish. A decent sub can't operate in that form factor. Wouldn't waste your money.

    • +7

      I was gonna say
      subs usually perform well the bigger they are in relativity to their power output.

      This cannot be an impressive $500 product, it probably does good for the $100 range.

    • +1

      Couldn’t agree more, this is a waste of money

    • +17

      While true, the appeal for this type of product lies in its convenience and space saving aspects. Putting this under the seat takes away no usability compared to a proper enclosure in the boot. The speaker is also bigger than the door speakers and so it does improve the depth of sound to an already weak system.

      This design isn't focused on value for money, as products with convenience in mind adds additional cost.

      • +18


        I drive a single cab ute for work, and a sub similar to these was an easy improvement to the sound of the music I listen to. Most other sub options aren't possible, and it lets me save my other speakers for mids and highs. When directly below your seat, they work well enough for the purpose, although certainly not setting any SPL records.

    • +5

      I have two Pioneer slim subs under my front seats due to needing the entirety of my boot. Although they don't match dual 12" subs in the boot, they do have a fair amount of kick.

    • i wouldnt knock it down until you've tried it, ive got a 160w underseat sub under my seat and sounds insane for the size it is, paired with an android aftermarket headunit. I've got it on 30% bass and sounds like i have a full size sub in my car.

    • dont know, if its immediately below you it may well be good, kinda like a buttkicker under your seat proximity has its own affect.

    • -1

      This thing has to be underpowered, an underseat subwoofer that coudln't blow the sh*t out of me isn't a good subwoofer

    • -1

      Probably sounds rubbish

      Well why bother actually testing it when you can guess…

      A decent sub can't operate in that form factor

      Sound is just air pressure, so you only need to move a volume of air to get sound. But you guessed at it so what would the sound engineers who designed these things know…

  • I would go at least 250w for an underseat sub. 150w is on the weak side.

    • just seen my $400 alpine that blew last week was only 120w haha will this be an upgrade or should i look elsewhere?

      • +2


      • 120w or 120w RMS. I say 250w as in ~125w RMS.

        This is 75w RMS so is a downgrade.

      • +1

        If u want an upgrade from your alpine go with JL.
        w6 at minimum or a tw if your space is tight

        Price won't be cheap, but the quality of JL is extremely good

  • What's the best way to secure these under the seat?

      • JEEZUS
        No way I'd buy a 2nd hand car off you, dude. (stick some of that anti slip rubber matting to the base of it, with double sided tape)

        I've had similar under seat subs for years and unsecured,never been an issue.

        • +1

          It's alright, he probably jb welded cracks on his engine block

      • bro what the (profanity)

    • +8

      Personally I'd just stitch into the carpet, and a couple of Velcro tabs (stops it moving at all)

      Can cut stitching later and you would never know it was there.

    • +5

      double sided tape velcro

    • +4

      I used self adhesive Velcro on the bottom of the sub and it holds to the carpet very well.
      Tip for installation, put a sheet of paper down where you want the sub, slide the sub over the paper then pull the paper when it's in position.
      Will save the Velcro from sticking to the carpet when you are tying to position it.

      • Is this likely to hold in a crash situation? Worried about it being a projectile.

        Velcro is what I I've got holding mine down currently and have had for the last 4/5 years, but always been concerned if we crash and it goes flying.

        • I'm not that worried.
          It wouldn't fit through the opening at the front of the seat so if anything happened it would end up in the back seat.

    • Just shove it in, because it's lower in the center it doesn't come out.

  • +4

    I'd buy if the shipping was $20. $50 is taking the piss.

    These are good when you don't have room or can't be arsed with a proper sub. It's usually way better than trying to get dat bass from the crappy stock speakers.

    • I'd buy if the shipping was $20. $50 is taking the piss.

      Ok It's $129 and $20 shipping. Or if you prefer, $149 and free shipping. How many would you like?

