Part of their black friday sale.
I can't find this posted already. Thought this price deserves a mention.
Part of their black friday sale.
I can't find this posted already. Thought this price deserves a mention.
[bunnings] (…) $18.18/100pcs 18.18c each
Alternative in case someone prefer to buy in Bunnings
It is not with free delivery with onepass
I just got one with free delivery with onepass🤫
Feee with OnePass for me
Fee or free or feee.
BTW, I shouldn't talk to strangers. Even internet strangers
Shine branded tabs do the trick for me. 100 for $12.80 at Woolworths.
never ordered online, does Kmart accept Gift card payment online?
No, They only accept gift cards in store.
thanks. seems Bunnings also has no GC payment online.
checked all Ultimate / TCN cards none has Kmart/Bunnings option as well.
had to place order via credit card.
Why isnt this going viral? This is like colds tablet prices. I bought 3 lol, should be good for the next 1.5 - 2 years.
Kmart are so utterly useless with deliveries - always sending broken or damaged items. Surely they can get dishwashing tablets correct? Guess I’ll find out.
18c a tablet.