This was posted 3 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion+ or Gel 125ml Buy 1 Get 1 Free: 2 for $52 Delivered @ Clinique (Account Req)

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Clinique currently has a buy 1 get 1 free deal for the 125ml Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion+ or Gel. This also includes free delivery. Use the code to get 20% off.

(To use the 20% off code, you need to register a new account and join the reward program)

The same deal last year was very popular, but price has increased to $52 for 2, still a very good price.

Dramatically Different Mosturizing Lotion+ (For Dry or Dry Combination Skin)

Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel (For Oily, Combination Oily Skin)

Cashrewards also have 12% cashback, not sure if it will be paid but worth a shot. My transaction was tracked for $7.80.

Credit to cowboydev, when you register the account, select this month as your birthday month then you can add another 50ml lotion to the cart for free.

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closed Comments

  • code did not work?

    • +2

      oh you need to register a new free reward account to use it

      • +1

        Thanks. That worked. Ordered for wifey as seems to be very happy with this product.

  • Thanks for sharing

  • if I were to buy this for the missus, would it be dangerous to assume either one would suit?

    • +4

      You should choose the one that suit her skin type, the lotion is for dry skin and the gel is for oily skin.

    • +2

      Yes it would be highly dangerous

      • Ah you have met my missus?! lol

    • Get the lotion.

  • +2

    check out natio - good products great price

  • -2

    I got this in the last deal. Didn’t like it.

  • Thanks op!

  • Its showing up as $65 for me and saying the code doesn't work? Is there anything else i need to do?

    • You need to register a new account to use the code

      • +1

        This is the error it gives me after i've created an account and enter the code:
        "You did not meet the criteria for offer code yourebackvip."

        • I think you also need to join the reward program, have you tried that

          • @ozvictor: Yeah I signed up for the rewards too. No worries mate, thanks for your help anyways!

            • @cusburger: I also could not get this to work yesterday, but tried again this morning and it worked. Added the YOUREBACKVIP code first and was then able to scroll through the redeem options to add the birthday gift. Could be worth trying again.

  • Is this for women only or can be used for men?

    • +7

      You might get cuter

    • +6

      Definitely for men as well

      • +2

        Only on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    • +3

      Yes for men. I use them.

    • +4

      No this absolutely cannot be used if you are a man. If any of this gets on your skin it'll be sayonara and instant liquification à la the Wicked Witch of the West.

    • Is this for women only or can be used for men?

      Probably not because it hasn’t been tested on men - see below. It’s clearly not part of the men’s care range for whatever reason.

      *Clinical testing on 21 women.

      Not a large sample size is it…

    • +1

      I have been using this for the past 15 years and at the age of 46, my skin still looks 35

      • +1

        You might want to get that checked out by a doctor, I don't think your skin should look like a number.

        • +1

          Already done that. He said it is fine and it should change to 36 next year

    • -1

      Men - life was designed to be easier for you, try it for texture though my man likes qv/cetaphil/cerave (dr approves) then loading up on serums/actives instead. To me this moisturizer is about the nice smell/texture

  • Great deal cheers OP

  • Thanks OP

  • Perfect deal if you have ANZ Plus and haven't redeem this deal yet.

    • Do you think using the code will invalidate the cashback though?

      • Can’t be bothered to register another account so I didn’t use the code eventually. Looks like the code isn’t promoted on cashreward website. I Don’t wanna risk the ANZ Plus cashback.

  • +12

    When you register the account, select this month as yoir birthday month then you can add another 50ml lotion to the cart.

    • +1

      I did that but mine doesn’t come up during checkout. Did yours come automatically?
      Edit : just got it thanks !!

      • Set bday month to Dec on account creation but not seeing anything about bday gift. How did you get this to work?

        • Click on redeem birthday gift in the cart

          • +1

            @Rosace: Gotta sign up to the rewards program for bday gift to appear. Got it working now, cheers.

    • Do you know where/how to add birthday momth on for existing accounts?

      • Don't think the code for this deal works for existing accounts

        • The OPs code does work for existing accounts

          • +1

            @strawberrybug: Didn't work with my existing account. It seems to follow some other criterion.

    • This sealed the deal for me

      Bought the gel

  • 125ml

    It's a one go for me.

  • Step 3 in our customised 3-Step Skin Care System.

    What’s Step 1 and 2?

    • +3

      Step 1: your money
      Step 2: your time

    • Cleanse - use qv/cetaphil/cereve is fine
      Tone - micellar water is nice

      Step 4 - Sunscreen!

      • You must have beautiful skin

  • Can confirm the 20% off code works for existing accounts

    • +1

      Can confirm the 20% off code doesn't work for existing accounts

      • Bad luck, or good luck for my 1 existing ac that worked.

  • I can’t make it work

  • Thanks OP.

  • +1

    Two 125ml moisturisers plus the bonus birthday gift 50ml one for $52, plus the 12% Cashback tracked as well. Great deal!

    • +1

      Just be careful. A tracked purchase is not the same as an approved purchase on cash back sites. It will most likely become declined due to the use of a code.

