This was posted 12 years 2 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Ergh. Another Amazon PC Game Download Sale

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so many games on sale lately and most are repeats of previous offers but if you have lived under a rock for any given time this year you may have missed some of these before. As usual, you must have a US delivery address for these to work and read the descriptions of the games as some will use Steam, Origin, Uplay or DRM Free.

Some of note:

THQ Bundle $7.49 USD… includes HomeFront, Metro 2033, Red Faction Armageddon, Red Faction Guerilla, STALKER Shadow of Chernobly and Warhammer 40k Space Marine (to be honest, the humble bundle was more of a bargain to me however it is over and had a few different games)

Desert to Sea Bundle $9.99 USD… includes Bioshock 1, Bioshock 2 and the incredible Spec Ops: The Line.

2K Mega Pack $29.99 USD… includes Bioshock 1, bioshock 2, Borderlands GOTY, Duke Nukem Forever Complete Pack, Mafia II, Civ V GOTY, Civ IV Complete, Stronghold Collection and CivCity: Rome.

If you like The Sims 3 game, most the expansions and the base game itself are at least 50% off

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closed Comments

  • +10

    +1 for title

    • +3

      I am kinda over the game sales myself but people keep shopping.

      the one game I would recommend over all others for 4x fans is Endless Space Emperor Special Edition, it is $8.74 USD…. such a bargain for a game you could spend so much time in.…

      • +4

        hehe, steam winter is coming sale soon too

        • +5

          that will be the big one for me, tends to have a weird effect on me, I check price updates every hour or so from work and get sidetracked.

        • 5 days it comes…

        • steam winter sale?

        • Prepare your wallet, or it may not survive.

      • I just wish the combat in endless space was a little more interactive… would have made it a great game!

        although that said, not bad as its pretty strategic.

  • +2

    Desert to Sea bundle is bloody tempting as hell.

    • +1

      as they are all separate keys you can buy it and give any you already have to mates and make them happy at xmas :)

    • Agreed. I tried to buy it but it ISN'T WORKING! I keep getting an error saying "sorry, something went wrong".

      • Got it sorted - I used Chrome and it worked fine.

  • oh man I'm so tempted to order 2K Mega Pack… I want Mafia 2 it's $15 at EB Games… another $15 and I get all those other games too…

    Than again i think I want a physical disk for mafia 2 -sigh- decisions decisions.

    • if you are only really interested in the mafia II digital purchase, has it for the next 28 hours with a choice of another game for $10 (Borderlands GOTY OR Batman AA GOTY OR Total War Empire OR Total War Napolean OR Alpha Protocol OR…. more to look at).

      • Yeah noticed that but TBH None of the other games interest me. Bioshock and Stronghod on the other hand do…

  • +1

    Bioshock Dual Pack is $4.99 for those who don't want Spec Ops: The Line…

    • +2

      Spec Ops: The line is really good though. The desert to sea bundle is great value.

  • -2

    stealth referral link?

    • +3

      Where? Mine shouldn't be referral links.

      Edit, if you mean the ref= part of the URL all links from the promo appear to have them.

      • +1

        yeah, I was refering to that. Sorry mate

    • +3

      Amazon referral links use 'tag='

  • +2

    Honorable mention for 2k Strategy pack, $19.99 for Civ 5 GOTY, Civ 5 Gods and Kings, Civ 4 complete and Stronghold collection. They are all Steam activated, and hell alot cheaper than Steam 75% off can offer.

    • $19.99? don't you mean $29.99?

      • Nope, $19.99.

    • link or it didnt happen!…

      had to really refraign myself from that one! - i got civ and i dont really play it that much anyways…
      add strong hold to it for a decent deal though…

      • +2

        Oh sweet baby jebus I want that. $20 is so cheap for so many hours of delicious strategy.

      • +1


        hmm… i like to refraign myself on a daily basis, - specially when im on OzBargain…
        its a mixture of restraining and refraining…

        • Bought the 2k mega pack. Early xmas present from the gf. #win

  • Bought. Why are you doing this to me? I am a console player. :) Or so I thought…

    • +1

      bargain hunter first!

  • +1

    Argh…I got so many games I just never know what to start anymore…But these sales are tempting!

  • Prince of Persia 2008 was pretty fun.


  • +1

    Does anyone know if Syndicate activates fine on Origin (concerned, due to the banning in Aus)? For $5, I figure I might as well just go for it.

  • Eh, I've been waiting for Mass Effect 3 Digital Deluxe to reduce in price for 4 months now, Amazon. Why, I ask you, why?! Even the physical console copies are cheaper!

  • +1

    Ok so i have in fact not bought any of these games before from Amazon. For the US address, can i just put a hotel or something? they aren't sending anything physical there are they?

    • +1

      No, they don't send anything physical. You can pretty much use an US address (I use Google HQ), so just look up a US address generator, or something.

      • +1

        Cheers, bought.

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