Is This a Bad Kids Maths Question?

This is a screenshot of a kids math question, I think it’s a terrible question as it doesn’t provide enough detail to definitely answer the question. My wife thinks it’s obvious as you can eye it. The answer agrees with her. I think it’s stupid.

What do you guys think is the answer and if it’s a good question.…

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  • 5
  • 1293
  • 46
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    Equally likely


  • -1

    This is a probability question that requires students to fully understand area of a circle (This is not always a strong understanding by students ). The main issue is what are you really testing? Probability or area? I would only see this as a low level question for probability - D level - to enable students with limited knoweldge of probability to access the question using their area knowledge. It really depends on what students have been exposed to in class.

  • is this a question about guesstimating?

    but it definitely looks like blue takes up the most room, but without a % you cant be 100%

    teacher must work at the cass

  • Happy wife = happy life.

    Who cares what others think on 'your' maths Question, lol.

    You are in so much trouble!!

  • +3

    Blue and great maths question

    Teaches you to combine maths and common sense.

  • +4

    Let your wife make the academic decisions in your household. This is so obviously blue I'm concerned for you.

  • It's pretty clearly blue, but I guess the main issue I have with the question is that without any of the angles being provided it's not really a math question, at least in my eyes it's not.

  • I was good at maths but it got me alright - I just went 'yellow' as the biggest single sector, so I would have failed that question

    only after reading the comments did it occur to me to look at the repetition - two blue, three red - and aha - there's the maths - summation of different-sized sectors

    I'd be looking for my 'What do you call that semicircular plastic thing used for drawing angles' ?

    I first thought protractor - then thought that might be the two pointy things - dividers ?

    so yeah I'd want a protractor - or if not, maybe a ruler to measure the width of each arc at the perimeter.

  • +3

    Okay I took one for the team and made the proof for OP… behold:

    I'm sure you can draw your own conclusion from this.

    I reckon think it's a decent maths question despite not having specific angles or measurements. It combines understanding of probability together with visual estimation. It leads into questions like imagining a flask being filled up with water and choosing the correct time vs rate graph for it.

  • +1

    Lol op…. Got outsmarted by a basic question

  • +3

    "you are an example of why people should have to take test before they are allowed to have children" - judge judy

    • @cloudy for your response.

      • -2

        and what test would that be? this question? who decides? is it fair my smart wife doesn't get to have kids because of my weakness in maths? is it a weakness in maths or just a variant perception that kids can have differing ( and acceptable IMO) reasoning? please respond to all those since you asked me for my response.

        • Fair, I'll try and answer

          1) An IQ test
          2) She can have kids, just not with you
          3) Neither - it's basic logic

          Please take an IQ test and add the results to this thread - it might even be a defence if the results are good to show it's your spatial reasoning or something similar that is lacking

  • -1

    I think it’s a stupid question if it is in the grey scale you linked.

    • Why?

      • Because the colour labels are mismatched with the actual colours of the graph. And ‘light grey’ is not in the answers.

        I wonder if this was originally an online test (that showed the actual colours) that was printed in grey scale for students because printing colour is more expensive.

        • +1

          I think you’re taking the colours vs words a bit too literally, it’s still pretty obvious they are different IMO. Do agree it probably started off coloured.

          • -3

            @Randolph Duke: Oh yes it is still pretty obvious but I would suggest not reproducing this question in colour has added a level of complexity for an alleged Grade 1 maths problem.

            IMO, thus making the question ‘stupid’.

  • -1

    I wonder if the spacing affects the likelihood of the colour being selected. If red is in 3 places and another colour only 1, this could possibly affect the result.

  • -3

    Red. You can't change my mind.

  • That's a great question!

    Is red the most likely because there are 3 sections of them? Is it yellow because yellow has the biggest section?

    It is very easy to see that the total area of blue is larger than the single yellow and the triple blue……you just have to know that probability is measuring the likelihood of an event happening.

  • +2

    Why dont you get your kid to print it out and make a spinner? Then record the results after 10, 100, 1000 spins (ok they probably wont last that long).

    As the number of spins gets much larger what is the trend telling us?

  • Why are you doing your kid's homework?

  • The question should have had the shapes split into equal shapes so that someone can count how many shapes are in each colour (i.e. so that it doesn't need to be eyed) if they didn't want to turn the question into, let's see who can estimate things from just visual inspections.

    Though on second thought, what was the test for? If it was to measure visual-spatial reasoning, I can kinda see why it needs to have things so that you have to literally compare them by looking at them.

  • Great maths question and highlights how bad pie charts are too. There is almost no use case for a pie chart where another graph type can’t represent the data better.

    3D pie charts are the absolute worst.…

  • +1

    Are you a bot or something?

    (AI can't answer the question lol)

    I wish they'd replace CAPTCHA with questions like these instead.

  • +3

    OP should've gone to Specsavers.

  • +1

    I used to always get these questions wrong when I was young, and even now, because of rushing and not realising colours were represented multiple times. It is a typical trap for ADD and ADHD students. I have sh1thouse lungs and run on low oxygen and hence am always tired from poor sleep, hence concentration and observation is really poor. Even when my lungs were better and it was just ADHD I could check my answer three times and still not realise colour segments were repeated. So no, it's not a good question from a maths perspective but certainly sorts out the students with attention to detail issues, focusing and concentration issues…

  • why is black not an option?
    what's the resistance in the spinning mechanism?
    Is it mounted vertically like on my screen? Black is the obvious answer but is not an option?

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