This was posted 3 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Mitsubishi Electric 580L L4 Series French Door Fridge $2,488 + Delivery @ Harvey Norman


Lowest current price and maybe all time low?
I've been tracking for a few weeks as it's pretty much the only large fridge that will fit our kitchen space.
It's the shortest French door style fridge freezer that I could find.

Previous price was $3288 at HN, and about 3K at Appliances Online.
It was about $2800 a few weeks ago at AO.

Got AO to price match as prefer them and they take your old appliance away and install included in the price.

1st time deal, long time lurker.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • +1

    There is the Hitachi equivalent fridge of this Mitsubishi.

    The difference

    Mitsubishi - has door controls to configure the fridge hitachis are inside. Hitachi has a small vacuum draw, absent on the Mitsubishi. Hitachi has lower energy rating at 3.5. Mitsu is 4 stars

    Both have ice makers.

    I grabbed the Hitachi for the vac draw

    • Vacuum drawer? For veggies?

      • For any food you want to keep fresh for longer

    • +1

      Also opted for Hitachi after looking at the Mitsi for a long while. Wasnt happy with the space functionality in the freezer but got around it in the Hitachi.

      That being said, these arent bad fridges. Just down to what floats ya boat

      The vacuum seal section is good for things like seafood, berries, meat you want to slow defrost over days. The temperature is adjustable so can be set to below freezing in the fridge

      • +1

        I really wanted the controls on the fridge door, but I figured the vac draw would be more useful.

    • Which Hitachi equivalent are you talking about? Just curious cause I thought the one I have is the equiv (638L though) but mine has the fridge controls on the door. Unless theres another version?

      I've got the one below and I love it, the vacuum compartment is honestly great. I've cut a tomato in half and threw it in there and it was still fresh after over a week.…

  • I have this fridge. Ask me questions

    • +1

      What is the meaning of life? I spend the work week just waiting for the weekend and then the weekend is gone in a flash and I’m back to the beginning ad infinitum. What’s the point of this?

      • +5


    • Where did you order yours and where was it made? Japan or Thailand?

      • Thailand. Bing lee ebay in 2019.
        Mine is the now discontinued 710L model but identical in other respects

        • Bleh.. I was so tempted to get it but then realised it doesnt fit… The width is too wide :(

          • @Davion: Most double doors are super wide

  • Is the Hitachi as short?
    This one is 1698 mm which was my major issue.
    The last owners had the exact same model, so I know this one will fit!

    • Yoi can get the larger size model

  • Very nice fridge. Had mine for 11 years (if it’s the one with two big drawers, small drawers, then the French doors above that.

  • Is this made in Japan?

  • Experiences please. We're in the market for a new fridge. Our current one (13yo) needs replacing very soon. It's a french door style (double fridge door on top and single freezer drawer). The original idea for thie configuration was prefering a wide fridge space for cakes, platters, pots, etc. Not many of the same configurations so might will probably go for side by side fridge freezer. Don't really llike the muli door ones. I think you lose too much space. What are people's likes/dislikes/experience for side by side or multi door fridge freezers? Thanking in advance.

    • Got this Hitachi one recently, only been using it for a few months so can't speak to longevity but reviews seems to indicate they're solid, and it has 5 years warranty so thats reassuring.

      Came from side-by-side fridge and honestly it's so much better to have wider fridge spaces. I'm ok with having freezers at the bottom, you do lose a bit of space with the two freezers sectioned off but its not really an issue for me.

      I love the vacuum sealed section, and the ice maker is nice too. If reliability isn't an issue (which reviews indicates it wont be), then I happily recommend the Hitachi. Apparently this Mitsubishi model is basically the same thing so it's probably just as good minus the vacuum compartment.

    • I have the same Hitachi buckethat linked but in white for about a year

      If you like placing magnets on your fridge, keep in mind the frosted glass front won't allow that. but it is magnetic on the sides of the fridge. could be different for the one in black. but I like the white frosted glass feel and it's super easy to clean finger prints.

      What I don't like about the fridge is if you have wide items in the fridge you have to open both top doors, unless you're grabbing something from inside the door.

      I like the customisable bottom fridge compartments. you can have them both in freezer config or 1 normal fridge setting and 1 freezer. The ice maker is awesome. just fill the middle water tank and it'll do the rest.

      the vac draw is great for saving left overs fresh for tomorrow, although it's small, maybe you could fit like 2 slices of salmon comfortably, 3 would be pushing it but it would fit on top.

      and if you don't mind, it's Mae in Thailand

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