Tailgating a Tailgater - Am I The As-Hole?

So I saw this SUV on the passing right lane was getting tailgated by a Honda Civic (the one with those weird amber lights permanently on on the side, as if it's a truck or something), and it happened for a long time. The Civic driver was flashing his lights as well.

The SUV driver got the message and indicated left, but there was a car on the left side so they couldn't switch lanes… So they kept on going… And eventually when there was space to get out of the lane, they probably thought "f it, I'm gonna stay". The civic was continually tailgating and flashing.

I'm not a fan of tailgaters, I hate them especially when you are driving at the speed limit. (Driving at the speed limit on the passing / right lane is a different story but anyway…) So after watching this from behind, I thought "f this tailgator", switched lanes, and eventually tailgated the tailgator, flashing included. Civic was now sandwiched. Civic tried to brake check me, but I wasnt fazed.

The civic driver at this point could have easily just switched lanes to the left, but chose to stay.

Tailgating a tailgator - does this make me an as hole, or does two wrongs make a right?

Poll Options Mon, 31/03/2025 - 00:00

  • ?
    Tailgating a tailgator is and exception and ok
  • ?
    Tailgating a tailgator is still wrong


  • +18

    You're certainly no vigilante hero.

  • -3

    How do you know the 'tailgater' wasn't trying to alert the 'tail-gatee' of some doomsday scenario that needed them to stop?

  • +5

    GTFO out the right lane if you'ren't overtaking

    The civic driver at this point could have easily just switched lanes to the left, but chose to stay.

    frustratingly the second you start switching lanes to pass on the left they decide to get out the right lane or they get confused and suddenly dont know who wants to go where.

    • -4

      Only if the speed limit exceeds 80 or there is a keep left unless overtaking sign. Anywhere else you can drive in the right lane.

      • +10

        While that's the law, it's still a dick move to sit in the right lane doing under the speed limit causing other traffic to have to try and weave between lanes to get anywhere.

          • +9

            @lunchbox99: Imagine bragging about using no common courtesy

            • @timthetoolman: Imagine making up laws and etiquette in your head and expecting other people to adhere to it

              • @lunchbox99:

                Imagine making up laws and etiquette in your head and expecting other people to adhere to it

                Just because something is lawful, doesn’t mean it is the safest option.

                It’s called common sense.
                But it is clear you don't know what that is…

                • @El cheepo: Just because you wish something is true, doesn’t mean it is. There is nothing unsafe about driving in the right lane.

                  If you think there is perhaps you should hand your licence in and catch a bus. You just sit there and stare out the window. Something a little more within your capability.

                  My only regret is I can’t collect all your tears for my washer fluid to spray you with as you angrily gesticulate behind me.

                  • +2

                    @lunchbox99: Where did i say i tail gate people or condone it?

                    I drive more kilometres in a year or two than you probably will have in your life.

                    If you think obeying the rules down to the letter of the law will keep you safe, good luck.

                    Sure, while everyone is playing by the rules you will be fine.
                    But one day, you will piss the wrong person off and get the joy of being “right” but dead or injured.

                    You are in a sheltered world if you think there is no danger to ignoring the potentially drug affected/psychotic people behind you.

                    There are more of them than you think on our roads…

                    • -2

                      @El cheepo: I absolutely love when people on the internet make baseless assumptions about random people they don’t know. It shows a commitment to logical thought.

                      If people start killing people on the road because they (gasp) drove in the right lane in a 60 zone, then that person is mentally unstable and should be in prison. It’s frankly weird that you are apparently supportive of these people.

                      And stop crying, my washer fluid reservoir is overflowing from this thread.

                      • +2


                        I absolutely love when people on the internet make baseless assumptions about random people they don’t know.

                        What is the baseless assumption?
                        I am 99.99% sure you don’t drive 150xxx-250xxx per year otherwise you would understand how dangerous people on the road could be.

                        It shows a commitment to logical thought.


                        If people start killing people on the road because they (gasp) drove in the right lane in a 60 zone, then that person is mentally unstable and should be in prison.

                        Ah yes, the point seems to have alluded you again.
                        But it is not surprising. How can someone with no common sense see beyond their own perspective 😂

                        Im not saying you will be murdered for it, im saying if someone is up you butt flashing their lights and gesticulating - the wise course of action is to get out of their way. You don’t know what is going on in their heads or what they are capable of.
                        I have personally seen several serious road rage incidents in situations that could have been avoided.

                        It’s frankly weird that you are apparently supportive of these people.

                        Again, i am not supporting them. I am supporting self preservation.

                        • -4

                          @El cheepo: well now your making up scenarios. Should I also get out of the way if they are hanging out the windows firing shotguns at my car? Should I get out of the way if they are driving the war rig from mad max fury road and closing fast?

