• long running

Free Lounge Access for 2-Hour Flight Delay (Pre-Registration Required) @ Cash Passport Platinum Mastercard


The Westpac card with the same service has since ended, so I found the below alternative.

What is Flight Delay Pass?
You register your flight with the Mastercard Flight Delay Pass service before travelling. If the airline announces a delay that meets or exceeds 120 minutes, you will receive a LoungeKey™ pass that provides access to a lounge at the airport where you are delayed. LoungeKey™ gives you access to a network of over 1,500+ of airport lounges worldwide. The service is available to the main passenger (cardholder) and up to 1 travel companion(s) on the same flight.
Regarding children: Each individual lounge has its own policies on the admission of children. To check the policies of a specific lounge, please visit https://loungefinder.loungekey.com/Pass and to read the Flight Delay Pass FAQ click here.

How to get access
You need a Cash Passport Platinum Mastercard, you'll need to add $100 to the card( fee free with BPAY) to order it, according to the FAQ, you can login and withdraw this once you receive the card, alternatively just use it as a normal card. Once you have received your card, you then register your flight via this link: https://flightdelaypass.mastercard.com , if your flight has a delay of 2 hours+ within 24hrs of depature, you will automatically be sent access to the airport lounge (over 1,000 airport lounges & free food included). If flight is canceled, no lounge pass is granted.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

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  • So it costs 0.5$?

    • Yep, can just register all your flights using this card number until it expires.

      • Is it another 50c after it expires?

        • I'd assume you just order another, if they even still do the deal in 2+ years.

      • I'll have a flight soon, you think this is the cheapest option?

      • any advantage of ordering via the Bendigo link over the generic cashpassport website?

        • +1

          Purely for commission purposes

          Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178. AFSL No. 237879 is authorised by Mastercard to distribute this product and receives a commission of equal to 50% of the foreign exchange revenue earned on the initial load or reload transaction. Payments are made monthly. We may also charge you a fee of up to 1.1% of the AUD equivalent value or $15 on the amount loaded by a customer onto their Cash Passport Platinum Mastercard® when they purchase or reload it at one of our branches (this fee will be retained by us). This is included in the amount that you pay for the product.

      • Thanks Clicken. Much appreciated.

  • +2

    I just did a Bpay payment for it and there is no fee with Bpay btw

    • I just understood what you mean when trying to get this card haha

      When it asks to load the $100 onto the card (default is debit card), click on bpay tab.

      Thank you, ordered.

      EDIT: you cannot use zip pay to bpay this card haha

      • yeah, wasn't specific enough of me, my bad, sorry.

        had some flights coming up and thought i'd get it before we leave so i was in a hurry to get 2 cards at the time.

        Also no fee with bank transfer BTW, so it's only 0.5% for debit card payment.

  • -4

    Free with 28degrees card

    • +1

      But 28 degrees is not free*

    • 28 degrees is a credit card and not free.

      • -1

        My 28D is still free for me, and even used the flight delay pass earlier this year. Worked perfectly well. EasyJet cancelled our flight out Milan, and I used it at Manchester the next day when repositioning. Great lounge and a couple of hours away from the hordes.

  • You need Australian passport or drivers license to register. Sadly, I have neither of them

  • Hmmmmmm. “We are currently experiencing issues with some of our services……..”

  • @Clicken you should update free when loading the card with bpay

    don't even entertain the idea of loading with debit card haha

  • +3

    I used the 28 degrees "Lounge Key" service five days ago in Bangkok when my Jetstar flight was delayed by five hours and it was an absolute lifesaver. I got to choose a first class lounge out of 20 choices and the SMS was sent to me immediately when the airline registered that it was delayed. The food was great, unlimited cocktails, and a 15 minute time massage. It was awesome.

  • The Westpac card with the same service has since ended, so I found the below alternative.

    Still works for Westpac worldwide wallet

    • +2

      But people cannot apply for that card anymore.

  • Will this affect credit score / ability to borrow?

    • +1

      No, its a pre paid debit card, no credit is involved.

  • Zero cost card, Flight Pass Delay for 28 degrees leavers - what's not to love?
    Thank you!

  • Thanks op, much appreciated

  • Was tying to get this through st.George, however it is still “ New Worldwide Wallet travel cards are currently unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience.”
    Might need to try Bendigo.

    • I know the description talks about getting it from Bendigo, but the image link takes you right to Mastercard direct and you can get it from there

  • This service is amazing! If you're travelling with friends/family, you can also register them as well as yourself. On the way back from Europe with 3 other mates, we copped a big delay for one of our flights - sure enough four lounge passes arrive in my inbox shortly afterwards. We saved them up and used them in Singapore to grab a nice dinner and shower - made the trip so much less exhausting!

    • One thing I noticed was was that the FAQ/Help says "Lounge Pass for you (cardholder) and 1 travel companion(s)"

      Now that plural text is confusing. I know with 28 degrees I was able to register a family of four (2 adults 2 kids) on one card and I got four lounge passes issued.

