• expired

1/2 Price Organic Milk Co. Mozarella 250g $3, Danish Fetta $8.25/kg, Castello Brie 200g $5 @ Woolworths

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Some half price cheese. I’m going to try the mozzarella.

Organic Mozarella 250g $3 (12/kg)

Danish Fetta $8.25/kg

Castello Brie 200g $5

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closed Comments

  • +23

    Specials are good but "will they have stock" is the question?

    • +1

      most likely no. Most of the specials in Woolies are never in stock by the time I get there. It is more of a marketing ploy rather than an actual sale

    • +2

      Dispute affects NSW, ACT & Vic.
      Plenty of stock near me.

    • They're only putting these items on sale because they know they won't have stock to sell..

      • Not all of Australia is impacted. I got the cheese I was after yesterday. At the moment QLD Woolies have normal stock.

  • +8

    Woolies should have skipped this week's catalogue just like their staff skipped work

    • Why? What's going on there

    • Industrial dispute isn't Oz wide - but NSW, Vic, ACT.
      Plenty of stock were near me.

      • +1

        Well your location is The Moon anyway. Even if it was worldwide, you'll be right

        • +2

          There's plenty of cheese on the Moon🌛

  • +4

    (profanity) them. Don't care how cheap their cheese is

  • +4

    Beats Coles' Bovare cheese and meats….

    • +1

      It's Bovaer®10 !!! Gotta stop those farting cow and human

      • -1

        What's the problem with Bovaer®10? Seems like a good thing to reduce the methane emissions their burps/farts produce

        • It's a product on trial and even its leftlet says may cause harm to reproductive organs. Idk about you but I only have 2 balls and 1 sausage, my rule is don't brokes what I cant fix. You do you bro.

          • +3

            @frewer: It is on trial, but that trial has lasted for over 15 years. It's not some chemical they came up with last week. 15 years is generally enough time to find if there are any extreme hazards to using a substance

            It's had the EU, AUS, UK, USA, Canada and Japan (amongst others) agree it's safe for use when guidelines are followed. The amount that would make it in to your milk or meat would be well within the recommended guidelines. It would be a waste of time to worry unless you're directly handling the product

            If you're worried about your twig and berries, you'd be better off not eating meat or dairy at all. The microplastics and forever chemicals possibly present are going to do more damage over your lifetime than a few micrograms of Bovaer®10, not to mention the increased cancer risk associated with eating red meat

            The smear campaign appears to have been heralded by Craig Kelly who is a (profanity) trying to whip people up in to a furore to get more votes so he can "make a change"

            I must admit I've only got 2 balls and 1 sausage, but I only have one Earth to live the rest of my (hopefully long) life. I'd like to not break the environment because I can't fix it. To rebel against something clearly good for combatting climate change and greenhouse emissions because I'm worried there may be a slight risk to my testicles seems parochial

            I'll get off my soapbox now, do whatever you think's best

            • +1

              @SpainKing: It's good that you still have faith in the system, the system needs your support.

              The microplastics and forever chemicals possibly

              Im aware of that and trying to minimize that.

              The current science is like a cult. So you do you dont try to shovel it down my throat.

            • @SpainKing: So 15 years of trying and they still have to warn it could cause harm to reproductive organs. Sounds like a problem not a win to me lol. So many man made interferences have that common theme of harming the reproductive system, like its intentional. I think there's a name for that….

              • @skysurfer:

                So many man made interferences have that common theme of harming the reproductive system, like its intentional. I think there's a name for that….

                I'm going to assume by this you mean there's a conspiracy, plot, ploy or cabal to make us all sterile or something. If this were true why would they -

                still have to warn it could cause harm to reproductive organs

                Wouldn't they just keep it under wraps and hope nobody noticed?

                It'd also be pretty (profanity) stupid of them to try and do it via a chemical that barely makes its way in to the food you consume (hence your body), when the potential risks are a result of handling the substance directly in mass quantities

                • +1

                  @SpainKing: Seeing a sterilisation conspiracy theory on ozbargains was not on my bingo card for the day.

                • +1

                  @SpainKing: "I'm going to assume by this you mean there's a conspiracy, plot, ploy or cabal to make us all sterile or something. If this were true why would they -

                  still have to warn it could cause harm to reproductive organs"

                  Actually it's doesn't meet the definition of a conspiracy because they DO warn it could do the harm. It would be a conspiracy if that was concealed. And when warning is openly stated, in legal terms anyone that consumes the product is agreeing to accept the risk and taking the liability upon themselves, letting the producer of the product off the hook.

