Hello everyone, I woke up this morning to check my ATAR this morning and it's not exactly what I was hoping for.
I was just wondering if anybody here had any insights or experiences they'd like to share about completing university undergraduate courses without a guaranteed post-graduate pathway? Eg. Subjects, WAM, GPA, MMIs?
I would also love to hear if anyone has any personal stories or recommendations to career pathways you have felt to be especially fulfilling? This is probably my main concern because I feel I don't have any specific direction with my studies. Though I have had thoughts about working in the health sector as a PT/OT.
Sorry for the vagueness of the whole post but if any of my questions need clarifications I'm more than happy to reply in the comments.
And I know this a bit of an odd forum to be asking something like this but I'm really lost at the moment and would appreciate some advice.
Edit: Thank you for everyone's advice. I think this morning I was a bit all over the place but after reading everyone's messages (and touching some grass) I'm feeling a lot better. If I remember I'll make sure to update where I'm at in a year. Thanks again.
Was it because you spent too much time on OZB over the last 2 years?