$589 for Kogan First members, otherwise $609.
Can use free trial of Kogan First to get the discounted price and free shipping (just remember to cancel it before renewal date).
$589 for Kogan First members, otherwise $609.
Can use free trial of Kogan First to get the discounted price and free shipping (just remember to cancel it before renewal date).
Got one recently from Amazon for 610 paid by 10% off gift card
how are you finding it?
Okay, my goal is downsizing from Yamaha tower speakers and receiver
Ooh okay that makes sense. I’ve never tried these before
Is this better? When I checked it was cheaper to get the WS-X1A elsewhere unless I’m wrong haha
They retail for $200 each
oooh ive been looking for a sound bar and going for sonos but this is such a tempting deal. need to do some thinking