Works with the Tuya app and Home Assistant via the Tuya or LocalTuya integrations
i bought 5x at this price. used to be $15ish before when i got one
includes power monitoring
includes auto off when usage less than 4w
Works with the Tuya app and Home Assistant via the Tuya or LocalTuya integrations
i bought 5x at this price. used to be $15ish before when i got one
includes power monitoring
includes auto off when usage less than 4w
Connect it to the Tuya app and then connect to Home Assistant.
It means it works with home assistant. The plug is essentially TUYA, so you need to use the TUYA integration to make it work with home assistant
Isnt tuya hub zibgee?
I see tuya takes wifi and zigbee maybe bluetooth.
I was asking because I got zigbee soil and irrigation device's and home assistant cant seem to understand what it is. I was thinking maybe I need a tuya zigbee hub.
Ive only ever used tuyu wifi devices. In HA have you installed the tuya integrations? I personally used the local tuya intergration. Its a bit more of a dick around to get working but works flawlessly once done.
You might need a Zigbee dongle, eg ZBT-1 (which also supports thread)
@AmexReferralPlease: I have the sonoff 3.0 dongle on my home assistant. I connected the irrigation sw and spil sensor but doesnt show data or anything to switch ect.
Im thinking i need to get a hub but i thought i could just connect all zigbee devices straight to the sonoff on HA.
Have been wanting to buy some smart plugs for a while for power monitoring. Could I plug this up to my washing machine/dryer/dishwasher with no issues? I think I looked into the IKEA ones but there was something about a small motor load.
Could I plug this up to my washing machine/dryer/dishwasher with no issues?
I see no reason for it not to. Inrush current might be the reason for IKEA mentioning small motors, but I think even that would be a negligible issue. I'm buying a couple of these to try out for similar tasks.
i use tapos for this . once they die. and they will. ill replace with my laser ones for which I'm stocking up
What appliances do you monitor with the smart plugs
i check washer/ dryer on/off with home assistant notification
i scheduled the Christmas tree
i scheduled charging of kids night light and alarm clock
i scheduled a backup of my nas as this powers the external disk enclosure
Thanks man!
@ATTS: Another good one is your TV/Cinema setup. Some devices can still drain power while turned off.
Using a smart plug you can ensure its completely off, with the added benefit of not needing to reach behind the TV to hit the switch.
Idk how I feel about laser brand anything (used to sell it when I worked retail many years ago) - but wow that’s quite a good price for what it says it does.
Also in stock at Chemist Warehouse for the same price…
What the heck
Do we need prescription for this?
no risk of overdosing your kettle!
It is probably from mytopia then? Multiple stores list at least a selection of the mytopia products now: BigW, Harvey Norman, Chemist Warehouse.
Does this block the adjacent socket?
I’d be very surprised if it did not
i have one in an otherwise full powerboard
its as wide as the tapos but less tall. and you can have tapos side by side
copy paste from device on Amazon:
Compact Design: Fits neatly into any socket without blocking other outlets, perfect for any home.
Maybe it's true?
You can buy this from the Laser website for the same price. Once you hit the minimum amount, $50 in my case, the shipping is free and the coupon LASER10 knocks $10 of the final price. You can order some $2 USB chargers while you are there.
goddamit i keep forgetting this
Wow this is great - especially since amazon is now out of stock. 5x plugs for ~$42 delivered, thank you!
yep. i cancelled (or attempting to cancel) my amazon ones and have re-ordered direct.
worst case, i end up with 10 :|
Good luck, but not a bad problem to have I suppose!
IDK if this helps anyone but I bought these Arlec Grid Connect smart plugs from Bunnings this week at 2 for $20 and am very happy so far— same functionality as the laser smart home plug from what I can see (but DYOR).
Does it work with Google home assistant? Looking for something that can work with Hey Google
Yep, they do
Thanks! Picked up a few with Free Delivery thanks to One Pass!
My Arlec GridConnect Tuya smart plug died a few days ago with the infamous click of death (after about 2 years of use). I'm really sick of this issue, seems like most affordable smart plug brands have this problem now.
If people are after smart control and monitoring I've got a bunch of these with no issues.
They have a handy feature which cuts power after a battery finishes charging (detects when power draw is below a threshold), great for those concerned about leaving LiPo on overnight.
But this is 15$
I have a lot of electric birds, so this will be great when I try my Hawk Tuya out!
Can't use for Christmas Tree in 2024, delivery date is 17 Dec :)
These are great plugs, my favourite ATM. The idle power off feature is fantastic for chargers
Is there a way to make it work with the ewelink app?
I would prefer some Zigbee2MQTT compatible ones.
I don't feel like everything should be on WiFi. :)
Is this flashable with Tasmota?
Sold out on Amazon but found for the same price at Chemists Warehouse with free shipping when I bought three.
Just got an email from Amazon saying the seller cancelled my order. Lame.
how many did you order?
i cancelled my amazon order and ordered direct from them instead.
Only 2, nothing huge. Just did a click and collect for the Arlec Bunnings ones instead. Seems like it will be mostly the same.
I just got the same email. Only ordered one
Similar here. Not too bothered though. I found a Brilliant Smart device that does similar, but uses Wi-Fi so doesn't need a Tuya bridge. A bit more expensive, but still affordable for the what I want to use it for.…
My order was cancelled today my Amazon. "We're writing to inform you that your order has been cancelled by LASER. We' re sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. "
I purchased from LASER's own website and it died after 2 days of usage, on/off several times.
I confess that I used it outdoor, to automate a pool pump. But weather has been good and cool. The pump is 1200W.
Just reporting my experience. Any recommendations for this use case?
What does home assistant via tuya mean. Does tuya device require a hub before home assistant with zigbee