Great price on ultimates.
Enjoy. 1 2 3 4 5
Great price on ultimates.
Enjoy. 1 2 3 4 5
I think so, but I think there’s cheaper if you don’t go the premium options
Of course, they don't go bad. Just don't overstock on the smallest size as they will outgrow them but the time it takes can vary. Size 2 up is pretty safe for a while though. We stuffed around with Aldi and some other brands but came back to these as the sure thing with no allergies or leaks, well worth a few cents more per nappy.
Yes stock up
And if you are sending your offspring to daycare you'll need double whatever you need as for some reasons n they are always asking for extra nappies.
Ha that sucks, our nappies are supplied
I bought a one month supply before the baby was born. Would've bought more but was told different brands fit different, and others might cause rashes or discomfort so I didn't go out to buy like 3mths worth in case I have to change brands.
Once I knew the baby was good with Huggies, I went all in.
Stick with Huggies normal brand for newborns you gonna be changing nappies every 3 hours.
As someone with a three week old, its not uncommon for a change to end up using 3 nappies every three hours!
Haha yep that’s why we bought reusables! Saves a fortune!
@onlinepred: What reusables do you recommend?
@japes: If I can make a recommendation, don't go all in on reusables until you try them.. I ended up with 30.. of about 5 different brands..with 5 different inserts.. and we never got them to work effectively (no matter how often we changed.. there was always a 50/50 chance of leakage after a poo..) anyway, we will try again with our daughter, but.. just don't overstock before you try on them..
@japes: You need to go to a store that has a few to try on honestly. We bought a few different brands used off fb then once we found ones that fit, we bought a stack used.
@japes: reusables are fine, and we did use them, but i'm not sure it was an overall cost saving if you factor in mental health as a cost >.<
Still do after 11 months at the moment!
Wait to see how big your baby is when born. You may also get 3 months supply come baby shower haha
If newborn expected mid next year, you probably wont be using these sizes for another year or 2 so no need to stock up as this price comes around often… and this isnt the ATL and also depends if you have the space.
Second this. Don't agree with other commenters saying stock up now, price comes around often and you will be up to your eyeballs with baby stuff around the house that you will not appreciate having nappies around that you won't be using for at least 3-4 months after birth. Even if you don't get this price, a few extra dollars is worth a bit less clutter in the home.
You say that, but my 4 month old is already in size 3…. You never know how big your baby will be!
She’s already almost outgrowing 6-12 month
Only point against is that you might wanna consider reusable. We got a great deal on modern reusables. Just need to be willing to wash the shitty nappies.
Your baby may not need these sizes for potentially the first 6 months.
The weight ranges are big but I'd honestly add 1kg to the lower number otherwise they will fit loose.
If you have storage space, to put them away then reasonably good deal.
Make sure you check your subscribe and save as they jacked up the price on my subscription after the Black Friday deal.
For experienced parents, how do these compare to Aldi nappies?
Can't compare to this exact line of huggies but we've largely used a combination of huggies/aldi for a long time. At least for us i'd say aldi is 99% as good as huggies for a fraction of the price. Huggies do fit/feel/absorb that bit better but we can't really justify the price difference. We use aldi during the day with huggies overnight as we found we'd sometimes get an overloaded nappy in the morning with aldi.
Tldr: it's very hard to justify the 15-20c per nappy more in our case so we use mainly aldi and huggies when needed
If aldis work well for you, its a no brainer.
Our first we used a combination of huggies and aldi, was mostly fine, though def had more blowouts with the aldi.
Our second would constantly have blow outs with aldi, just didnt seem to fit him as well. So we only get ultimates these days. No blowouts with the ultimates.
Ultimates are definitely more covenient for those longer stretches overnight, or when youre out. They seem to hold more fluid, and hold it better (aldis feel uncomfortably like jelly when they full).
