• In 6 days

No Purchase Fees on TCN eftpos Gift Cards @ Coles (In-Store Only)


Full credit to GCDB

Next week's upcoming Coles gift card deal!

  • $400 eftpos Gift Card + $9.95 Purchase Fee: save $9.95
  • $200 eftpos Gift Card + $7.95 Purchase Fee: save $7.95
  • $100 eftpos Gift Card + $5.95 Purchase Fee: save $5.95
  • $50 eftpos Gift Card + $5.95 Purchase Fee: save $5.95
  • $30 eftpos Gift Card + $3.95 Purchase Fee: save $3.95


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  • Can Category Choice Groceries card be used to buy these?

    • +1

      Yes - and I believe same for most if not all other gift cards at Coles.

  • +1

    do you select "saving" when using eftpos gift card?

  • Any FB points for this promotion if known?

  • This is great, purchase thee gift cards to pay bills. A great way to get some credit card points and flybys points?

    • +2

      Would that be the main reason to buy these ?

  • -3

    Can you use these to withdraw cash from an ATM? Or more broadly speaking if not, are there any prepaid cards that allow this?

    • Getting cash is generally a bit more complicated than simply going to an ATM.

  • -1

    Can I buy this with Vanilla Visa gift card ?

  • -3

    Why would anyone want these? It’s like buying a $100 note for $100 except only one business now accepts your money, instead of every business. For the inconvenience, don’t you need a discount? This deal should be moved to OzNormie or OzBoomer. Lol

    • You obviously ain't churner.

      • -1

        Na, you got to get paid if you are going to dance for these corporations. They got the cash. Don’t take it in you know what for free lol

    • This deal has uses.

  • -1

    worthless deal , even Steven

  • Sending this to MIL since we can’t stop her buying these for Xmas presents for everybody

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