Gold Class ticket voucher for $25 per ticket
Standard ticket voucher for $12.50 per ticket
Vouchers expire 10 months from purchase
Booking fee applies when redeeming vouchers online
A free Vrewards membership is required to redeem these vouchers
Gold Class ticket voucher for $25 per ticket
Standard ticket voucher for $12.50 per ticket
Vouchers expire 10 months from purchase
Booking fee applies when redeeming vouchers online
A free Vrewards membership is required to redeem these vouchers
I have the same wondering. T&Cs refer to singular ticket, so im thinking they are individual.
Terms and Conditions: Boxing Day Book of 4 - Gold Class eVouchers
Promotional Terms & Conditions: The Boxing Day Vrewards Gold Class – Book of 4 eVoucher Package is available for purchase through the Village Cinemas Giftshop from Tuesday 24 December 2024 to Tuesday 31 December 2024 and from select retail locations between Thursday 26 December 2024 - Sunday 29 December 2024. while stock lasts. The Vrewards Gold Class – Book of 4 eVoucher delivers four (4) Vrewards Gold Class vouchers. Each promotional voucher is valid for one Vrewards Member Gold Class movie session admission. This voucher is valid, upon presentation of a valid Vrewards Membership ID in Cinema or sign into your Vrewards account online, for one Vrewards Gold Class session admission. Voucher can be redeemed online at or at the ticket box for movie sessions at participating Village Cinemas locations*. Vouchers cannot be redeemed until 24 hours after purchase. Seating is subject to availability. Please redeem this voucher for a seat to your selected movie session. Not valid for group bookings, special events, movie marathons or in conjunction with any other offer or promotion unless otherwise stated. A surcharge applies for 3D sessions. Booking fees may apply. It is the responsibility of the holder to redeem vouchers for a movie session scheduled on or before they expire. Vouchers are not refundable, not transferable and cannot be sold or exchanged for cash or other gift products. Lost or expired vouchers will not be extended, replaced or exchanged for cash. These vouchers expire 10 months from date of purchase. Not a Vrewards member? Sign up for free at
Voucher Terms & Conditions: This promotional voucher is valid for one Vrewards Member Gold Class movie session admission. This voucher is valid, upon presentation of a valid Vrewards Membership ID in Cinema or sign into your Vrewards account online, for one Vrewards Gold Class session admission. Voucher can be redeemed online at or at the ticket box for movie sessions at participating Village Cinemas locations*. Vouchers cannot be redeemed until 24 hours after purchase. Seating is subject to availability. Please redeem this voucher for a seat to your selected movie session. Not valid for group bookings, special events, movie marathons or in conjunction with any other offer or promotion unless otherwise stated. Patrons must be 18 years or older to consume alcohol. ID will be required. A surcharge applies for 3D sessions. Booking fees may apply. It is the responsibility of the holder to redeem vouchers for a movie session scheduled on or before they expire. Vouchers are not refundable, not transferable and cannot be sold or exchanged for cash or other gift products. Lost or expired vouchers will not be extended, replaced or exchanged for cash. Not a Vrewards member? Sign up for free at
Can be used separately
10 months expiry and booking fee lolll
I thought they needed to give 3 years? They must bank a fair chunk of missed vouchers. I've had mine expired and they were unforgiving.
Pretty sure last year it was 12 month. They must be experimenting.
Either way, compared to previous deals which had expiration dates of 3 months or less, this is good value IF you like gold class
Can you buy using a gift card?
Do the tickets work with Event cinemas?
You will get a PDF with x4 individual tickets. Just bought x4 gold class for $100
Can we use this voucher for kids?
No, only movies
Obviously for movies, but it says adult ticket so I was wondering if it is valid for kids?
Of course, why wouldn't it?
Remember, booking fee also applies at time of redeeming them
Just checked the next 10 months, nothing great coming out.
Do all four need to be used at once?