New Salon Did a Bad Hair Dye Job for My Wife 1 Week before Vacation


My wife (brunette) had been meaning to dye her hair blonde for over a year. She finally went to a new salon yesterday, who botched her hair with like 5 different colours in streaks (white, ash, blonde, red, brown). She was very clear about what she wanted and told the stylist at the time but it seems their best efforts have fallen short.

The stylist is offering to redo it for her later this week for free but honestly she probably just isn’t good enough to get it right.

In my opinion, what my wife needs is an urgent fix up by an experienced professional/colorist and I’ll just wear the extra $$$$ cost for short notice/holiday period.

Does anyone know any good stylists in Melbourne that can do a good blonde? Has anyone else ever had a bad hair job?

It’s cutting me up to see her self esteem so low especially before our vacation with all the photos we plan to take.


  • +7

    Needs pics.

    • -2

      Agreed but won’t dox myself or her

      • +3

        How?. Blur the face…

    • +1

      mspaint at least

  • +12

    before our vacation

    Sounds like you're in the USA. Sorry we can't help.

    • No son I need to get this done for her here in Melbourne ASAP before we leave Australia in a week.

      • -3

        No son I need to get this done for her

        Sorry, how is this your problem?

        Sounds lunch someone's under the thumb

    • +1

      Most Americans do not get vacations and can’t afford them anyways!!

  • +12

    Of all the times that your hairstyle shouldn't matter, is when travelling overseas and being around people you'll never see again, and if you're focusing on your hair in tourist photos the scenery must be boring ;)

    I'd take the free re-do and spend the extra on an extra fancy meal or something on your holiday

  • +4

    Colouring is one of those things that $ = experience 9/10 times. As much as I hate it, if you want it, thats what it comes down to.

    Have I had a bad hair cut? Absolutely. From a $40 place not a $400 one.

    I think if the missus goes back, the most experienced colourist needs to do it (and Id want to see their creds/portfolio). If that person was it, they can refund so she can go elsewhere.

    However the rub will come in finding an appointment and the wear on the hair. Be sure to tell whoever the full reason why - it's not about bagging the first person out but the fixer needs to know precisely what theyre facing

    • Spot on mate I was thinking the same

      Finding an appointment with 0 notice now + she’s already lost quite a bit of hair in the shower -> nightmare for her

      • +3

        How much hair are we talking? Chunks?

        Remember - no hot things (hair dryers, irons), no super hot water, appropriate shampoo and conditioner (for coloured hair esp the conditioner, get a leave in if needed) and dont over brush.

        Its hard because it's 'wrong' so the anxiety causes fussing but agitating the hair will only make it worse

  • I don't get it …
    Why didn't your wife say something at the time ???
    And say to stop.

    Getting streaks/foils (in 5 different colours) is a completely different process to dying hair 1 single colour.

    And surely wife must have noticed the colour of the pastes in the mirror as it was being applied (or did she have her eyes closed the whole time)?

    [EDIT] : Personally …

    While doesn't sound like the ideal colour that wife wanted - having streaks isn't too out there (unless you are attending a wedding/funeral while on your holidays).

    But personal holiday snapshots - then does it really matter?

    If the cut/style is good - then I'd probably leave it … Esp Soo close to travelling.

    Sure - blast the hair salon +++ maybe even low review on Google Maps … but your wife deserves to take some of blame too.

    • +1

      *Why didn't your wife say something at the time ???
      Are you mad? This would break society

  • +6

    The important question is whether it was you that reccomended that salon?

    • +1

      It was me hahaha. That’s why I feel responsible and need to fix it for her

      • Yeah figured, you are screwed.

        I'd try with an expensive salon. It won't fix it, it's likely burnt, but will get you out of the bad books for now.

  • New Salon

    Your wife got balls of steel, mine has travelled interstate to visit her hairdresser lol 😆

    • Hahaha that’s definitely the plan next time if we don’t find a fix here

      • I feel for you. This is Xmas, probably all the good hairdressers either on vacation or booked out, lol

  • +2

    It probably won't be easy to get an appointment at this time.

    If colour is the only issue, at least her natural hair is brunette, it's always easier to go from light to dark, than the other way. Easiest cheapest way is to get brown/brunette box hair dye from CW/Priceline/Price attack etc and dye it yourself, then condition with hair mask. Thats what I would do. Wait a couple of days before dying though.

  • +1

    It’s cutting me up to see her self esteem so low especially before our vacation with all the photos we plan to take.

