For a limited time get The Bard's Tale which has good reviews for FREE, normally $5.49 US.
Please note this is an elaborate game and is huge at 1.69GB!
For a limited time get The Bard's Tale which has good reviews for FREE, normally $5.49 US.
Please note this is an elaborate game and is huge at 1.69GB!
It's 50% off on Android atm making it $2.88.
I bought it on Android last week. I thought to post it as a bargain, but meh. For some reason the jokes were not very funny.
ahhh the memories
Thanks OP, downloading now, worth a go seeing as it's free.
1.34 GB!
On Android you can choose between 1.7GB or 3GB for HD. I guess you don't have such choice on iOS.
wow that's huge
Thanks OP! Was thinking about buying this game last year.
I was a little dissappointed that this is nothing like the original Bards Tales.
It also includes the original Bards Tales as well. So you can play both!
It includes an Amiga emulator, and the three Bards Tales games in Amiga format. A bit unstable and pretty hard to play.
Also, bear in mind that to play the original bards tales you need to refer to the spell book quite often as well as the map. The game includes links to HTML versions of both but you're going to look like a bit of a knob paging through printouts of them on the train. Better off playing them at home on a PC with a proper Amiga emulator.
Best game in the world nothing better.
so this is your standard of best game?
I notice on the left it has a ton of "Top in-app purchases", may not be as good a deal as it seems! I hate how paid apps have micro transactions =/
The game is actually not that hard and you can get through it without doing any in-app purchase.
A real Ozbargain Bard obtains weapons from the cold dead hands of enemies, not from a Mastercard.
Is there anyway I can this 'bought' and linked to my account without actually downloading it? I'm away from home and can't download a big file like this.
New to how the App Store works, thanks!
Yep, just begin the download and then instantly cancel it once it starts. It will stay in your accounts purchase history and be free forever =)
That's all I need to know, thanks!
Edit: I can't start the download without a Wifi connection! And is there a way to get back to the app I was browsing ie I click on the ozbargain link through a web browser then if I accidentally click on a tab at the bottom (search/ featured) I can't get back to where I was!
Problem with iPhone not having a back button :P I'm an Android so I dunno, I just grab all the free iOS apps for the unlikely event that sometime in the future I own an Apple product.
I'm using an iPhone temporarily so I'm thoroughly confused haha. Can you buy apps without using an apple device?
I do it using iTunes, just sign in there and add the apps to your account.
That's if you have a computer handy. It will start downloading it but you can cancel within iTunes.
Bought it when it was $2.92 on Android. Great game!
Here's the Wikipedia entry for it.