                          We are talking about normal driving and an imaginary obligation to not drive in the right lane when legally allowed to. I drive every day in peak hour in a metro area and I see zero evidence that people don't drive in the right lane when legally allowed to. I'm not sure where the hell you people drive but it must be a magical place devoid of traffic but full of dual lane roads.

                          You should make a sign saying "stop driving in the right lane" and go stand beside any major dual lane road in a metro area to educate people. lfmao.

                          • +1

                            @lunchbox99: You are the one bragging about how much joy it gives you to annoy road ragers.

                            I am simply warning you to be careful.

                            As i said, i have personally witnessed several avoidable road rage incidents escalate to violence and or property damage.

                            But your head is so far up your own a.. in the sand you can’t see any viewpoint other than your own.

                            After reading your views and replies though, i am now semi convinced that you may in fact be one of those unstable motorists just waiting to snap 😂

                            • -1

                              @El cheepo: I'm obeying the road rules and traffic laws. You're the one getting upset about it.

                              I think you're projecting. You are trying to justify why you road rage against people obeying the law. Get over yourself.

                        • -1

                          @El cheepo: It's a baseless assumption because you have no idea how much I drive. Maybe I say I drive double what you drive. See how easy it is to make baseless claims about people you don't know.

                          • @lunchbox99: Do you drive 150xxx-250xxxkms a year?

                            I do.

                            That is not a normal amount.

                            The average person does 10xxx-20xxxkm per year

                            Now explain to me how it is baseless?
                            Its called an educated guess.

                            • -2

                              @El cheepo: It's baseless because you don't know me. Maybe I hold the record for the most kms driven in a year. You literally have no idea. That makes it baseless.

                              See to me 150xxx-250xxxkms is embarrassingly low. I easily do 5 times that cause I'm also into making baseless claims.

                              • +1

                                @lunchbox99: If you drove more, then you wouldn’t be as naive as you are.

                                Your arguments are embarrassing.

                                The only thing your into is making a fool
                                of yourself.

                      • @lunchbox99:

                        If people start killing people on the road because they (gasp) drove in the right lane in a 60 zone,

                        The side effect of this happening decades ago in LA was that all of a sudden practically all the (profanity) drivers that the city is famous for became incredibly polite and gave way.

                • @El cheepo: Just because something is lawful, doesn’t mean it is the safest option.
                  So who's fault is that ? Certainly not your fellow road user !

                  • @Murkymerv: What is the question or reference in relation to?

                    My statement means - just because you are legally able to do something, doesn’t mean you should.

                    Lunchbox is just a typical arrogant road used that has never seen or experienced what an unpredictable loony is capable of and his day may or may not come where he FAFO.

                    • @El cheepo: Your obviously not from 3064 , if you were , you'd think differently.

                  • -1

                    @Murkymerv: its truly disturbing how many people claim to be unable to maintain safety if driving in a right lane. Go surrender your licence if this is too much for you.

          • @lunchbox99: Its not just a dick movd, if there is noone in the left lane and you arent turning right soon, youre in a position where your blindspot is increased. Having cars pass on your right is better becasue they are easier to see.

            • -7

              @Euphemistic: Lfmao. Hand back your licence.

              It’s genuinely amusing seeing all of you cry about people not following your imaginary laws. It warms my heart

              • +2

                @lunchbox99: People who stay in the lane 'because screw you' are the ones who obviously struggle to change lanes and should be handing in their licence. The ones that change lanes immediately they enter a new road and then turn right in 4 blocks.

                • @Euphemistic: It’s not because screw you. It’s because it’s the law. You are explicitly allowed to drive in the right lane.

                  Your imaginary set of rules simply don’t exist anywhere except in your head.

                  • @lunchbox99: "You are explicitly allowed to drive in the right lane"
                    To an extent that is correct, but also in Victoria:

                    When driving on any multi-lane road with a speed limit over 80km/h, you must keep out of the right lane unless either:

                    you are overtaking or turning right
                    all lanes are congested.
                    • +2

                      @Ocker: Yes that was my first comment that now has multiple downvotes. It is literally the road rule adopted by all states.

                      To clarify, I'm not talking about driving in the right lane at any time. I said unless those conditions apply you are allowed to drive in the right lane eg in a 40-80 zone without a keep left unless overtaking sign.

        • -1

          And who said anything about sitting under the speed limit. You just added that for dramatic effect.

          • +1


            laughing at your angry entitled face

            That says it all. If its a 60 zone, and someone is getting angry at you for being in the right lane theres two people who need to take a chill pill.

            Change lanes, its not hard.

            • -1

              @Euphemistic: Nope. Inventing your own rules and expecting others to follow them is a sign of mental illness.

