GigaComm is only available in some apartment buildings, but if you are in inner Sydney or Melbourne you may be able to get it.
It seems like the cheapest and best internet you can get from my research, when your options are TPG/NBN FTTB or GigaComm.
Really good notes from a technical dude Alex Swift here describing the process and how they can be cheaper than other providers. Also lots of discussion on Whirlpool.
It looks like in some cases you might even be able to have both TPG or NBN as well was GigaComm installed at the same time, so its not a huge risk to get it.
Offer ends 20th Dec, so worth signing up for $120 off for the year if you are in the market. The offer page says 15th but when you go to sign up it says the 20th.
Checked my address and it says they only service apartment buildings