I'm a 24 year old female post grad student and I'm looking to get health insurance for the first time. I need one that is just basic hospital and accident cover with extras like general dental, vaccines for my placements, sleep stuff for stuff like snoring/sleep apnoea. What ones would be the best value for me? Thanks.
Need Help for Best Value Health Insurance

Wait what? You mean op was meant to do some research first before posting?
she's a post grad student, I think research is right up her alley
Maybe not their strong suit, at least that's how it seems.
Username doesn't check out
Need Help for Best Value Health Insurance
Go for the one that gives you the most cover for the lowest cost…
Why not wait until the year you turn 31?
If you're making less than $90k a year then the best value health insurance is none.
until you need it…
That's why we have the public system. Unless OP needs a hip operation then there's not a whole lot of point going private.
Which is why we have medicare?
The private system is literally 100% based on lobbyists and scare tactics.
The actual system is crap.Which is why we have medicare?
Sure, if you like long queues for many surgeries and having no say in who operates on you.
@jv: When i went for public last i was operated within 24 hours.
When i went for private it was a 2 month wait and PHI only paid for 30% of the out of pocket expense. Absolute waste of money (having paid ~$8k in premiums over the years to get $1700 back…
When i went for public last i was operated within 24 hours.
Some people are waiting a year.
This person is outsourcing their search.
The best value health insurance is the one that gives the most benefits (per $ premium) for the categories YOU actually use. Obviously only you can answer that.
Otherwise, just sign up to something that gives like 4-6 weeks free, and then churn over to the next promotion. Rinse and repeat.
What ones have you narrowed it down to from your research so far?