We tried Baby Love, Huggies (Infant and then boys, plus these premium ones in size 3) and Aldi nappies. Personally we found the infant Huggies and then boys Huggies to be the best for our son. Every kid is different in terms of fit, however, there's no way in the world the Aldi nappies can hold as much as Huggies in our experience. We did try a few Coles nappies and they seemed good but didn't try enough to give a definitive comparisson.
Probably not relevant, but also tried Mamy Poko in Thailand (made by Unicharm who also make Baby Love), they were shyte and non stop blow outs. So if you go overseas take whatever Aust nappies work for you!
We also use modern cloth nappies during the day with a disposable liner from Kmart (think Kmart have discontinued the liners though). The brand we are using is My Little Gumnut, but you can get cheaper off eBay or Temu. We also got some of the bamboo reusable wipes from My Little Gumnut and then more off Temu. Highly recommend them, they do a better job than disposable wipes and help cut down on waste. We clean all wees with the reusable clothes, poops get one a couple dispoable wipes then finished up with the reusable.
Agree with the other comments about more blow-outs when using Aldi nappies. I discovered that huggies nappies (whether it be ultra dry or ultimate) have an extra strip at the back to help stop liquidy poo from leaking. Aldi, being the cheaper option, doesn't have that. As bub gets older and their poos become like solid-like, Aldi nappies work great.
We tried all the budget friendly brands from coles and woolies and aldi came up on top, the others were either smaller made or just paper thin.
Also tried eco friendly/reusable nappies/breathable, great for when baby has nappy rash but than it was had work cleaning the shit off it before putting it in the washing machine and man those inserts were never same colour after the first use…
We initially used huggies but found had more leakage so stayed with aldi nappies and stayed with aldi nappies with our 2nd kid too, there was talks aldi was going to change their nappy a little while ago so stocked up a load, that was some nail bitting times but didnt eventuate or if it did they made minimal change.
Those are not ultimeates don't get fool by the similarity on the box. Those are airsoft a level bellow ultimeates since these are sold just by Amazon.
I dont see ultimates on the shelf anymore, i thought they simply rebranded to purecare air soft. They feel and look identical. How have you found they differ?
One of the pictures on the Amazon link shows that they’ve transitioned and rebranded the Ultimate line to Pure Care Airsoft
No sure why I got down voted I requested from Amazon full refund on the last 2 years of buying these since before they selling as ultimates. They are not I have ultimates at home way higher quality and more expensive as well Coles still selling them.
She would not have needed nappies, had the Mother picked up the right tube.
What’s the difference between these and the normal Ultra Dry Huggies line?
These are way more absorbent than ultra dry and much softer as well. Basically the premium version of huggies nappies.
We use these for overnight and ultra dry during the day, but we eventually moved on from ultra dry and use rascals/ little ones/ aldi nappies instead.
Interestingly we found these leaked overnight, whereas we never experienced leaks with our son in the Infant or Ultra Dry nappies. We couldn't wait for our box of these nappies to run out and won't buy them again.
Can't believe how much extra we spent buying Huggies for our first child in the early years. Decided to change to Woolworths and haven't looked back. From memory we did this when Huggies stopped making them in Australia. Quality of the imports was shit in comparison.
Coles CUB ftw
Interested to hear what's so good about the CUB nappies! Do you use them overnight or day time only?
Found them as good as Huggies leak wise, not as soft but zero irritation (unlike aldi & Woolies), YMMV.
Yep CUB nappy pants for day time and Huggies Ultimate pants for night time. Rarely have issues with leakage, CUB are good fit and great price.
I can't belive that in 2025 we're still making plasticky diapers. If someone invented something without plastic, they'd be billionaires!
How do these compare to the aldi ones given they are like 50% more expensive i believe?
I asked the same question above, some good replies there.
I can only add 2 of the same size to the cart which is not enough to get free delivery
I don't have prime, placed 2 orders yesterday, each with 2 boxes and got free delivery on both orders. Only realising now I didn't hit the $59 min for free delivery.
Just added 2 boxes to cart now s&s, still showing as free delivery for me
Is there any point in buying these ahead of a newborn for mid next year?