• expired

Kogan Mobile Plan $9.99; $29; $79; $299 'Plans' Available


Best Prices on Unlimited Access using part of Telstra's Mobile Network!

FREE SIM STARTER PACK ($4.99 Postage and Handling per SIM)
- Includes 100 minutes + 100 SMS + 100MB Data (expiry not stated)

Plan Cost Expiry Calls/SMS Data
Data 30 $9.99 30 Days N/A 2GB
Access 30 $29 30 Days Unlimited 6GB/Month
Access 90 $79 90 Days Unlimited 6GB/Month
Access 365 $299 365 Days Unlimited 6GB/Month

ACA adverStory

Data is rounded up to the nearest MB per Session

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closed Comments

      • Scotty, I think it's as much a convergence stategy as a a branching one. After having read the terms and conditions I particularly like Kogan's 'grey market sms option', where your texts are sent to Hong Kong and come back to you via DHL. A bit like receiving a letter. I think it's the way of the future.

  • Kogan can barely handle support relating to their products.. not sure how the heck they plan to handle mobile customers.

  • +2

    can we actually port in our number? any info on that?

    • +1

      They are hitting the market segment that cares about cost more than reliability. The other major players are pretty much price-forcing you to buy phones on 2 year contracts for higher value. Good on him but as a travelling salesman I wouldn't touch it with a 10ft pole.

  • Any idea about International Roaming?

  • Why the f aren't Telstra forced to let third party resellers use their network like with the landlines? In the country they have a monopoly on mobile users.

    • Don't know why that comment warranted a neg, it's true…the govt has never allowed competitors an even playing field with Telstra! :S

    • +3

      How is it a monopoly when there are 2 other competing networks?

      • +3

        How are they competing when the govt allows Telstra to regularly engage in anti-competitive practices?

        When one provider is given an unfair advantage over its competitors, it remains a monopoly! ;)

        • +4

          unfair advantage?
          because they built there own towers?

        • +1

          There's more to the relationship than just ownership of infrastructure including towers…google it if you don't believe me, it's a matter of public record!

          There should still be plenty of archived discussion on WP regarding this too…

        • +2

          I am with you StewBalls, There is a lot of info out there that talks about Telstra and their monopoly. I think the younger crowds dont know the history of it all.

        • I'm not defending Telstra as a whole.

          I'm simply saying that UNLIKE the landline copper network, there are other alternative MOBILE networks such as Optus and Vodafone.

          Hence, the word monopoly is inaccurate. The word monopoly implies they have complete control over the market.

        • -1

          I do hate to use wikipedia, but:

          Monopolies are thus characterized by a lack of economic competition to produce the good or service and a lack of viable substitute goods.

          So yeah, if you're talking about the semantic interpretations of the word monopoly, it is still contextually correct…remember, the literal meaning of a word is not the only pragmatic interpretation of it's meaning. That is, unless you really do think Optus & Voda services are equivalent to Telstra???

          Here's the ref wiki uses if that helps your understanding:

          Blinder, Alan S; William J Baumol and Colton L Gale (June 2001). "11: Monopoly" (paperback). Microeconomics: Principles and Policy. Thomson South-Western. p. 212. ISBN 0-324-22115-0. "A pure monopoly is an industry in which there is only one supplier of a product for which there are no close substitutes and in which is very difficult or impossible for another firm to coexist"

          My work phone is Telstra…comparing that service to my personal LC/Optus (or previous Voda one) is like chalk & cheese…

        • I also use Telstra and given the subpar performance and network congestion facing the Telstra NextG network in CBD areas, I would say that the Optus network makes for a fairly viable alternative.

          I agree that Voda is pretty crappy but I was also previously on 3 and my data throughput speeds were much higher on 3 compared to Telstra.

          There was even a recent article in The Age which compared Optus 4G with Telstra 4G and they rated Optus higher.

          All in all the fact is there are alternatives but I guess individual use cases will impact suitability.

        • When you say CBD, I presume you mean Sydney CBD?

          The problem is that whilst using that as a metric to gauge viability for some of the population, it doesn't really encompass a great deal geographically. For those of us not sitting in Pitt St mall, unfortunately there remains no viable equivalent alternative at this point in time if you want decent 3G/4G speeds.

        • -1

          Its interesting because as you post that stewballs you are in the 4G network in Newcastle, and its available in Maitland, hell even in Singo its there.

        • +2

          Referring to The Age would suggest Melbourne CBD.

        • -1

          Hmmm, might be time for a 4G phone upgrade for me then…coz the 3G performance everywhere I go locally is shite ATM! I had to go to Sydney last week for a meeting & the Optus 3G on my personal phone was crankin' compared to Newy! ;)

          I might try a new 4G phone…thanks for the heads-up Copie!

        • -1

          Best ive gotten is 47mbps down and 20mbps up and im about 7 clicks from the tower (3 bars) even outside of LTE its all DC 3g which still hooks along alright.

        • +2

          The fact that telstra have a better network than optus is because telstra have spent a lot more money on it - not because they have some kind of unfair advantage. Telstra shouldn't be made to share something they have spent so much money on. It was one of the only good things to come out of the sol trujilo days and Telstra should be applauded for giving a damn about telecommunications in this country.

