How Would You Judge The Current Trend of Influencers? Something to Stay or Will Be Gone in The Next Decade?

I personally find them amusing to a point, I think too much time is been wasted on all the junks on the internet, however I don't mind some but I think many can be do without

Poll Options

  • 17
    1: A product of covid will be staying on
  • 33
    2: Nah once everyone gets their bearings back it will be gone
  • 12
    3: Honestly not sure


  • +4

    The Current Trend of Influencers

    Depends what you think the 'current trend' is?

    If its that social media and doom scrolling will continue societies gradual cognitive decline, and as such, "influencers" continue to be something that for some reason exist…..then, ahh, yeah option #3

  • +3

    I for one hope the trend of those two Indian dudes building random spa retreats in the forest with hand tools keeps up.

    however I don't mind some but I think many can be do without

    Wouldn’t want to commit too much to a side right ?
    Plus…. You could just keep scrolling through the feed.

    Nah once everyone gets their bearings back it will be gone


    • +4

      spa retreats in the forest with hand tools

      Are they the ones that forgot to cover their tracks and left tyre/track marks in the dirt?

      • +1

        I try not to think about that lol

      • -2

        forgot to cover their tracks

        Sounds really scammy. No pun intended.

        • +1

          Where's the supposed pun?

          • -1

            @gyrex: Call center specialist. And now, swimming pool experts.

            • @Yummy: No offence but I don't think you know what a pun is.

              • -1

                @gyrex: Then you don't with sarcasm.

  • +2


  • They'll continue until they inevitably get cancelled for one reason or another. Then another one will take their place.

  • +2

    Influencers are what happens when you have an endless supply of malleable (by choice) pumpkins, online.
    America is another model.(it doesn't require the web, but the web does help accelerate the process.)

  • +5

    I hope every single one of them is drawn and quartered.

  • What's an influencer?

    • -8

      Kyle Sandilands, Sam Newman,Peta Credlin,Pete Paleo Guy,Bluey,Rupert Murdoch,anyone who can say the word 'woke' into a camera or microphone.

      • No Mr Beast in your list?

        • +1

          I left lots out. Ironically I think I either upset all the Bluey fans or the wokelites?. Bluey is about the only one that lands on the positive influence side, so I thought I'd throw it in.
          I'm a Bluey fan BTW, but yet to invest in that Bluey Crypto. Dollar Bucks was it?

          Mr Beast? Sounds a bit like "masturbate".Is there a correlation?

          • -1

            @Protractor: masturbate

            It ain't Easter time yet.

            • @Yummy: I get my christian calendar events mixed up all the time

    • +3

      A usually vacuous person that has the magical ability to hold the attention of those who haven't found their bearings in life yet.

    • +1

      An influencer is a person, generally internet based, who by their popularity can successfully pitch goods and services to their followers.

      They're basically an advertising spokesperson. Frequently they identify a particul niche with which they can demonstrate a certain level of trust and expertise while still appearing more genuine and authentic than what I guess we could call traditional advertising.

      Though of course, authenticity/relatability/authority are not new advertising strategies by any stretch.

  • Interesting there's a few alarm bells ringing as celebrity/influencers try to cash in with personal brand crypto.
    What could possibly go wrong?
    I can see the conventional share market and national economies take some serious hits, when this crypto square peg starts scraping the sides of their round holes.Conventional monetary systems may end up winning, but I expect it will get messy along the way.

    • The alarm bells are that it's stupid and anyone buying into it is stupid. Look at the recent hawk tuah thing, idiots throwing money away.

      Crypto and all this Web3 crap doesn't offer any kind of replacement for a share market or any national economies, so it's unlikely to cause any issues. The endless lesson we're learning is that unregulated economies will crash really quickly and crypto is the most unregulated thing around. And once you start regulating it, all it is is using a whole lot of computing resources to do something that banks have been quite capable of managing for a long time.

      I expect people to keep throwing money down the crypto well though in hopes of the next big thing. Humanity has been doing that forever.

      • If oligarchs gravitate to crypto, (they are/have/will) expect chaos, cyber crime/theft and economic mayhem. Pencil it it.

      • Hawk Tuah girl spat on her crypto customers, and they enjoyed it. How could anyone not know her 'coin' was a scam? 99.9% of the entire crypto space is a scam.

  • +3

    As long as there's money to be made in "influencing" there will be "influencers". It all comes down to $$.

    • When Russia runs out of hard foreign currency, that will be the end of the payday for a good few Influencers.

  • +1

    What about OzBargain influencers?

    • I don’t think jv would be happy with you calling him an influeza

      • +1

        He's been called worse. After all he is from moe

        • Moe's better than Morwell these days.

    • I’d vote for jv as president, and clear as jnr vice president

      Vice president can be decided hunger games style

      • +1

        Finally a use for all my Wu-ben torches.

    • +1

      You know who to ask when you are looking for AliExpress promo codes :)

      • Ghostbusters 👻👻👻 Sorry

        I'm having withdrawals right now because I know there's no new coupon codes this week. With the exception of two AliExpress Business codes that others are welcome to share 😜

  • +1

    'Influencers' existed way before covid. It's just the barrier to entry, standards and peoples attention span keeps getting lower and lower.

  • Depends what you mean exactly.

    Influencers will always exist in some form, celebrities or even politicians at end of day. So not sure what the current trend you're talking about is. Social media ones? Specific trends within Tiktok Etc?

  • +2

    How Would You Judge The Current Trend of Influencers?


  • +1

    Influencers have been around for at least 15 years with that tag, and really, we used to call them salespeople or lobbyists prior to that. They're either selling a product or selling themselves online.

    It's only down hill from here until we start ignoring what they have to say.

  • +7

    Most of it is a bunch of poor people pretending to be rich to other poor people who want to pretend to be rich.

  • It’s just a social experiment. The general public is being monitored to see what we respond to because it’s not always what’s expected.
    Once there’s enough data, virtual influencers will be created and we won’t even realise they’re not real people.
    Then all the current influencers will be discarded like trash.

  • +1

    Influencers are just unemployed unskilled leeches on society… who as they get older will realise their plastic lives are so irrelevant to the real world… they will all suffer from depression, coz reality will catch up with them… natures way of thinning out the herd

  • Will people still have money in the next decade?
    Will we still have an economy based on consumption?

    If so, nothing with influencers will change in the next decade

  • Just another reminder that Idiocracy was a documentary.
    There are some high-traction social media types who genuinely share interesting and useful things, but they definitely don't get as much traction as brainless Kardashian-style numpties.

  • another one for today! it definitely is xmas time. thx for the good belly laugh.

  • +1

    They were around before Covid so not sure what that has to do with anything.

  • Will they be around for long — not in the current form.
    Social Media Influencers are rapidly being replaced by AI generated content. This is largely done by teams of people, rather than individuals, though the results often appear very similar to traditional influencer-styled content.

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