What is the best phone to buy temporarily for the 3G shutdown?
Cheapest Phone to Use VoLTE or 5G Sim

Cheapest decent 5G phone would likely be the G54.
You could find cheaper with a 4G or possibly 5G locked phone. Have a look at the mobile category.
G54 cheapest eSIM phone. But been having network issues with Android 14 update. Motorola software is a nightmare.
Yeah I'd probably buy a refurb if looking for cheap like Motorola Moto G62 (5G) from Reebelo for $139 + $22 for a 24 month "any reason" replacement warranty for even if you break it. Even if it breaks in month 25 it cost only $6.70/month or 22c per day at most.
However there are cheaper locked phones like <$80 for Optus from like Woolies though.
Cheapest VoLTE phone is Motorola E14 $88
Any phone sold now must be able to do VoLTE.
Redmi 12 is still being sold and has issues
Any phone sold now must be default to VoLTE for emergency calls. FTFY.
Avoid Nokia. Crap products, shite support.
Temporarily? The 3G shutdown is not temporary.