      • Yeah, all good. We'll see how it goes. Good deal regardless, I think.

  • +2

    thats a no from me dawg. I'm here for a bargain. paying 1200% more for a $2 worth of lotion ain't it chief

    • Your very brave, now just wait for all the comments 🤣

      • -2

        No seriously what does this do differently that shea/cocoa butter/coconut oil can't? At least the latter is natural and also waaaaay cheaper than this crap and is actually good for the skin with scientific studies to back it up. What am I missing?

        • +1

          Honestly idk what all the fuss is about their clinical study was perfomed on 21 women lol.

        • -1

          I hear bacon oil is better for your skin. Its weird because everyone has the same preference, same skin type etc.

          • @Ughhh: Right so the answer is to pay for some shitty chemicals purchased at hyperinflated prices with a sample size of 21 vs a good proportion of at least 2 whole continents, making up over 70% of all humans today that can vouch for shea/cocoa butter/coconut oil… thant makes absolute sense

            • -2

              @bigpoppa: Thats what you got from the comment….? Take the time to re-read.

              • @Ughhh: my bad I thought the second sentence was sarcasm

                • -1

                  @bigpoppa: …it is. I'm not sure if you still get it.

                  FYI, there are other moisturisers thats cheaper and more expensive than this product. Many don't like shea/cocoa butter/coconut oil because of the texture. Natural isnt always better.

                  • -2

                    @Ughhh: just so you know 1. they make moisturisers with those ingredients I mentioned and sell for way way way less than $200/L, 2. texture is only an issue if you use it raw and nothing forcing you to use it raw, 3. you can literally emulsify with other ingredients to get the desired texture and grease level, 4. Natural is always better when it costs less than a bunch of cheap crappy chemicals tested on all of 21 people and sold at $200/L which purportedly meant to half price, when natural is used by a good chunk of all humans and has clinical studies (plural) backing the benifits…

                    I know for sure you don't get it what I get it

                    Edit - from their site: KEY INGREDIENTS: Pure urea. you can't make this shit up. Half price on $400/L of piss.

                    • @bigpoppa: Thats like saying all cakes are the same because they use the same ingredients. One can have issues with the texture raw or not…, as I said before, everyone has personal preferences and it may or may not be compatible with other products used. You admitted to be being confused at why people would by this, but when given an explanation, you're arguing. lol.

                      You're recommending natural, but also suggesting to emulsify with other ingredients like?

                      Natural isn't always better. Natural stuff often have impurities. Cyanide is natural, most toxic stuff are natural.

                      chemicals tested on all of 21 people

                      This product has been around for decades. Do you think the individual ingredients has only been tested 21 people? And only by Clinque. lol
                      Is it your understanding that urea is piss, and thats where/how you make urea?

                      • -1

                        @Ughhh: I can't tell if this is a feeble attempt at a strawman or just inaptitude on your part… probably both…

                        You admitted to be being confused at why people would by this, but when given an explanation, you're arguing. lol.

                        yeah nah my guy none of what you said explains why one would pay $400/L for piss and be excited to get it half priced when you can get identical product for 1/20th the price and there are natural alternatives that actually work that are also a fraction of this literal pot of refined piss

                        You're recommending natural, but also suggesting to emulsify with other ingredients like?

                        … you might want to google what emulsification means

                        Natural isn't always better. Natural stuff often have impurities. Cyanide is natural, most toxic stuff are natural.

                        goes to my point before… strawman? inaptitude? I reckon it's a healthy dose of both

                        Is it your understanding that urea is piss, and thats where/how you make urea?

                        say no to end stage capitalism. oh and also sue your school for failing you so miserably

                        • -2

                          @bigpoppa: It's a lot of rich talk coming from someone who is having trouble understanding and accepting that people have different preferences and skin type and failed chem.

                          • -1

                            @Ughhh: alright genius, tell me, apart from water, what is the biggest component in urine? hint it's in the name Albsac Newtstein… it's bc of geniuses like you is why corporations price gouge. say no to being a late stage capitalism apologist

                            • -2

                              @bigpoppa: Gee, having urea in urine means anything with urea in it is piss…. How can I argue against this logic.

                              Oh look, doctors recommending putting 'piss' on their skin!!

                              On top of that, urine is natural, you being a "natural is always better" I'm surprised you're against piss, you could use it as a toner. Lol

                              • -2

                                @Ughhh: first it was simple chem now it's comprehension, the school system really has failed you… Nowhere did I say you shouldn't use urea. saying paying $400/L for concentrated piss is stupid is not the same as urea is bad or don't use urea… say no to late stage capitalism… you're not a capitalist… you're just a disposable rag to a capitalist…

                                • -1


                                  Edit - from their site: KEY INGREDIENTS: Pure urea. you can't make this shit up. Half price on $400/L of piss.

                                  lmao, you're still going on about 'concentrated piss'. Please go ahead and piss straight into your coconut oil, or I'll sell you some for $1. Make sure your refund goes as far back as kindy.

