HUGE cashback offer from Etihad via Cashrewards, haven't personally ever seen a rate so high before!
Received via email, banner also showing on CR homepage…
Starts at 6pm, ends 10pm.
HUGE cashback offer from Etihad via Cashrewards, haven't personally ever seen a rate so high before!
Received via email, banner also showing on CR homepage…
Starts at 6pm, ends 10pm.
$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.
Any restrictions on the fare class or cabin?
Some good savings as I fly my family of 4 in Business class…
I usually book the residence everytime i fly etihad A380
Hope this deal applies to me as I'm chartering a whole A380 to take my dog and myself.
Thank you ozb for doing the right thing with a tonedeaf brag.
Yeah, i heard the captain complaing about this douche bag that wants to book a whole A380 as a publicity stunt for tiktok.
I thinkin of hiring 2 jumbos one towing the another just in case one breaks down and use the other one for my return flight
I book in J, then use points or do a cheap cash upgrade at airport to First/Residence.
I usually book the entire plane for myself and my 80 falcons.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Pfft Business Class…. peasant
Exactly what i thought when i read the comment. Private residence or GTFO
I normally book out the entire plane just to stop the common man from travelling, then jump on my private jet.
Glad to know I can do it for 13% less today!
@vongole83: I just rent the whole runway for 48hrs and put road blocks eveywhere. Its cheaper and can block multiple flights including your private jet.
Offcourse happy to let you pass if you pay the runway departure tax. Just ask for Moe and bring cash.
Nice flex
You won’t need cashback for business class.
And you are waiting for this deal !
Isn't it travel tueday today, when all the travel bargains are released?
Roger that.. now hoping CR to actually honour it.
Just booked tickets worth nearly $4k a few days ago, damn.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Etihad Airways cashback
Great fares on flights and holidays
0.6% cashback Thats whats its showing when i clicked on the link. Am i missing something?
You're missing just over 6.5 hours till this goes live
you're missing the words LATER TODAY and Starts at 6pm, ends 10pm.
I've had this issue with other booking services before like that when we click to cash back services, it increases the price.
So do your due dilligence before buying.
Just letting you know I've NEVER been successful getting CR to track Etihad pre and post COVID. The cash back was only 1% or something like that, but they were about 20K tickets so it was worth something. Usual things of disabling extensions, screen shots etc, even after lodging a missing tracking it's never approved.
I haven't tried in the last two years as I've booking via Aunt Betty mainly for the much cheaper prices compared to direct and usually with a better fare class. Those tracked.
How is your experience with aunt betty? Im usually scared of booking via 3rd parties incase my flight gets changed or something comes up
They're fine as long as you don't have need to cancel or make any changes. If you do then you'll be in for a long and bumpy ride dealing with their customer service plus not only airline change / cancel fees but Aunt Betty's own fees.
This 100%
I'd rather save a couple of thousand on my tickets (and get a better fare class in some cases) and forego customer service and changes. I've read the T&C and even booking direct incurs fees etc. when making changes (unless flex fares which we never book), but with Aunt Betty (AB) those fees also include an additional admin fee per ticket (not booking), so changes can get pricey quickly.
The way I look at it, if I need to make a change, something unexpected has happened and I've got bigger things on my mind then admin fees. But since I paid a few grand less, one change (if required) may only leave me slightly worse off, in theory, never tried.
That being said I've had positives. During COVID Etihad via AB cancelled our tickets, for a voucher. Much later on the ACCC pushed airlines to give refunds. I raised this with AB (with some strongly worded email) who argued my case with Etihad. Got the cash back (in dribs and drabs), about 18K. The only thing I didn't get back was the CC fee of $100 or something like that.
If you go down this path, the savings have to be worth it, and more importantly the company has to be registered in Australia with an ATAS number. This is important for consumer protections. AB is a part of Flight Centre, so I don’t have any concerns about their ability to do business.
Downside. I booked with SIN this year via AB. I got two emails from SIN about flight times changing and my tickets going into a holding status. AB thought that my transfer between T1 and T3 was under the min transfer window and wanted to rebook me (with zero cost). The alternatives were all stupid times and days. After months of back and forth I called SIN directly who said "there is no issue with those times, the plane will wait for you, tell AB to accept the ticket on their end". So, I called AB explained this and boom! they accepted the new times (30min transfer BTW) and our tickets were confirmed.
FYI, @ SIN as soon as we arrived from Europe to SIN there was staff there with signs, SYD, express transfer! They drove us to the Skytrain, and we walked (read ran) to our gate. The plane was waiting for us…. some of our luggage never made it, arrived next flight.
In other words, AB customer service can sometimes be misinformed. I'd still go with them again and again, for the few thousand saving (in some cases) and the CR ;-). If the price difference was at parity I’d go direct, obviously.
Disappointed to see that luggage isn't included on their basic fare.
Was only $9 to upgrade to value which includes 25kg, on my flight anyway
Wow, mine seems broken as I can only do economy basic + extra baggage. Adding extra 25kgs baggage to 3 multi city flights is $1.5k in addition of the flight fare
They're not referring to adding baggage, it's choosing the economy value ticket instead of economy basic. Should come up when you select the flight
Seems way more expensive on long trips than other airlines even with cashback
Gosh, no cap at all? That's crazy fouiyohhh
Syd to BCN advertised as from $1216.
Click through, Syd to BCN advertised as from $1495
Price to Rome return Melbourne through cash rewards $3300.
Using Google flight $2300 same days, same flight. What a scam.
Google flights booking with Etihad direct?
Great deal, thanks for sharing $160 cash back pending.
$240 CB pending — fingers crossed!!!
Great deal. Same price before and after clicking through CR. Tracked almost immediately