You can get the exact same MacBook as Linus for an ATL!…
You can get the exact same MacBook as Linus for an ATL!…
If Linus can use 256gb to build the Linux kernel, so can you :)
Maybe some of us don't care about Linux Linus or any other Linus and would love a fairer increase in price when looking at a 512 version :) … like $1500 but one can dream
Meh, just use iCloud lol
@BatmanAU: … how about no, also not about the storage size just the 256 on the m2's were a bit gimp'd :)
@scud70: Yeah I think Apple may have cheated out on the storage, throttled on the M2 apparently if you read reviews
What I mean is that the speed of transfer is half, i.e. a significant performance hit when accessing storage.
ow should pb this at 1234.99
Thank you!
Got an Officeworks PB on the M3 for $1,424.98.
That's a good idea, $190 more for current gen.
Only half the storage bandwidth with the 256GB though…