      For this one, just to be sure I'll get two cards (one for me and one for wife) and I'll just register all flights on both cards and one child each.

      If it lets me add all 4 travellers to one card - well then I might just be sneaky and register all of us on both cards and use the extra passes later :)

      • Wow good catch - would hate to get caught out!

      • 3:
        Can more than one person receive the complimentary airport lounge access?

        Yes, the service is available to the main passenger (cardholder) and a travel companion on the same flight

        Who is eligible for this benefit?

        Flight Delay Pass is provided to selected Mastercard Prepaid Platinum Travel cardholders in Asia Pacific. The benefit is available to the main passenger (cardholder) and an accompanying passenger

        If I register myself and a travel companion, can my travel companion utilise the benefit without me being physically present at the lounge?

        All passes will be sent to you, you may then choose to send it to your registered travel companion(s), who will be able to access the lounge, with or without your physical presence, as long as they have the lounge pass with them


  • Just wondering, has anyone got the lounge passes using this Cash Passport way?
    If so can you please confirm what is the expiry period of the lounge pass after issue?

    • The last one I got one issued under the program with 28 degrees was in 2022 - Issued 4th Nov, Expiry 2nd Feb.

    • 90 days on 28D. June 2024

  • Was anybody able to pass the ID verification check?

    • +1

      It wasn't working in Firefox, but it worked in Chrome.

  • How long did it take for you guys to get the card? I ordered the card with $105 on it over a week ago, still hasn't arrived.

    • Same… Still waiting.
      Ordered on 02/12.

      • +1

        Hope it arrives soon. Would be very upset if I lose 105 for nothing.

        • +1

          It is $100 if you use bpay to load credit.

          • @CodeXD: It wasn't very clear in the post and i loaded it with 105 anyway…
            thought you had to load it with 100 initially to get the benefits of getting lounge access in case of a delay

  • +1

    Has anyone received their card? I ordered and paid on 2nd, and on 4rd received email saying

    Your Cash Passport is in the mail.
    Hi CodeXD,

    We have successfully loaded your initial payment and dispatched your card to your chosen delivery location. Please allow up to 5 business days for delivery Australia-wide.
    The Cash Passport team

    Still waiting…

    • +1

      Mine was dispatched on the 3rd but still waiting:(

    • Was supposed to be Felix in 5 business days it’s been almost 2 weeks

    • Any updates?

      • +1

        Nothing over the weekend.

        I sent them an email on Thursday 12th Dec too but given the weekend will hopefully get a respond today. Or hopefully I get my card.

        • I sent them a few emails as well. They replied to one of them stating my card was dispatched and to give it a few more days for card to be delivered. That was on Thursday.

          • @skim123: No updates yet. I've sent them an email but they're yet to respond.

            • @nasaman: Finally, received it today via Express Post🫠

  • I got my email on 4/12, today is 16/12, still waiting

    • I’m still waiting too ordered and got email on 3/12

    • +1

      Mine just arrived, via express post. It was posted yesterday!

      • Oh nice man
        Hope mine arrives soon too

      • @enander mine arrived today, however flightdelaypass site is not opening for me, did you get any luck?

        • +1

          Yes, worked for me.

          You need to first activate the card, select pin etc.

      • How did you know when it got posted? I had a look at the envelope and the letter inside, can't see any reference to post date.

  • Order on 2/12, still waiting, got no dispatch email either.

    • Did you send them an email?

    • I also ordered on 2/12. Got mine today, express post lol

    • I ordered on the 2nd too and finally received mine today, also via express post.

  • Flightdelaypass site is not working for me, not sure if its just me

  • Did those who ordered via BPay get a confirmation right away?

    • I called them (had to enter 0000 0000 0000 0000 as my credit card number as mine hadn't arrived yet). Turns out they couldn't link my BPay transaction and they're investigating. But at least they mailed a card to me (arrived the next day).

  • +1

    For those who have received their card and want to transfer money out, it is safer to keep a few dollars in there as some banks will actually close off the account or lock it if there is no money. Looking at you citibank.

  • Has anyone tried to register more than 4 flights? Unsure if I can just create a second registration for the extra flights, or if I have to wait until the first few flights are done before registering the others.

  • Do we need to pay the ticket with the MasterCard or just link your flight to the card even if you pay via other avenue? Also is there a list of lounge or does it only applies to international flight?

  • Does the ticket needs to be exactly the same name sequence as the credit card. For example first name, middle name and surname. ?

  • Has anyone been able to get this card directly from a bank (recently) rather than waiting for the approx 2 week turnaround period to receive it via snail (cough express) mail?

  • Have anyone tried to register >1 companion and is it allows and able to claim?

  • Hi im interested in this, anyone using the cashpassport method, can you confirm you need to register a flight that is 5 hours or more scheduled time, otherwise it'll say registration closed?

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