This was posted 3 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Beef Cheek $22/kg @ Woolworths


Normally $28.50 at Colesworth. Tasty cut of meat that needs to be slow cooked. Good for ragu or braised with red wine, onion etc. Can also be smoked like here

“Beef Cut Guide Cut from the cheek, this beef cheek becomes tender and juicy when slow cooked.”

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Those cheeky specials from colesworth

  • +2

    Good price, I'll be interested to see what the quality is like.

    I smoke them like the above link in my Weber Kettle, however I recommend boating them with Ginger Beer and brown sugar as per this Booma's BBQ video

    The best meat for tacos in my opinion.

    • Any success with brisket?

      • +1

        Nah I always manage to stuff it up in the kettle (though this could be due to buying too smaller piece of meat). I stick to what I know I can do, usually pulled pork, beef cheeks, beef shorties and pork ribs. I leave the brisket to my mate whos got a Traeger.

        • +1

          I hear you, it's a catch 22…I don't want to commit to trying to smoke a large brisket in case it doesn't work out and i've wasted my money, but then it's harder to get a smaller one right without drying it out.

          • +1

            @tritorius: Smaller ones are usually just the point (lean), very difficult to get right. I have had partial success making a drunken brisket but it's mainly not on the smoker so it doesn't really count.

  • +14

    I miss the $8 a kilo days…

    • +4

      Yeah, I remember when no one wanted this kind of meat.

      • +1

        Blame the immigrants. So much food like chicken wings, squid, etc. used to be so much cheaper when most people only ate meat and three veg.

        • +4

          but also thank the immigrants for bringing their tasty food with them and into our culture.

        • +1

          immigrants have brought down the cost of spices and introduced many new varieties of fruit and vegetables. How much did garlic cost in the good old days compared to today?

          When farmers can sell their products overseas for a premium the local price goes up too, globalisation is the reason living standards have decreased and will continue to do so. Eventually Australian wages will fall to the average global price, which is obviously a lot lower than people earn now

    • yes, beef cheeks are fancy now

  • +1

    These used to be way cheaper…

  • +4

    Laughable considering it used to be a cheap cut of meat

  • Any recommended recipes for this?

  • All you rich people who can afford Colesworth meats. I've had to succumb to quality, fresh products from my local butcher at a cheaper price. The convenience tax at Colesworth is definitely a luxury I don't need.

    • +1

      That's awesome if you find the meat cheaper there. I do feel though that when people say this they should name the butcher and what the price on the equivalent cut is there, so others can benefit. I've found people recommend this and then I look and it's the same price as the specials at Colesworth.

      For many people it works out similarly if they have multiple flybuy/everyday reward cards so they can cycle points offers. e.g. 2000 points ($10) for $50 spend. I can't see beef cheeks cheaper than $22/kg at other butchers near me.

      The other thing I do is use deals on ubereats and milkrun where it works out to be 30-50% off to order meat from Colesworth. E.g. I've got diced beef in the slow cooker outside right now that I got in a $15 off $25 spend. Also have just gone through 4 $10 boxes from hellofresh and everyplate.

      • +3

        Completely agree with what you are saying. My local Italian butcher is awesome, and I've suggested he advertise and put his name out there, given the quality, price and amazing customer service, but he has no interest in supplying the masses and I want to respect his business model.

    • +1

      I've never seen anyone actually post proof of their local butchers being cheaper. Yes, there's the occasional one-off special (maybe because it's been sitting there a while or something) but not regular every day pricing.

  • -1

    LOL $22/kg being marked as a bargain… I go to my local wholesaler and get Angus short ribs for $21/kg this week or Angus rump for $20/kg.

    • +1

      How much for beef cheeks? Which is your wholesaler?

  • -3

    You realise "Beef Cheeks" are a secondary cut right? There are plenty of really good a cheap meat suppliers in Sydney (I'm sure in other capitals as well). Just jump on to Facebook or Twitter.

    Pendle Hill Meats
    Westfresh Blacktown
    The Meattok butcher in Auburn
    SM MarketPlace Girraween

    • +3

      Checked all of these and searched and no reference or price to beef cheeks. So if you find it, please post it, because I’m sure the 264 people who have clicked on the deal so far would be interested. I saw an awful lot of processed meat on the sites you posted, and not everyone lives in western Sydney.

      The deal I posted is a good price for beef cheeks in today’s context for those who are interested. If you prefer other meats that’s good. Just posting a deal for those interested.

      • LOL! Coles and Woolworths sell a lot of processed meat too, just go to the deli counter or freezer isle… keep reaching. If you want hang your hat "beef cheeks" that you need to cook low and slow for a long to make it edible cool, for under $20/kg Westfresh had waygu brisket ($14 for yearling brisket) not long ago. I snagged one and did 10 hour cook.

        • You’ve been a member since 2008 and posted 1 deal, I’ve been a member since 2015 and posted 252 deals. Looking at your comment history you “lol” a lot but contribute little. If that’s how you choose to live your life, I can’t imagine it’s good for you but it’s your choice. If I see something that is potentially a saving for some of the community I’ll choose to post it here, or elsewhere. Congratulations on your brisket, maybe post it as a deal next time, or if you see competitive deal on beef cheeks.

          • @morse: You can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink… I'll leave you to your "beef cheeks" I've got short ribs to cook.

            • +2

              @BlinkyBill: If you're not going to post the actual suppliers and actual prices of your better deals, then why even mention them at all ?

              How could anyone take advantage of the better pricing when you haven't listed the details ?!

  • +1

    Came across with Woolworths Market Value labelled beef the other day at one of the Woolworths. Never seen at my local Woolworths.

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