• expired

[Android] How Much Can I Spend? Premium (Was $4.99) - $0 @ Google Play Store


Alexander Y. Ivanov(play.google.com)'s "Expense tracker" app How much can I spend? Premium has been temporarily discounted from A$4.99 to $0.00 on the Google Play Store. This discount promotion's exact end date/time is unknown, but typically these may last only a few days.

App Description

This is the premium edition of the app. In terms of functionality, it is completely identical to the full version, purchased through in-app purchases in the free version of the application. Therefore, if you have already bought the full version, there is no need in switching to premium, the differences will be only in the color of the application icon :)

Purpose the app

This app does not require you to input your expenses in the appropriate category. This application does not answer the question “what money was spent on.” The purpose of the application is to tell you how much you can spend within the current budget.

This application will help you if

  • you don't have enough money until the next salary
  • you want to know if you can afford this or that purchase, аnd how will it affect the family budget
  • you wish to save money for certain purposes

How it works

Robert Kiyosaki rightly noted that expenses tend to increase with salary increases. Therefore, it is important to take control of the cash flow.

The application is very simple. You specify how much money you have and when the next salary day comes, the application divides the amount of money by the number of days before salary, as a result you get the daily spending limit for the current moment.

With a decrease in the balance the limit also decreases, the next day it is recalculated again as your salary day comes closer. Once a day (or more often) adjust your balance and analyze the result. When your limit falls for several days in a row you have reached a critical point: you live beyond your means.

Part of the money can be specified as "Savings" - they will be counted separately and will not affect the calculation of the daily spending limit.

Application Features

  • One conventional currency is used. If you want to take into account funds placed in another currency, you will have to independently convert them into the main currency of the application
  • Cash amounts are rounded to whole numbers: fractional parts do not matter for the main purpose of the application and only make it difficult to read the financial picture
  • The application intentionally does not read your SMS and does not spy on you in any other way. Only those funds that you yourself declare are taken into account
  • Ads-free

Money Back Guarantee: I will refund you the money paid for the premium version of the application if the application disappoints you.

Contact the developer at kalugaman@gmail.com. I will be happy to answer your questions and consider your suggestions.

Related Stores

Google Play
Google Play
Alexander Y. Ivanov
Alexander Y. Ivanov

closed Comments

  • +26

    Don't need an app to tell me "$0"

    • +1

      $0 is my goal as I am -$100,000 in debt.

      • Geez. I hope that's mostly HECS. Or the rest of a mortgage

        • +7

          Just bought my Porsche 911 last week.

          • +3

            @YasimKudomi Pape: Wait until you service it.

            • @Galvatron: Cars require regular servicing to stay in top condition. Luxury sports cars come with maintenance costs that align with their premium nature, so it's not unexpected. Ultimately, the perception of "expensive" depends on an individual's level of affordability IMO.

          • @YasimKudomi Pape: Should of bought a camry instead.

            • +3

              @Pandaboss: The Toyota Camry is renowned as one of the most reliable cars on the market. I don't think many people will disagree. The Porsche 911, however, doesn’t fall into this category. For those who own one, reliability isn’t the primary concern. It’s the exceptional performance and the bold sense of owning a luxury car that truly sets it apart.

  • +14

    Read the Data Safety section that says it collects "Financial Info: Other Financial Info". Nice. You're the product!

    • +1

      Also your location. Very sus.

      • Can’t you just deny location access?

        • you can deny.. but its possible to guess location based on IP

    • +6

      I’m not sure how a budget app works without any financial info from you

  • Budget, can I spend money on this?…..

  • I'm not sure it's much better but there other free apps like Frollo, Ubank, Money Manager Expense & Budget and PocketSmith (which i haven't used but have heard good tings about - it may be a paid option though) and i'm sure many more. Many allow you to connect to your financial institutions and work very well. In Frollo for example, if you can spend the time fixing up the uncategorised transactions, you can get very accurate results.

    • Nothing worse than uncategorised and wrongly categorised transactions…

    • Frollo's data integration is good, but the app is limited, there's no desktop version, and they don't provide an easy way to export the data (which I would otherwise like to get). I use Actual Budget, which is very flexible, and kludged together something to extract the same CDR data as Frollo via ACSISS MyData.

  • thanks! downloaded! i use Goodbudget: Budget & Finance to keep track of expenses. Its very similar to YNAB but its using the concept of envelopes to store money

  • +3

    How it works
    The application is very simple. You specify how much money you have and when the next salary day comes, the application divides the amount of money by the number of days before salary, as a result you get the daily spending limit for the current moment.

    So basically, you can calculate this yourself in your head or use a calculator
    Daily spend limit = Money you have / days until next pay

    Why would I need such app?

    • +1

      In case you're not sure how to use a calculator or your head.

  • Nice, that was the exact amount of money I suspected I would be able to spend, now I can confirm

  • +3

    Would this override what my wife would say?

    • do you still give her money? tell her how to make her own

    • +1

      How much can I spend.
      Dev knows better than to make an app called "How much can she spend"

  • so befoer this deal, i would ve needed to spend money to know if i could spend money….

    • that's the beauty of it. the best way to earn easy moneys is to write a book on how to make easy moneys.. instant profit

  • +2

    The limit is 3 wallets. No backup / restores. You'd have to pay for those. Three are 3 prices for the full version, doesn't say what the difference is.
    Pretty simple app, most people can do in excel.

  • Up Bank can track upcoming bills and calculate how much money is left after those upcoming bills before your next salary. It would be nice if Up could also track other external accounts.

  • Seriously i would be really concerned if an app is needed to tell you how much you can spend.

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