600L+ French Door Fridge within $2000-$2500 budget

Looking to replace the old fridge with 600L+ French Door Fridge within $2000-$2500 budget
Please recommend some options/bargains in ongoing sale.


  • If 4 door is acceptable, Id be looking at the Mitsubishi deals currently available.

  • +1

    I have and highly recommend this.


    Vacuum seal compartment is amazing. Got it for just under $2200 during EOFY sale, you could prob bargain it down at Harvey Norman, I did.

    • And then get it from somewhere else like Appliances online or even Good guys. Don't give Gerry Harvey anymore money. He's had enough from handouts.

      • -1

        Eh I'd say get it wherever you can get the best price but if you want to pay extra to spite some rich guy then power to you mate, your money, your life.

        Personally got good service at the HN I went to - yeah you can hate the namesake but at the end of the day, there are thousands of hardworking people making an honest living who would be much worse off if HN goes kaput.

        • +1

          Nah. HN is on its way to being Godfreys. They're not luxe, not niche. Whatever you can find there, is available at appliances online or elsewhere and they'll price match.

          After getting over $20m in jobkeeper handouts covid handouts and refusing to repay any despite posting a huge profit at the end of that year, they've got to be held accountable for their dishonesty. Taxpayers will be burdened for decades for all those borrowings.

          I'll gladly support the ones who really needed the govt handouts to survive but I'll do what I can not to support the ones profiting from the misery of others. I love a bargain as much as the next person, but my morales also insist on a good night's sleep.

          • @sirspiff:

            They're not luxe, not niche. Whatever you can find there, is available at appliances online or elsewhere and they'll price match.

            They're definitely not luxe nor niche, but for the fridge I bought, no one had it cheaper or was even willing to price match. The ticket price was $2399 (20% off) and from memory, I got it for around $2160ish.

            No disagreements from me re: your other points. I suppose my morale doesn't get impacted enough to effect my sleep.

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