Any Financial Risk in Joining Class Action Lawsuit

Hi, Is there any financial risk to joining the ANZ Onepath Super class action.

Basically they are seeking $50 milllion. Legal fees are $18 million. $32 million expected payout. It's on a no win no pay with Slater & Gordon.

I'm wondering if only say $10 million is awarded, do the lawyers then look to the group members for the other $8 million shortfall?


  • -2

    Ask a lawyer.

    • +1

      Unfortunately Dennis Denuto has retired.

      • +2

        It's the vibe…

  • +1

    Haven’t they settled on a $50M payout so hard to see it doesn’t get signed off?

  • It can't be scam. It says so right there on the site that its not a scam. And would a scammer use a URL like "secure-portal"?

    But, seriously, I know people who didn't sign up to the class action suit that I recently got a nice distribution from, because the email they got asked for their bank details. They'd previously been scammed by someone who, apparently legitimately, asked for their bank details. so they lost money then as a result of that, then lost money again because they got asked for their bank details in a genuinely legitimate class action suit and assumed that was a scam too. It was a shame because if they were suspicious, all they had to do was ask for a cheque.

    But, seriously, seriously, we dealt with our lawyers through their genuine legit web site in their name that we could verify by contacting them by other means. Not through a page on a web site with a URL of "secure-portal" that you can't verify independently, and could be set up by anyone. That's exactly the sort of name a scammer would use to trick you into thinking it was secure.

  • +1

    If you do not sign up to a class action then you are not a member of the class action and will get nothing if a settlement is awarded. (I know this to be a fact from personal experience)

  • Looks like op does not understand "It's on a no win no pay with slater gordon" risk. If this is correct then I would suggest … sorry this is a public forum, but FOO BAR comes to mid…

    • There's other risks though to suing an organisation. This is probably straight forward, but in other cases lawyers can get real ugly, like they dgaf, the law is a tool to hurt you.

      • -3

        Sounds like America under Trump. If you are on his team,or are willing to lick his loin cloth, the law is not welcome.
        He's made law redundant.

        • +2

          It sounds like someone on the other side of the planet is living rent-free in your head. Think about it.

          • @Daabido: Newsflash genius. What happens on any side of the planet (via Trump or any US president) we live on has impacts.and implications Get someone else to think about it, and get back to you with a white board and some gentle reminders.

  • It's already been settled for $50m, from what I've read.

  • +2

    There's no downside. You were already a member of the class action if you were affected (unless you opted out), and if so you'll likely get some payout because there's already a $50 million proposed settlement. Let us know the final $$.

  • I'm a member of an ANZ class action from a different law firm and my estimated payout is $23 I think

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