This was posted 4 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

50% Off Paramount+ Standard/Premium Plans: $5.49/$6.99 Per Month for 3 Months or $48.99/$62.49 for 12 Months @ Paramount+


Paramount+ have a promo on for Black Friday. Save 50% a month for 3 months or 50% on standard/premium annual memberships.

50% Off on Select Annual Plans!

Limited Time Offer, Get 1 Year of Paramount+ With a Standard/Premium Plan From $48.99

Standard: HD streaming with up to 2 streams running at once.
Premium: 4K streaming with up to 4 streams running at once.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

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closed Comments

  • +14

    Different tastes, but I personally didn't find a lot of valuable content on there. Still, not bad for under $50 a year if you can find something on there.

    • yeah agreed.

    • +19

      It's perfect for those who watch the A-League and national football teams.

    • +6

      Tulsa king but there's only 2 seasons atm

    • +5

      Lioness is awesome show, currently season 2…but I agree, it is such a boring streaming platform, no wonder it is so cheap

    • +1

      We're not American TV or American Series viewers or rabid sports fans. For those who are, it's great value. So whilst true that Paramount do have a lot of brain dead contemporary target audience rubbish, in evaluating the cost of the channel as entertainment vs all the expenses involved in going to the movies a couple of occasions or even purchasing just a couple of boxed sets, they have sufficient on the channel to make it of value.

      A decent movie back catalogue which they rotate regularly, it's a smorgasbord for Star Trek fans. Worth it for their list of Taylor Sheridan series they have alone. i.e. 1883, 1923, Tulsa, Mayor of Kingstone, Hell or High Water, although PASS on the woke Special Ops:Lioness US propaganda. Then there's Julian Fellows' The Gilded Age.

      All things considered, definitely worth the price of a sub if even just two of those series shows appeal. AFAIC, 1883 is compelling viewing. Best western since Lonesome Dove, Dances with Wolves or Open Range.

    • Yeah. I keep meaning to get it when there's a deal, but I just looked and there's only one show I want to watch. And most of the time when I start watching a show, I get bored anyway.

  • +12

    Can any one actually see where it shows price or the 12 month offer? It goes right to the sogn up page.

    Don't know why this is legal that you can't see any sense of terms, and why the marketing people at paramount are that arrogant to think people will jump to sign up with no info.

    • My thoughts exactly

    • +1

      Saw this from a Facebook ad where it says "from $48.99 for 1 Year"

    • +1

      Standard annual is $48.99. Premium annual $62.49

    • +8

      There are some pretty good shows if you havent seen them - Yellowjackets, Evil, Good Wife/Fight, Ghosts (the UK version) etc, plus random but older movies. However if you are the type to pick one streaming service and binge that before moving on, then probably just get the 3 month deal as you can get through most of the good stuff within that period.

      • +3

        +1 for UK version of Ghosts!

    • +1

      Only the monthly plans show for me when trying to get the offer.

      • +3

        Select the monthly plan and on the next screen it shows the yearly offer

        • +2

          Ah yep, that did the trick!
          Thanks for that

    • Can any one actually see where it shows price or the 12 month offer? It goes right to the sogn up page.

      Sign up (or sign in) and you'll see it (it's just available to everyone, so there's no special page for it).

  • +1

    damn.. have to try tomorrow, my sub ends today.

    • Mine ended yesterday and currently is still working

      • +1

        On American time maybe?

        • +1

          Could be actually. I'll see if its still working tomorrow

        • +4

          Expired now and renewed at 50% off

    • Happy days! My sub ended yesterday too (although actually only ran out a couple of hours ago). Successfully renewed on the premium plan for $62.49 for the year. 😃

  • +1

    Anyone know if this plan has ads, and whether multiple devices can watch at same time ?

    • these plans are ad-free.
      the standard plan is HD quality, 2 streams at once
      the premium plan is 4K quality, 4 streams at once.

  • +2

    This is good timing as the Amazon 12 month deal that was $5 a month will expire for me next month.. I was just going to let it lapse Thanks OP

  • +15

    I went to cancel my subscription to try and take up the offer. After i clicked continue it offered me the 50% discount for another 12 months.

    • +2

      Thanks for the tip, I went and did the same … low effort to save $41.

    • +4

      Didn't work for me :(

      • +2

        yeah same, I cancelled last week but my sub does not end until 13th dec. I re-subbed an un-subbed twice trying to get it to trigger but no go.

    • Yep worked here as well, thanks

    • did you do anything else special? because it's not offering me a chance to resubscribe for 50% off

      • How long do you have left on your yearly sub? Mine expired in a couple weeks.

        • It was going to end 25 November … saw this post .. clicked Cancel.

