Received Dividend but Don't Know How to Access Shares

Hi guys, a while back I received shares of the company as part of my bonus.

Since few years ago, the company has split and I'm still receiving dividends from both companies based on the split shares.

I have access to the portal to view the shares of the first company, but I don't know how to find info of the portal for the other company.

Who do I contact for that? And would there be some kind of documents needed to prove that I'm the rightful owner of the shares?


  • +1

    Someone else will come along and be more useful, as I don't know how employee shares are typically issued.

    If they are issued under HIN/SRN (can you see either of these words in any of your documentation for either company?), then you might be able to start with the registry. To find the share registry for a publicly listed company you can look them up on and scroll down to Share Registry section. E.g. BHP is Computershare

  • +4

    You need to look up which share registry is dealing with the company - Link Market Services, Computer Share, Automic are the most company. Then register there.

    • Yeah the first company's shares is with LMS and I can access it. But somehow I cannot see the 2nd split of it.

      I may try contacting LMS to se if they can advise.

  • +2

    When it split you should have received a holding statement so best if you can find this.

    Alternatively you can go to the ASX website and in the top right hand corner there’s a magnifying glass/search tool. Type in the company name and click on it and the registry details will come up as you scroll through the details

    • I lost the statement as it was paper based.

      I know the company and in fact still have ex colleagues work for both companies. Do I simply call the 2nd company?

      • Yep you can do that or go on their website and they may have an investors section which will tell you what share registry they use.

        There’s a high probability they are using the same share registry as company 1

        • Okay makes sense

  • +1

    Can you provide me with your details, including passwords and date of birth, ill check it out for you.

    • I WISH i can give you the password… I dont even have access to the portal! 😂

  • -1

    Ask the company?

    • +1

      No, @kipps gave the right answer - you go direct to the company and they will fob you off.

      The share registry does all this - you will be on their records as an owner - you will need to prove your ID etc and then they will give you the SRN/HIN for that parcel - which will allow you to do anythhing you wish with them e.g change details, transfer to a broker for you to sell, transfer to same broker as any other holdings etc.

      Is super simple - the company's page will almost always have an investor relations section where their registry will be stated.

      • -3

        LOL - love the snarky neg for saying this. Good job you. ;-)

        • I didn't neg you, how upset do you have to be to comment about it though 🙄

          Edit - I've even supplied a screenshot to show it wasn't me :…

          • -1

            @brendanm: @brendanm
            Mate, I didn't say it was YOU, or I'd have @'d you - which I did not. We've been been here long enough to know that unfortunately thats the type of snarky BS that anonymous gutless wonders do on these forums, not good members like yourself who post trying to assist others.

            One literally points out the correct info - as I did stating the earlier poster and some 10-second attention span wonder neg's.

            How upset am I ? Don't mistake saying anything with chucking a nana. Its just the side of the voting system here that I think OzB should amend.

            I know you from on here , never had an issue with you - and infact like much of your stuff - so as I said mate - I never said or imlied it was you., sorry you misconstrued that way. :-)

            PS. And FWIW I didn't neg you - to prove so I';ve given you a + - alas goose season around here, go figure.

            • -1

              @Daniel Plainview: Negs don't matter mate, it's all internet points with no worth, don't spend any time thinking about it.

              All good regarding the mix up, my fault for assuming you had aimed it at me.

      • Noted… Thats what I thought. I don't think the company contacts can deal with people calling like this and detect frauds. It will need to be a trained financial services customer service person.

      • Share registry will only help if it is a publicly listed company. If it is unlisted he'll probably need to ask the company.

        • It is listed! So I'll try the share registry, thanks!

  • Wasn't Woolworths + Endeavor was it? If so, they should both show in the same portal.

  • Is it a listed or unlisted company?

    you could just say which companies and many of us could give you the answer.

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