Good Supplements for Hair Growth?

Hello, I am looking for good supplements that actually help with hair growth. I already heard about Priorin, so maybe some of you already tried it? It would be very helpful if you have some experiences to share as well.


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    Diatomaceaous Earth (if I spelled it right), cheap as chips and safe as. About 1 teaspoon per day in a glass of water, don't breath it in and make sure to get food grade. Will also make your nails grow. IANAD, DYOR. (Also pretty good for upset tummies/food poisoning or indigestion. :) )

    We use this one:…

    • +2

      Diatomaceaous Earth (if I spelled it right), cheap as chips and safe as. About 1 teaspoon per day in a glass of water, don't breath it in and make sure to get food grade. Will also make your nails grow. IANAD, DYOR. (Also pretty good for upset tummies/food poisoning or indigestion. :) )

      We use this one:…

      Just another useless fad additive.…

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        Mate I'm not interested in propaganda, I have used the stuff for years and am reporting my own personal experiences with it. If the family is also taking it they report the same results.

    • The times I've been using Silicea, I've definitely noticed quick nail growth, but not hair growth.…

    • If this really worked it would be packaged up by pharmaceutical companies as a means of doing just that. I mean it: hair loss is already a billion dollar industry and any opportunity to tap into that will be exploited wherever possible.

      The only claims are from sites trying to sell you products in those papery snap seal coffee bags with 'earthy' or 'natural' themed branding.

      DE is used to treat insect infestations, like bed bugs and mites. It gets in their joints and pores, drying them up.

      • Yes it has multiple uses, hence 'don't inhale it', otherwise it's perfectly safe. Your claims about pharmaceutical companies have zero credibility at this point in time, if they can't patent it and sell it at 10 times the price then they will ignore or discredit it. Too many examples of this to count. Either way, if the OP wants to gamble a whole 12 bux to do the experiment then fine, if not, then also fine.

        • " Your claims about pharmaceutical companies have zero credibility at this point in time, if they can't patent it and sell it at 10 times the price then they will ignore or discredit it."

          This is borderline cooker-levels of conspiracy theory.

          Toothpaste, shampoo, soap - or literally any of the thousands of chemical compounds listed as off-patent drugs that are successfully marketed - demonstrate that this is simply not true.

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    You need to rub dog poo in your hair every day before you go to work. And leave it in there all day.

    • Can confirm this works very well. Act as a very effective repellent as well.

    • You need to rub dog poo in your hair

      But what if they don't have any hair?

      • They can just arrange the dog poo in a circle on top of their head, like a crown or halo.

  • Caffeine, on the scalp.

  • Huberman has a podcast episode about this. You might want to listen. Some drugs you need to stay on it.

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    Hair growth as in re-growth from when there was no hair, or you mean you want something to make it grow… faster?

    If the former I’m thinking hair implant might be the go- been following this guys journey - he’s the ‘and you can’t change my mind guy’

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    save your money. jeff bezos, one of the world's richest men, is bald. don't you think he tried everything that money can buy?

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    Just grow it on your face instead.

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    Palmolive Gold soap bars is all you need. I’ve been using them all over my body for years and have incredible body hair, particularly on my back and butt

  • Australia also has hard water in a lot of places. Install a water filter and softener to your shower or entire house.

    • Wow, did not know that hard water causes hair loss! It does make sense though, since moving into the current house my hair has gotten thinner and thinner.

  • Vital Proteins Marine collagen powder, they sell it on Chemist warehouse, it's really good. Stopped hair loss within a month and after 3 months new hair started growing.

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