    To be honest, I'm sure that she is fine - enjoy the holiday, put away the phone / camera.

    Before my university graduation, my mum was adamant that she should trim my hair so that it would be less messy. She made a mistake and the only way to salvage it was a number 3 buzz cut. That photo is now on the wall and I get a kick out of it every time I see it, even though I hated it at the time.

    It's probably not worth the stress of trying to fix it so close before a holiday, it's not permanent, hair grows out again.

  • Apparently these guys are the best with Blonde hair jobs in Melbourne. Not sure if they will be able to help with such short notice and they aren't cheap either - Around $600ish

  • It's not a good idea to damage the hair further with a second colouring session, especially going lighter. Is the job she's had really that bad? It's always a shock when you change your hair. The colours will settle down and maybe she'll learn to like it? I cut and colour my own hair, hairdressers terrify me!

  • +1

    the trick is head to coles and grab just for men , blonde

    for some reason unknown it works better on women

    • +2

      This sounds like a high risk move. OP is already in trouble for recommending the first hair salon.

  • +2

    Lol who gives a shit. You'll be able to look back on the photos and laugh about it.

  • +3

    I can fix it - I'm just weighing up whether you really want the help.

    It will need a double - possibly triple bleach at 20vol in the one session - I only use high-end commercial stuff that 95% of salons dont even use. So that's about 4 hours minimum for long hair. Then I'd need to dye the hair with some 9-10 colours and a ice toner (1.5hrs).
    Then I need to mask it for 30min/wash out.

    so at least minimum 6 hrs for me to do a proper job by myself (at my home or yours).

  • -1

    now you know why salons charge $600

  • -1

    Why are you sorting this trash out yourself?

  • +1

    Vacation? We have holidays in Australia

  • Sounds like she had foils in different colours which is my preferred colour treatment as the regrowth is not obvious, and I really like the sound of the colours she had. A redo could be very damaging with a second chemical cocktail and make her hair very brittle. Scarves and hats for the “holiday”.

  • Your wife’s first mistake was going to ANY hairdresser when deciding to go from brunette to blonde. She needed to have gone to a specialist colourist. Secondly she will find that the drastic change in colour will not be wat she sees in magazines immediately, the colour needs to settle, and its best to not do anything more to the hair for 3 months.. it’s already been thru too much follicle trauma. And I’ve never understood why a female who places too much of her self worth on her hair. I’m a female and having seen so many friends suffer hair loss thru cancer treatments, they know and I know it’s JUST HAIR. There are so many ways a person can cover their hair and not make it such a big deal that they got a bad hair cut or colour.

  • +1

    Wanted to go blonde? But ended up with five different coloured foils? Something doesn’t sound right here. Depending on the type of hair your wife have, going blonde is going to be a progressive process to get to the blonde level that she wants. Also did she not go through their previous work before choosing the salon?

    Ironically I’ve just had my hair done yesterday and the salon I go to in Western Suburbs of Melbourne does specialise in blondes. However yesterday was their last working day of the year and won’t back till 7th January. Last minute appointments are usually hard to come by, with the next available appointment usually in a few weeks or months. Please do get your wallet ready as colour corrections or specialist salons do not come cheap. My visit yesterday set me back $450 for a balayage and cut with blowout.

    There is also no guarantee that the current colour can be fixed to what your wife wants. If the hair is over processed already, most hairdressers would not want to bleach more which could lead to further hair damage. The easiest and cheapest fix without a salon visit would be going to a Hair House Warehouse (the staff are usually very helpful) and get a toner to run through her hair. This should give her a more uniform look with some dimensional highlights from the foils.

  • Buy her a beanie.

  • Having just been through this with my wife and have now been educated that you get an average job going from brunette to blond in one sitting as it typically takes 2,3 even 4 goes to lighten the hair.
    Maybe get a clairol kit and dye it back to stock and try again on return.

    No doubt OP you will be footing the bill.

  • +1

    Please please DON'T use box dye over the top! The results will be unpredictable - it can come out much darker than the box when the hair is damaged. It will make it many times harder for a hairdresser to get her hair to the desired blonde later. What seems like an easy fix could become even more of a disaster, ask me how I know 🥲 also empathy for your wife, although technically it is "just hair" as another poster mentioned, it's upsetting to have this kind of thing happen. Just as someone may be upset to see their car scratched or anything else that is important to them. Good luck!

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