              Hey I've just made up my own road rule that if we are on a single lane road and I want to get past you are obligated to pull over. if you don't follow this rule I just made up, you're being a dick. The police and courts won't enforce my rule, but nevertheless I fully expect everyone else to follow it. You see how crazy that sounds?

              I will follow the law. If you don’t like it, too bad.

              • @lunchbox99: Never said staying in the right is illegal. Its not illegal (under 80). Having people overtake on the left is less safe due to blindspots. Changing lanes isnt hard. Drive in the right if you want, just dont be a douche. Theres enough agro on the roads already.

                • @Euphemistic: Not "under 80". it's under 90. You can drive in the right lane in an 80 zone unless signed otherwise.

      • +6

        Dunno why so many downvotes. I’m with you.

        If some idiot wants to do 70 or 80 in a 60 zone (and I’m doing 60 in the right lane) they can overtake me on the left. It’s probably more that I’m happy to inconvenience those who are speeding.

        Often the right lane has better road conditions too, especially in the inner city.

        • What gets me is this argument is demonstrably not even true.

          I have no idea where these people claim to be driving but you can go to a dual lane 60/70/80 kph zone anywhere in the country and cars are not only driving in the right lane, but cars are CONSTANTLY in the right lane. Traffic would be impossible if they weren't - that's why the road is 2 lanes each way.

          I mean any of these downvoters could literally go to their nearest 2 lane road right now and prove this to be the case.

          Honestly most of these people are road rage drama queens. They are simply justifying why they get so upset when people are obeying the road rules. People are not obligated to adhere to their bizarre internalised imaginary rules.

          • +3

            @lunchbox99: At least half the downvotes would be for yiur attitude. Yes, you are correct, its not illegal. But your attitude of finding joy in angry drivers just sucks.

            • -2

              @Euphemistic: Oh yeah I love it alright. I love minding my own business obeying road rules. It’s truly subversive.

      • You forgot the part about built up traffic also allowing sitting in the right lane. Ignore the neggers mate, they probably failed their Ls test multiple times

  • +23

    When it comes to stupidity on the roads, the best thing to do is put distance between you and stupid.

    You will forget all about it in 5 mins,

    • +3

      Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.

    • The roads would be empty.

  • -2

    An educated guess tells me the SUV did something wrong before OP came along.

  • +4

    Thats just plain stupid.
    What did you have to gain from it other than unnecessary anger and stress?

    You might have been NTAH while watching that scene unfold, but you became just another AH when you started doing it to the road rager.

  • +14

    You are even more stupid than the tailgater.

  • +2

    If you tailgate a tailgater, the number of tailgaters in the world still remain the same

  • I'm not a fan of tailgaters, I hate them especially when you are driving at the speed limit.

    I hate it when you're going 20km above the speed limit and it's STILL not fast enough for them!

  • +2

    I have to check my browser url that this is not reddit

  • +2

    If someone is tailgating you, the best thing to do is move over.

    Nothing good will ever come out of slowing down or brake checking.

    • What if you're already in the left lane doing the speed limit and the right lane is free?

      • -1

        Handbrake 180,exit vehicle drop and roll.Dust of clothes.Bow. Drop mike, and swagger off like a downtown pimp?

  • +2

    What if the Honda Civic driver was doing it to the SUV because the SUV driver was a tailgater and they were just trying to get them back? You just tailgated an innocent person for no reason. 🤔

  • +4

    Youre not a cop. All you did was massively increase the chance of a crash.

    Let it go. Theres too mang idiots on the roads to get worked up about it.

  • +1

    Where do p[eople get this idiot idea that you can only pass on the right! Gees! It just creates this sort of aggro.

    Yes, you should move over to the left if its reasonably practicable, and are required to when the speed limit is more than 80. But if the person ahead of you can do it to get out of your way, you can move over to the left to pass them. The safest practice is NOT for you to get out of my way if I want to drive faster, it is you stay where you are and I'll take the action required to get around you. That's the way it is in racing, and its the same on the road.

    • +2

      Can't you read the room of expert wisdom?

      "There are 2 lanes, and they're both mine"

  • +4

    So much could have gone wrong (for you) for whatever little gain you hoped to achieve.

  • +2

    Yes. You're creating a more dangerous situation for everyone - Road rage, increased risk of collision, interrupting the flow of traffic, etc.

    Civic driver is a (profanity) - you could report them to the police assistance line if you feel strongly enough about their bad driving. And, maybe to the EPA if their car is loud.

  • +1

    The Civic driver wouldn't see that you are tailgating them because they do not check their mirrors.

    Best thing to do would be to box them in evil laugh

  • +5

    OP is a dick. Think getting involved in someone else’s road rage by stirring up the offender makes things right?

  • +2

    What you did was dangerous, illegal and an act of violence - "road rage." If you are into justice, of the non vigilante kind, dashcam the incident and send it to the cops.