          Maybe I need to give it a day or two

          Btw .. I'm on Premium if that matters

          • @CereaL: Hmm, thats interesting. Yeh may see if you get an email in the next day or two

    • Didn't work for me - my sub ends in a couple of weeks so will start with a new email etc.

  • +6

    You can get this subscription for free for twelve months if you sign up with origin energy, get the free paramount plus, then cancel/swap energy providers

    Edit: you need to sign up for origin’s internet service then you can cancel the internet before it’s even activated (and after using the code for paramount plus)

  • +3

    I got it free for a year almost a year ago. Never watched anything on there. Got it mainly to give to my folks and family. They hardly watched anything on there too and they spend ages watching these streaming services. Tulsa King is the only thing on there worth watching - I still download it instead.

    Feel sad for people who are paying for mediocre shows with these apps thats cost so much per year. Paying for Netflix, Amazon, Paramount can set you back hundreds of dollars per year and you get jack sh*t worth watching.

    • +5

      A-Leagues are on there. There are dozens of us. DOZENS!

    • +1

      Have you tried Lioness? Very high quality show IMO with Nicole Kidman.
      Really depends on what you are into, but for the price (half price) it is definitely worthwhile for me.

  • +3

    Paramount Plus is great watch all the crime shows like NCIS, FBI and CSI with plenty of seasons to work through

  • Sign up for 3 months for cheap, watch a single series, cancel.
    One day maybe they'll have something worthwhile continuing a subscription for..

  • +3

    Great timing. Lioness season 2 is now on.

    • +1

      So the first season is good? I haven't seen it.

      • +3

        Season 1 was amazing. Highly recommended if you like CIA / Black-ops stuff.

        • +1

          Great, thanks!

        • S2 is even more intense. Fight sequences burn big piles of cash. Explosions. Me like.

  • My sub doesn't end until 26 Nov. Can anyone tell me when this 50% off deal ends?

    • +1

      I see it now. Offer ends 3 December.

      • awesome! nice find!
        my sub ends on the 28th, I should be able to resub for the 50% off offer before the 3rd of December! thanks OP

  • -5

    I'd just like to inform everyone that you can find much better FREE and LEGAL ways to stream content directly to your pc that works just like paramount or netflix, but uses torrents. Just make sure you steer clear of any copyrighted content because thats ILLEGAL, and only stream content you have legal rights to watch and you're good to go ;)

    Stremio + Torrentio + Real Debrid will give you the results you're looking for.

    Real Debrid has a very low cost associated ($25 for 6 months?) but you can still use without paying, just has slow buffering times.

    • +1

      Torrents have been around in various forms for decades. What entertainment content isn't copyrighted or licence restricted?

      • No good content that's for sure. But I don't encourage illegal activities on Ozb. If you want to watch copyrighted content, that's entirely up to you, it's all available on there ;)

        I've used torrents for 20 years but I've never been able to directly stream a torrent, on a smart TV app, without buffering times. This is peak torrenting.

        • -2

          Lol, pull the other one it whistles.

          • -2

            @Igaf: I'm not sure what you're even trying to argue here. Stremio works just fine, direct torrent streaming with smart TV app and a proper catalogue like netflix. Are you saying you don't believe this is possible? Or that I don't use it for illegal content lol

            • @mhmhmh123: I'm saying that your comments regarding "alternatives" are at best incongruous and in reality disingenuous given the content involved in the deal. Quite simple really.

              • -3

                @Igaf: I'm just someone who can't afford to pay for 10 streaming services mate. The service I suggested works great for streaming movies and tv shows, how is this 'incongruous'. Disingenuous? This is ozbargain and I'm trying to help people save money, plain and simple.

                I just found it a few days and cancelled (profanity) everything, figured ozbargain would appreciate the tip. You don't sound like you belong here lol

                • @mhmhmh123:

                  I'm just someone who can't afford to pay for 10 streaming services mate. The service I suggested works great for streaming movies and tv shows,

                  That confirms the disingenuity exactly.

                  I just found it a few days and cancelled (profanity) everything, figured ozbargain would appreciate the tip.

                  Most interested Ozbargainers are already aware of streaming services. Most also know what's kosher and what isn't.

                  You don't sound like you belong here lol

                  Seems more than a little ironic given you've been a member since 2017 yet posted zero deals and 14 comments, although I wouldn't totally disagree when I see some of the occasional puerile, barefaced dishonesty in comments. Fortunately they're relatively rare.

    • +1

      Not just PC either - the app is available on iPhones, Android and Google TV.

      On an Android Phone, you can also download the app 'Video Downloader & Ace Player' to download ANYTHING off Stremio for offline use - like for a flight etc

    • +2

      25 for 6 months is literally more than this deal if you were just after Paramount.