                  "Wouldn't they just keep it under wraps and hope nobody noticed?"

                  As above, that would make them conspiritors.

                  "It'd also be pretty (profanity) stupid of them to try and do it via a chemical that barely makes its way in to the food you consume (hence your body), when the potential risks are a result of handling the substance directly in mass quantities"

                  Well you may have your thoughts about how the chemical is made and how it works but I suggest that the people that actually make it and test it know best about that, and if they say it could harm your reproductive organs I'd be taking their word on that, with no disrespect to you.

            • +1

              @SpainKing: Can I see the research paper that states it is 'safe'?
              Here what I found out,with my limit time. From MLA https://www.mla.com.au/research-and-development/Environment-…. Over 15yrs and only 4 'safety' papers, two has issue with Conflicts of interest, one has the animal died ( yikes ),

              One states "A margin of safety could not be established. Consequently, the FEEDAP Panel is not in a position to conclude on a safe dietary concentration of the additive for other ruminant species/categories." "Based on the above, the FEEDAP Panel concludes that the genotoxicity potential of 3-NOP cannot be ruled out."

              I cant see any long-term safety research paper. Do you have one to share with ?

              • @frewer: The paper you are referring to is about human consumption of the product. If you don't eat it, you'll be fine. Also, don't inhale it. People who handle this product should use PPE - but they already should be - this doesn't really increase the existing danger from other products.

                The tests were also done on rats at doses approx 50x the amount given to cows.

                How did you miss that part? You have posted a lot about this, yet you completely missed the entire basis for your own claim. Pretty wild.

                Bovaer does not pass on to milk or meat. It naturally breaks down. That's all you really need to know.

                • @krunchymoses: I made NO claim, I just quote the paper and ask question. If that is wild then it is. Where is the long term paper ? It has been 15years.

                  • -2

                    @frewer: Yeah I was gonna argue with you but there's no point - you can't reason with pilled people and only a fool would try.

                    Avoid bovaer products. Nobody cares.

                • +1

                  @krunchymoses: "How did you miss that part? You have posted a lot about this, yet you completely missed the entire basis for your own claim. Pretty wild.

                  Bovaer does not pass on to milk or meat. It naturally breaks down. That's all you really need to know."

                  Errr, you are still missing the obvious key point which is THE MAKER OF THE PRODUCT who actually KNOWS what it does after 15 years of producing it warns it could harm your reproductive organs. That's a fact they they are telling you. Despite kruchymoses on Ozbargain or anyone else thinking the prouct is harmless it doesn't negate that fact. Say what you like but the highest authority on the product states it could harm you. Darwin Awards go to those that think they know better and literally end up ending their lineage because of it (that's not only a joke, it's also exactly what Eugenecists believe should happen in situations like this which is the dumb are killed off. There are tonnes of toxic products chipping away at the health and longevity of humanty).

                  • @skysurfer: Oh man your cognitive dissonance is super strong.

                    It was a study with rats who consumed the actual product in very high doses. This indicated a POSSIBLE impact on male reproduction and they mentioned it out of honesty and transparency.

                    Which cookers have spun into saying the product is unsafe.

                    The rest of your post is deluded gibberish.

        • Crazy that anyone could believe a natural process that has happened since the earth began is bad for the environment. If you need a problem to solve go discuss all those new coal power stations China builds every year.

          • +1

            @reactor-au: Tell me more about it. After plandemic, I feel like that Im living a alternate earth

  • +7

    (profanity) woollies

  • +3

    Picked up the Mozarella today. Lots in stock as well.

    • Inner South East Melb and only 1 out of 5 closest stores have stock - and its a crappy Metro, so price will be 10% or so higher (and too far away).

      It's like the pandemic all over again around here

  • +2

    Thanks op Need some of this for a fresh pizza I’m making

  • I hope there's some left by the time I get there.

  • +2

    Some great deals here.
    With Mozzarella though I have a recommendation - I can’t go past That’s Amore Mozzarella Scamorza Bianca. Our pizzas have never been better, real flavour and texture.
    I get it locally, but here’s it online:

  • my local wollies cheese aisle

    • oof! That’s not fun. I bought 1kg of the Mozarella today. Good until the end of March. I’m in QLD.

      Hopefully this doesn’t last too long with the industrial action. I get it both ways. Company needs to treat workers well. And we’re in a situation where gov has relied on private industry to self regulate for essential things like food.

  • +1

    Managed to find the fetta and mozzarella. Cheese so exxy atm, thanks OP.

    • +1

      I got them both too. Quite yummy. My kiddo is enjoying the Mozarella as a snack.

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