AliExpress Coins Now Expire after 6 Months

dunno if anyone else noticed this but it popped up in app for me over the weekend as a scrolling banner

"Update on coins expiry: Coins now expire 6 months after collection, on the last day of the same month"

seems like maybe they were making them too easy to collect after promoting them so heavily and they're now covering themselves?

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  • +5

    the coins are useless IMO..

    • +3

      *If you don't know how to use them.

      Going into the coins section on the app you can easily get 40-65% off a lot of products using Coins. Results are based on what you search everyday on AliExpress and in the Coins section.

      I.e. I got these new release EasySMX joycon controllers for US$19.38 and they currently sell for US$50.63.

      And in this Reolink NVR camera bundle you could get 11% off with coins instead of the usual 5% using the same method.

    • I was going to say I have shopped on AliExpress since forever (I know I commented it has slowed down a lot recently since the Etsy migration and prices haven’t come down like they used too).

      and not once have I even noticed or used any coins.

  • What do you use coins for? How much are we talking in real world savings?

    • +2

      It can offset a couple of cents to a dollar or two for the eligible transactions but rate of acquisition far exceeds the rate of usage so most people will have a heap of left over coins.

    • +3

      If you order direct from the listing 1-5% saving. If you access the listing via the coins section of the app it's up to 65% off.

      • Interesting - never looked into coins but have saved $8 with them. Will have to start paying more attention.

        • +2

          Admittedly even I didn't know about the extra discounts until a while ago. Now I religiously collect coins every day.

          • -1

            @Clear: I'm wary about loading their app on my phone, not having an understanding of how much of my data they are taking, let alone what they do with the data.

            • +4

              @THICKnSLOW: You've already consented to handing over a lot of data when you visit their website, sign up and make an order. For me I've denied most permissions on the app as you can see here.

              Location is allowed due to AliExpress having regional pricing. This allows it to detect that I'm in Australia. Notifications is self explanatory. Photos and videos is so that I can save photos and upload photos/videos if I need to lodge a dispute.

              Everything else is denied and doesn't impact my shopping experience.

              • @Clear: They can tell you're in Australia without having access to location data on your phone.

                • +1

                  @Chandler: Yes you're right. App still works without that. I had it set to only allow access while app being used at least.

  • You can't use the entirety of the coins in a single transaction anyway, they are token discount percentages that mean nothing.

    Gimmick City is where you at.

    I should add, the global economy is contracting so that will be the trend, less discounts, less promotions, increased sense of urgency. China is buckling under the pressure of trying to maintain their progress, and with the upcoming trade wars abundance is drying up.

    • +2

      token discount percentages

      I regularly get 20-60% discount using coins, often taken off the cheapest price (eg off Superdeals pricing) I could find.

      To get good coins deals, you have to Buy Now (not Add to Cart) from the Coins section of the App (not browser). Using coins in any other manner only gets about 2% discount

      • +1

        BigBirdy probably has the right strategy to use these coins. I think most people unaware of buying directly from the coin section.

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