Take an Extra 20-50%: Discount applied in cart to product marked ‘Take an extra 20%’ or "Take an extra 50%'. Limited time only. Subject to stock availability. Not all brands available online or in all stores. Not available in conjunction with any other offer.
Extra 20-50% off Selected Sale Items + Delivery ($0 C&C/ $100 Order/ DJ Cardholder) @ David Jones

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I'm not aware of one. It would make things a whole lot easier!
it's almost as if these stores intentionally design their stores so that people browse them :(
I have the same thoughts; you literally have to browse thru the whole 40 pages to get to something you need LOL
@twain90: the perfect online store site CAN be built, but businesses choose not to. imagine a world where you could sort by % off?
I do Ctrl + F or find on page for 50%
Is there anyway to filter only 50% off products?