          Seems rather ridiculous that people want a world class 3G network but don't want to pay telstra the amount required to pay back the extremely expensive build cost?

  • +1

    Beware. It's Kogan!

  • -1

    Not trying to be a ***t kicker; but how is this a deal? Isn't this Kogan's regular pricing, or is there a discount coupon or something that I've missed out on.

    • +3

      It's potentially a bargain, relative to other offers in the market.

  • It was featured on A Current Affair last night. Even in the video they confessed that it's probably not the plan if you are looking for high speed mobile broadband.

    Now I wonder whether you can actually use 6GB.

    • +1

      Even at 0.5mbps you could burn through 6GB quite quickly if the connection is stable. Would take around 27 hours to get to 6GB.

      • -4

        Realistically what do you need 6gb on your phone for? Your 3g connection probably won't even stream youtube that well.

  • +1

    "Data is rounded up to the nearest MB per Session"

    That is disgusting in this day and age. TPG's $1 PAYG SIM only charges every 10kb.

    • +2

      It allows them to win the pissing competition, without actually having to pay for the Data, in most cases. It's not a 6GB "real data" along the likes of Live-Connected etc.

  • +2

    The starter SIM is said to be FREE, with $4.99 shipping. In reality it's $4.99 shipped, as you get hit shipping on each SIM.

    • The Whirlpool thread is getting a bit rabid about this now.

  • -1

    Just activated my service tonight. 3G speeds are rather impressive. And unlike LC who gave me an absolute sh*tty number for my mum, Kogan gave me a good number which I may use to replace my current Voda one once it's out of contract.

    • What speedtest results do you get?

    • Does the starter pack come with a number, or do you get one randomly when you activate. Would mind a repetitive, easy to recall number myself.

  • Experiences on Whirlpool are interesting. No 3g coverage at all on some highways is a bit shocking though.

  • Already get .5megs/sec from 45d Woolworths Mobile 5 Gb at -$15 pm (NOV/DEC discounts) relative to this architecture resold, so it looks doubtful moving would be worth the risk.

  • where's the promotion been for this? they've kept it pretty low key so far, which may mean they don't have alot of confidence in the product?

    • ACA AdverStory to enough?

      • Guess they are reaching out to more that demographic..

        • You think they need any more interest that the massive amount they already have for next to no advertising cost?

  • Well, I've just performed some speed tests with the Kogan SIM in my iPad and I'm impressed.

    Optus only yields 60-120kB/s max in my house, Kogan downloads at 840kB/s in the same room!

    • suburb/location would help

      • +1

        Newcastle .

  • +1

    Im sure people come on this forum just for the sake of putting a good thing down!!
    You have the choice if you like it buy it if you dont like it dont buy it.
    But in reality it works like this if you dont like it i will moan how bad it is and pick holes in the product until the cows come home but i recon most of these moaners are tied into a 2 year contract paying an obscene amount of money for a sub standard service Welcome to Australia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And by the way i have my sim from Kogan 100mins plus msg and 100mb internet and from were i live its 10 times faster than Vodashite and thats home and work and i live in a so called city Gold Coast the crime capital of the world ha ha ha

  • -2

    Data round to nearest mb per session… That's horrible… Each time my phone goes in and out of data coverage I will pay a mb of data.

    • +1

      Harsh negative. Pretty common practice for big data allowances. e.g. Woolworths

      I can't see you losing data coverage 6000 times a month on Telstra network.

      • -2

        7000 times is the record, but 6000 per month is average.

        • was that on Onetel?

        • not sure, i got it from "All Phones", then they lost Telstra and became "Some Phones"… and next month will lose Optus so they will become "One Phone". Maybe another OneTel. LOL

    • 1) Telstra 'Lite', considering the offer is Kogan's deal and not the extended version.

      2) Re: equivalent unfortunate practice by Woolworths Mobile, you need to take into account respective Data allowance;

      1740 /3333 is 0.522cents per MB v 2490 /6000 0.415cpMB to Kogan Mobile.
      K.M. comes out -0.1 cents based on its most generous or 299.00 plan;

      and then you might weight in pricing discounts as not posted on Kogan's structure. W.M., OTOH, has been sought at 873 /3333 as little as 0.261cpMB — it's a figure no one has topped in so many as 16 months. And true, this would offset that bit of double dipping IRT rounding.

  • thanks OP. these mobile plans suit my needs nicely. i only use voice calls, light web and email on my phone, so coverage and reliability are more important to me than speed. just concerned about kogan's support in case anything does go wrong; recent experiences have not been that good.

  • me and my girlfriend currently both spending 40 a month each for dodo, so seriously considering this 1 year option for us both, saving 360 per year! coverage is very important for me as i travel rural nsw for work and optus has been very reliable so far though..

    • The coverage of Kogan is a bit unusual in that some rural areas that are covered by Optus and Telstra (Next G) aren't covered by Kogan/TW. I advise you to check the coverage maps before doing anything.

  • Telstra is usually better than optus for coverage. That being said, I keep my woolworths deal since it offers better value for me.

  • Hmm, as I understand faster data protocols chew through battery faster, as does the mobile phone struggling to connect to a weak signal. So this sim with base level 3g and good generally good signal strength should be good for battery life?

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