  • -3

    my car already has 2 subwoofers

    what do I do with my life welp

  • Clarion was/is a superb brand. Would totally buy this since I am currently on a lookout for such a thing. Just the P&H though, worth it? $150 all up still decent innit? Mmmm….

  • -1

    is it loud

  • +2

    doof doof

  • +1

    Listening to the 3300Yen clearance review on YT. Sounds OK if you're not going overboard. Pity our clearance and their clearance prices are so different lol.

  • +1

    Price Seems Fully Sick to me ! +1

  • -3

    I work in the car audio industry guys trust this thing sounds rubbish don't waste your money

    • +1

      is there a under seat sub that doesn't sound rubbish? As an adult, I use the boot space too much for a proper sub.

      • I've got an alpine one of these it's decent.

    • +4

      I don't work in the car audio industry.
      My underseat pioneer unit sounds good enough for me.

      • +1

        I had a Jaycar 8" amp sub combo that was awesome. (behind single cab ute seat) Even if I had more space I'd still have rated it.
        Not everybody needs to alert ppl 3 blocks away about their music playlist, or rattle their reo mirrors out. Sometimes filling the missing lower end is all you need to complete the audio profile.And the better ones of these do just that.

    • Any good for gooning tho?

    • I totally trust what some anonymous guy on the internet says…

  • +2

    Sick mate sick!

  • Is Clarion still the champ it was in the 90's or another legendary brand now sold to Chinese and having none of the old glory?

    • +1

      Clarion is still the same Japanese company but it depends what product. Some stuff are just white label rebrand stuff.

  • +1

    Rang 'em and was informed that it is OOS ATM but can still order and will be notified once it is ready for a pickup.

    Also for them to do the installation, its $250.

  • These sounded crappy when they were released over 10 years ago.

  • This might be of use for those wondering about installation and specs

  • I bought a cheap underseat sub like this one (WU wudi $84). The bass distorted badly beyond low volume, and its cheap plastic enclosure rattled like crazy. I later upgraded to a Kicker 46HS10 ($739). The bass is clean and powerful, and its heavy aluminium enclosure never rattles at all. That's the difference between a cheap and expensive understeat sub.

  • I was semi-interested in buying one so I went looking for reviews and they are almost non-existent. From what I gathered though, this particular model subwoofer has been around for over 10 years so this is very likely old discontinued stock and the one review I located said if the guy had a choice again between this subwoofer and nothing, he would choose nothing. I'm personally going to hold off but if one of the people that purchased it is happy with it please let us all know.

    • There's also other 'reviews' (if you can call them that) of the sub on youtube comments, etc, stating that it's OK. In my experience anytime someone hypes something up or completely degrades something, you're not getting the full picture. I remember being told to spend 1000 dollars on some SVS SB1000 for my HT and it did sound good, but not that much better on my edifier 2.1 speaker set… I am not saying that it is good or that it is not shyte, but in my experience a known company like Clarion wouldn't sell an absolute sh*t box for 10 years. Also seems to be a domestic Jap product…

  • An awful lot of people here are assuming the power rating of the speaker 'equals' volume.
    It's not actually that simple.
    Volume (and capability) really comes down to the efficiency of the driver.
    My dad's old single-cone (12"), Lowther cabinet-speakers would make the room shake while his Radford amplifier was peaking at only around 5W.

    Still, this isn't an audiophile unit, but it would make a PROFOUND difference to a normal car stereo set-up. And under the seat is perfectly fine for this kind of thing. Even with the expensive shipping, it's a ripper price for someone just wanting to add a bit of oomph. Horses for courses. :-)

    • I think people don't realise how much energy 5 watts into a speaker actually is. Everytime I see a speaker claim something like 1000 watts I laugh. Even this clarion sub doesn't go over 10-15 watts in the real world, if that. Those voice coils would burn up from 29+29 watts passing through them without a cooling solution, let alone the '150 watts' peak lmfao.

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