Hello everyone, I live in a little two bedroom apartment and am looking for a router to replace the one that came with the internet my less tech savvy house mate ordered. It is very buggy and drops out and the 2.4ghz spectrum literally doesn't work. Feels like a time sink, so I'm choosing to move on.
Current situation:
- VX220-G2v v2.
- 100mbps NBN with Exetel.
- On HFC - (the old cable network I believe?)
- Recommendations for the value option that gets the job done. I believe only a router is needed.
- Open to Wi-Fi 6 options. Though connection speed doesn't require.
- Up to $100 second hand.
- I love the idea of hacking a Telstra box. Yet, if this is Cat 5 straight into the router then maybe if I got a Gen 2 it doesn't even need to be ROOTed?
Thanks for the read and consideration.
Telstra smart modem 3, if you want wifi-6 .
No hacking needed, just use normally. If it is like the older ones, the VoIP ports are locked, but who uses them?