Demo Volvo XC40 - Advice Please

Hi guys, we are looking to get our first car, a small size SUV and I know nothing about the cars.

Was going to get RAV4 but the price now goes up to nearly $50k, then we turned to Volvo. With around $50k budget, we could seem to have a demo Volvo XC40. We quite like the car.

Is there anything we should look out for about the demo? Any advice about the price or what kind of discount we could expect while asking for the deal?



  • +2

    You have a lovely VOLOV

    • +1

      Tee hee, don't make me blush.

    • Uncle Ivan can service these for a pack of darts and a bottle of Smirnoff.

  • +1

    You'll still get full warranty on a demo , so it should be fine if this is what you want . It'll probably have floor mats already, assuming of course. See if there's any extras they can throw in , not sure what. Good luck 🍀

    • thanks! full warranty is great!
      not sure what else I could ask… maybe an umbrella :)
      do you know what kind of discount we could expect to get from the demo listed price? or it is fixed….

      • How long is a piece of string ? Every dealer will be different , so go for the jugular!

      • Volvo Australia has a system on their website where you can put a model in and view all of the accessories available from dealers - from bootliners to wheels to parking sensors. Go have a look, see if there’s anything you want and politely ask for it to be thrown in

  • I get one typo but every single time…phark me.

  • Was going to get ATOYOTA and liked the palindrome hence VOLOV

  • +1

    You guys are very immature, making gun of a typo

    • +1

      I know you are but what am I

    • how do you make a gun? asking for a friend

  • Current xc40 is reasonably mature, so should be pretty reliable and probably peak Volvo as the newer ones are very different and not in a good way imho.

    Volvo servicing is probably the most expensive brand in Aus below the ultra expensive brands like Porsche, so determine how you want to approach that in your calculations.

    • +1

      did not think about the service cost yet… would the service pack help, l think can purchase the 5yr service pack.

      • +1

        It likely would, I've got an xc60 and an ex30, so I'm likely bias towards Volvo, I've never done a service deal though, I've just used third party when it made sense like brakes, tyres or other major servicing costs.

        We haven't had any issues on our XC60, and the we have friends with the xc40 which has been good, my ex30 though is new Volvo and a reliability disaster, so I guess you always take a chance on European 'luxury' brand, although I had many Audis before switching to the Volvo's and they always had more issues.

        In terms of discounting, pre covid, like my 19 XC60, you would expect big discounts, think 15k to 20k on a loaded xc60, I think now you should also get a bit. But I'm not in market so haven't be,en paying attention and car prices have been crazy since covid. I think I got like a token $500 on my ex30 but EVs are a different market and I ordered one in 2013 when it was ev madness.

        • thanks a lot for sharing!


        consider the long term ownership prospects, don't just look at the price now.

        RAV4 you'll most likely get 60% of your money back when it comes to resale, Volvo depreciation hits hard, repairs and parts will be difficult as the vehicle ages.

  • Trust me bro, it's a genuine VOLOV.

  • If you don't even know the name of the brand, I'd suggest doing some more research before buying :P

  • what draws you to the VOLOV? it's a nicer finish and nicer car of course but the RAV4 is more practical being much larger and will be more reliable and have much better resale value

    • hmmm actually no particular reason …. we also checked X1 but that is too much over 50k…
      resell value is a point.. we probably keep the car for like 5 yrs then trade in…

  • "we are looking to get our first car"
    "With around $50k budget"
    what a world we live in

  • How much to insure it?

    • checked a few, around 1.5k I think. if we choose a higher out of pocket


    Get a CX-5 for 38k. Also cost less for insurance and maintenance. 50k for a XC40 is way too much in my opinion.

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