  • +2

    You're not the hero you think you are.

    People like that are super annoying, and they are dangerous, but it is best to just get out of their way.

    There's also another scenario you haven't considered, and people often forget. What if they are in an emergency situation? Not everyone is driving to their mums for tea.

    I say that because I have been in that situation. I had a medical emergency that required me to drive a family member to the hospital and I got caught behind someone in a single lane road who didn't move when the lights turned green, then when I beeped them they actually slammed their brakes on and sat there. I had to go on the wrong side of the road to overtake them.

    Just something to consider.

    • What was the emergency? Why no ambulance?
      Also how would other road users know someone is an emergency situation in another car?
      (even hazard lights on are no free ride)

  • +2

    If you are tailgating a tailgator, you become a tailgator. Then another creature sees you tailgating and decides to do the same (for them you are the jerk) and tailgate you… Suddenly we can see a line of 100 tailgators…

    Seriously though, those psycho drivers are dangerous… He should be stopped by police and have the licence removed, but you have nothing to do with that. Just stay away…

  • -1

    OI… to all off the mark…. shush up unless answering the OP' question with Facts please.

    This is a Question on the OP's driving towards another driver. Not about beaten to death Road Rule exposé.

    Stick to the bloody question please, the Law/Road Rule is what it is, and it is in Black n White, no need for a discussion or in the case of many here an argument whose got a bigger dick. Read it, learn it, follow it - simple.

    Q. "Tailgating a tailgator - does this make me an as hole, or does two wrongs make a right?"

    You are also in the wrong, and although not an AH, but a bloody Idiot. I say that to every Rule breaker, so it is not just you.

    Anyone driving less the to the exact Road Rules and with courtesy and manners is a bloody idiot.

    Every minute of every drive.
    Back Off, and maybe..hopefully everybody goes home each day especially this close to Xmas.

    Ask yourselves this…. and then continue sticking your dumb ass chests out…
    Have you ever lost a loved one on the Roads??? I HAVE!!! Many of us here have, but some of you….. one day….ok.

    I hope you never do, but when it does happen, you will understand how much difference breaking a "small" Road Rule makes. You will learn that being 10 minutes late is a wonderful option. You will learn, that manners and courtesy regardless what or where you drive to do everything to AVOID a road incident is your only priority. You are not a perfect driver….ok.

    Now, safe driving to all, and to all a Merry Xmas (unless you do Happy holidays instead).

    Bring on the small minded Negs.

  • +2

    Yes. Thankfully you didn't end up a statistic.

  • +1

    How can I vote for you in the next election?

  • You gave him a taste of his own medicine.

  • +2

    Tailgating a tailgator - does this make me an as hole, or does two wrongs make a right?

    SUV driver is an (profanity) for not getting out of the right lane, which is for overtaking / passing. Increasingly typical behaviour for SUV drivers who believe they are above the law because they drive a big car.

    Civic driver is an (profanity) for tailgating, seems that the SUV already got the message and was going to move out of the way.

    You're the biggest (profanity) for getting involved in something that doesn't concern you and putting yourself and other drivers in danger for no reason other than for you to feel more like a man.

    I always get a kick out of how being inside a car brings out people's "true colours", almost as if they have no shame and a heightened sense of invulnerability. If you weren't in a car and you saw two people punching each other on the footpath, would you come along and start throwing punches as well?

  • +1

    I think it's funny you did that, it's something I've contemplated myself. But it is stupid and wrong.

    PS. I do appreciate your work.

  • -1

    Majority of accidents i have witnessed has been more because of people trying to get around slow drivers or drivers who dont know how to drive more so than aggressive or speeding drivers.

    • -1

      Amazing. You should publish your findings

      • Ahh the low IQ sarcastic comments due to low self esteem, seems to be a growing faze.

    • If those drivers causing accidents because they were trying to get past slow drivers had been less agressive or didnt feel the need to speed up and pass maybe there wouldnt be as many problems

  • Funny but you're lucky nothing came of it. Lots of wackos out there

  • moronic act, risking peoples lives to make a point. you would make a better point by sending dashcam footage to police of their actions rather than risking peoples lives.

  • Play silly games , win…

  • I do hate those side lights on the civics

  • Tailgating makes you feel badass and invokes a sense of superiority.

    It effectively turns you into Iron Man

  • If they had to brake suddenly and you ran into the back of them, you're 100% at fault. What you did was just plain stupid. Tailgating an already reckless driver is just throwing fuel on the fire.

    Their driving is not your concern, worry about your own driving and stop contributing to making the roads more dangerous. What about traffic coming the other way? What about other cars around you while you played your little game? What would have you told a cop if you were pulled over for reckless driving?

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