Hi everyone, looking for the best recommendations for credit cards with reasonable interest rate, that have the best 0% introductory rate.
I currently have one with BankWest that was for 12 months at 12.99%. Looking to either get a second card or refinance the balance of the first card. Currently I can only see around 6 to 9 months at 0% for new purchases.
Any hidden gems that you know of?
Regarding refinancing/balance transferring the balance of the first card, NAB had the insane 32 months at 0% interest balance transfer deal with absolutely no upfront balance transfer fee at all which many took advantage of over the past few years (particularly if they had credit cards with no annual fee from NAB due to mortgage package or special offers).
They've since replaced it with a crappier deal - 28 months at 0% interest but with an upfront 2% fee which is still better than a lot of other offers out there
Their credit card with the lowest annual fee currently is $30 per annum (Low Fee Card). But there have been offers for their Low-Rate VISA Credit Card with no annual fee for life in the past (if you are a customer and tick yes to receiving NAB marketing emails)