                                  Thanks for the laughs. Heat wave coming up, let us know if your skin goes crispy.

                                  Btw, I didnt buy this cream. But you have just insulted everyone in this thread who bought, simply because you don't understand people. Well done.

                                  • -1

                                    @Ughhh: hey look it's hard to communicate to a late stage capitalist apologist and a FAFO enthusiast. good luck with your $400/L concentrated piss

                                    • -2


                                      good luck with your $400/L concentrated piss

                                      lmao, I just said in the previous comment I didnt buy it. Reading is not your strong point evidently, nor is empathy. Awkward!

                                      • -1

                                        @Ughhh: you sure are aspirational to give your money to that $400/L pot of concentrated piss

                                        • -2

                                          @bigpoppa: When you're so angry and triggered you can't even read anything and you keep just yelling the same stuff. Must be due to the lack of clouds outside.

                                          Wish I had popcorn :(

                                          • -1


                                            When you're so angry and triggered you can't even read anything and you keep just yelling the same stuff. Must be due to the lack of clouds outside.

                                            finally some introspection. proud of you. you making progress

                                            • -2

                                              @bigpoppa: I accept your apology. Glad you've matured.

                                              • -1

                                                @Ughhh: you can still do adult english classes to improve your comprehension, assuming you're not 12 that is.

                                                • -1

                                                  @bigpoppa: Mate, calm down.

                                                  Me: I didn't buy the product.

                                                  You: good luck with your $400/L concentrated piss

                                                  Me: I didn't buy the product.

                                                  You: you sure are aspirational to give your money to that $400/L pot of concentrated piss

                                                  Who needs English lessons?
                                                  You're digging self a deeper whole. I'm getting second hand embarrassment.

                                                  • @Ughhh:

                                                    I'm getting second hand embarrassment.

                                                    Second hand means someone else is being embarrassing. You're looking for your own embarrassment because you're entirely missing the point I'm making about this $400/L pot of piss.

                                                    Your unequivocal defence of this broad daylight, mid-CBD, peak-hour robbery that this pot of piss is tells me if you didn't buy it you couldn't buy it

                                                    • -1


                                                      Second hand means someone else is being embarrassing

                                                      Do you not feel embarrassed at the summary of the below convo:

                                                      Me: I didn't buy the product.

                                                      You: good luck with your $400/L concentrated piss

                                                      Me: I didn't buy the product.

                                                      You: you sure are aspirational to give your money to that $400/L pot of concentrated piss

                                                      Am I talking to a broken bot? Not sure why you're wishing me good luck on a product that I didn't buy. And how can I give my money to clinique when I didn't purchase 🤔

                                                      You must be trolling. One can't be that thick. Good fun.

                                                      • @Ughhh: I mean if you are incapable of reading I don't blame you for not understanding a word I said.

                                • @bigpoppa: In skincare, urea is often used in body cleansers and moisturizers for its unique combination of moisturizing and exfoliating benefits. At higher concentrations, this ingredient is a keratolytic agent, meaning it can help reduce dead skin buildup on your skin's surface

                                  • @easternculture: Urea is great. I don't have problems with urea. but I won't pay $400/L for it. and if you read my comments you clearly see that there is nothing on my part saying you shouldn't use urea…

                                    • @bigpoppa: If your comfortable with butter, cocunut oil and vaseline on your face, go for it.

                                      • @easternculture: I'm also comfortable with urea that costs $15 from chemistwarehouse if i had to.

                                        And this lack of basic comprehension and financial skills is why you need to go to school kids…

                                        • @bigpoppa: You do realise its not just urea. There is a complex manufacturing process involved.

                                          • -1

                                            @easternculture: my guy you can't be this thick. Urea, which rightly identified couple replies ago, is the active agent, the oils are the carriers. you can't sit there and tell me this pot of concentrated piss is $400/L more complex to manufacture than clinical grade urea sold at chemistwarehouse…

                                            • @bigpoppa: Urea may be main ingredient. However, during the lab process, its structure might change and form new compounds that hydrate and exfoliate the skin to complement other skin care ingredients

                                              I think you have no understanding whatsoever on how skin products, antiaging and repair of photodamaged skin works. There is a reason why people who look after their skin look decades younger than those who use random products because they are cheap.

                                              Good luck with your coconut oil and sheer butter clogging up and enlarging the pores on your face.

                                              • @easternculture: and yet no explanation of why clinical grade urea moisturisers - you know… stuff that dermatologist prescribe… costs a fraction of the price this pot of concentrated piss.

                                                There is a reason why people who look after their skin look decades younger than those who use random products because they are cheap.

                                                did you not know botox was a thing?

                                                Good luck with your coconut oil and sheer butter clogging up and enlarging the pores on your face.

                                                Someone better tell millions of Africans that shea butter is scam and they saying black don't crack should be changed to people who use $400/L of concentrated piss don't crack…

                                                • @bigpoppa:

                                                  Someone better tell millions of Africans that shea butter is scam

                                                  There is genetic traits and enviromental factors in Africans which makes them have good skin and impressive muscularskeletal features

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