      • -1

        It's literally $1 more than this deal. But this is everything. All streaming services. Netflix, Hulu, Paramount, Disney+, Prime, Crunchyroll, whatever else there is, and any movie or show not listed on those.

        Up to you if you think saving $1 is worth it in that situation.

        • +1

          It's not about a dollar, it's more, why would I pay to pirate? I'd just pirate lmao

          • -1

            @TheDukeOfNukem: Nah that's fair, if you have a good set-up for it then go for it. Media server and torrenting what you want is a damn good option.

            There's just something nice about having a home screen with a bunch of suggested trending shows from streaming services there to pick from when you cant be bothered thinking about what you want to watch. I think that was the main appeal for me. I cbf thinking about what I want to watch, feed me braindead popular content lol.

            You can use Stremio for free btw. Real debrid is the paid part of it which you can skip entirely…It basically just downloads the torrent for you at some stupidly high speed, and streams it to you so there's no buffering.

            So yeah Stremio still okay for free but I think at that point just stick to whatever you're already using if it works.

            EDIT: And turns out real debrid is getting nerfed by EU legal stuff as of earlier today so all of my shilling is for nothing.

            • +3

              @mhmhmh123: On every single post about a streaming service or show/movie, someone inevitably posts that you can get all this stuff for free … nudge nudge, wink,wink.

              These imdb/scrapper/torrent/debrid combinations have been around probably a decade now, streamio is just the latest popular one.
              I think by this stage almost everyone who would be interested in pirated shows will be aware of them.

    • You can just write the words without the wink wink nudge nudge. Nobody is watching your comments. Nobody will delete a comment if you mention torrenting. Everyone here knows how Google works.

    • You may want to check Real Debrid's latest news

    • +1

      LoL @ "only stream content you have legal rights to watch"

      It you've got a legal right to watch it, you can almost certainly view it through the media owners app or website (ie iView etc)

  • -2

    How do I know what's playing on Paramount?
    Is Tulsa King and Yellowstone on Paramount?

  • Does having Paramount+ give access to MGM+ plus shows in Amazon? i.e are they the same?

    • +1

      No. MGM+ is a separate sub.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Our sub expired a couple of days ago. I had disabled auto-renew thankfully. A pleasant surprise to find this and notably, that it was valid for former subscribers. Just tried it, and it worked for our expired account.

  • Thanks OP. Have just cancelled my auto renew (due to renew 27th Nov) and will resubscribe with your offer after that date

  • I have a sub, due to expire 5-Dec, already pre-cancelled. The only option I get is to "resume subscription" and that appears to be at the full $124.99. I assume I will need a new account to access the 50% off.

    • Click on resume subscription, and then click on cancel subscription again…. There should be an offer this time for a 50% off. (It's what I've just done)

      • +2

        Tried three or four times and it didn't do it :(

      • I tried. I clicked resume then cancel again and nada.

      • no luck here for me either. lucky my sub ends before this offer ends on 3 Dec

    • +1

      My sub was actually due to expire yesterday (21-Nov). I can still access content (doesn't seem to have expired yet, maybe they work on US time). I just have the resume subscription button to, but with my $89.99 fee. I dare not click that button as I think I did this last year, and it automatically renewed it with no input allowed to get the discount.

      • +1

        Just got the expired notice then (must be US time), and was able to resubscribe at the discounted rate, winner!

  • Does this remove the ads for prime videos?

    • No. Paramount+ is nothing to do with PRIME.

      You can additionally sub to Paramount+ through PRIME, or separately through their own downloadable Android app which comes already pre-installed on Amazon Firestick AFAIR, but they are totally different subscriptions.

  • What NFL do you get? And yes I have searched for the answer.

    • +1

      I wanted to know as well and found this:
      "…you’ll get live access to around 38 NFL on CBS matchups during the 2024 NFL season…"

      So not much.

  • +1

    50% and still too expensive

  • Think I'll just go a few free trials when Yellow jackets drops. Nothing else on there worthwhile. Still.

  • +3

    Ah I miss the good ole days of $8 annual subscription.

  • Perfect thanks OP - just in time Amazon were going to raise my subscription to $10.99pm in two days.

  • Socceroos streams are horrible. No point buying it for that as next game is in march.

  • Why is mine in Spanish?

  • It is good value for the A-League. I also like watching Taskmaster Australia and Thank God Your Here without all the ads

  • -1

    To be honest, even if they gave away 6 months of free trial, I probably wouldn't know what to watch. There is nothing interesting at all.

  • Does this work for existing members?

    • Supposedly not. Try it and see? Importantly it does work for former subscribers. Account expired, even if yesterday.

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