Celebrating the announcement of the sequel, Okami HD is now at an all time low on the eShop. Credit to DekuDeals for the notification!
Steam Link — ends 20 December 2024 Still on sale, unsure when it's going to end.
Xbox Link — ends 2 January 2025
PS Link - Ends 7 January 2025, however note that you need a PS Plus Subscription to get this price EDIT: discount for everyone now, not just PS plus subscribers.
A legendary masterpiece returns
Experience this acclaimed masterpiece with its renowned Sumi-e ink art style in breath-taking high resolution.Take the role of Amaterasu, the Japanese sun goddess who inhabits the form of a legendary white wolf Shiranui. Use magical abilities, attacks and Celestial Brush techniques to restore the land of Nippon to its previous glory full of life and colour.
Not only can you play in both widescreen and and the original 4:3 aspect ratio, you can now use the Joy-Con™ (in TV mode/tabletop mode) or touch screen (in portable mode) for intuitive, direct Celestial Brush controls.
Found this game highly overrated.. Couldn't finish it…