• expired

[VIC] Spend $500+ at Any Retailer, Receive $50 Chadstone Gift Card @ Chadstone Shopping Centre


Great offer from Chadstone, as I believe that the $50 Chadstone gift card is an eftpos card that can be used anywhere.

Purchases exclude gift card, online and layby purchases, lotto purchases, bank transactions, ATM withdrawals, other cash withdrawals, medical centre payments and utility bill payments.


This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

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closed Comments

  • Include apple store?

    • +1

      Terms don't say otherwise.

      • -1

        i’m surprised that the 1st comment wasn’t “buy, claim, return” :)

    • +2

      Did you read the short exclusions list conveniently included in the OP?

  • 25 - 30 November or while stocks last … Would check with the concierge first as this is limited to first 2000 people based on the 100k giveaway.

  • Click and collect should be fine?

    • Yeh it looks like it, but you have to be able to take the physical receipt to the Chadstone counter to be able to claim the $50 before they run out of the 2000 x $50 vouchers

      • +2

        Purchases exclude gift card, online and layby purchases

        • I think by online they mean buying from online store and getting it shipped to you.

          • @DrScavenger:

            Retain original printed itemised receipt/s (digital receipts are invalid)

      • How fast do you think they would run out of those vouchers?

  • Will be interesting to see how long this lasts! 376 retailers are included! Even Coles, Aldi and Apple!
    These are the full T's & C's below:

  • Better get there now or you’ll be stuck in a massive, massive queue.

    You also have to sign up to their email list.

  • One of my "no go" places to go is Dandenong Rd on approach to Chaddy during these peak periods. It's hell.

    Good deal otherwise, especially if stacking with sales!

  • +1

    The parking there is bad on a quiet day. Ppl get pretty feral.

    • People get feral cause the rubbish infrastructure of this country means you can only drive and park there.
      Imagine supposedly the biggest shopping centre in the southern hemisphere having buses as the only public transport and no fixed rail, no wonder the plebs just pile onto car park spaces.
      And we all know how bad Aussie run buses are, they'd sooner leave a stop early than wait a minute to pick up passengers just getting off a train. You miss one and it's a 30 minute wait.

  • Is this still ON?

    • Finished wednesday already

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