• expired

[SUBS] Alien: Romulus (2024) Streaming from 1 January 2025 @ Disney Plus


shows in the app, but can’t find website page.

really bummed about this. I signed up to the 3 months for $13.99 offer, even waited over a week hoping Romulus would get added before the end of 3 months.

looks like that 3 months deal ended on 28/9, so for those who signed up to the offer on the last day so their sub ends 28/12. they planned to never have Romulus included in that offer. 😐

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Third best Alien movie, Andy rules.

    • +3

      Andy DLC rules.

  • -1

    Damn! I just watched it for nix on you-tube.

    • Huh? It's available for free on Youtube??

      • -4

        Well, actually, I'm watching it right now as it came through as a YouTube algorithm recommendation. I am not here to promote questionable things on the internet, rather my remark was sarcastic and pointing to the irony of YouTube's sudden fettle against ad-blockers… Yeah it is on YouTube along with countless other movies that shouldn't be there. Just like our adblockers??? Take note Shopback and Cashrewards. You real purpose is showing…

        • Have you got a link?

          • +1

            @nightelves: Interested as well. Searched Youtube and can't find it.

            • +1

              @Mr Bob Dobalina: Search teaser trailer Alien Romulus
              The Chanel is Movie in 4K
              Video Picture quality is truly awful,
              I don’t recommend watching it like this.
              It’s a better movie when the detail it was meant to have is there.

              • @beach bum: Sorry but I'm still not seeing it…

                • @Mr Bob Dobalina: The channel is “ Movie in 4K “
                  and the title is Teaser Trailer for Alien Romulus.

                  If you can’t find it now it might have been removed already.

                  I watched the last Planet of the Apes movie on YouTube not long after release and they removed it before I could post it here.

          • +3

            @nightelves: I came across similar recent channels like that before. they get taken down quickly.

            the thing is some of the videos are actually the movies, but I clicked on another one on the same channel and it just showed a photo of an indian guy sitting on his couch, and he’s voice “explains” the story of the entire movie. I guess to beat the algorithm.

            • @n3ck3ntry8bort0rgasm: Link for the Indian guy video? Sounds like a good laugh.

              • @Mr Bob Dobalina: wasn't worth watching at all tbh. especially when what you wanted was a movie that isn't out yet here and it's just a dude talking.

              • @Mr Bob Dobalina: There seems to be other channels that have uploaded this movie on YouTube now if you still haven’t found it.
                courtneykaczor is one and the title is Alien Romulus .
                I am watching Prey , the Predator movie that was sub only til now .channel is noobkiller126 uploaded 15hrs ago title Best Hollywood Movies English.

            • @CRAZZIJJ: Can confirm, this link was legitimate and was the actual film. It’s been copyright struck now by Disney.

              • @Velocita: Amazingly I was watching the half life 2 20th anniversary video and then it suggested alien Romulus and it was a high quality full movie. Just finished it off a couple of hours ago

                • @choofa: channel name nature something with all old videos of a asian lady talking?

                  I was watching YouTube last night just before bed and I kept getting suggested a 2 hour long Romulus titled video. didn’t tap on it because I was going to sleep in 20mins but I swear I watched another 2 short videos after and it was recommended to me every time. so I just checked out the channel without pausing my video. they must really be gaming the algorithm.

    • +1

      Yep Youtube Algorithm is recommending a bunch of channels that all have new pirated movies, not sure what's going on at YouTube but i'll be milking it for as long as it lasts.
      Watched Aliens Romulus the other night…meh it was ok but with no Ripley it felt a bit lacking. Another one i watched last night was 'Wolfs' loved that with Brad Pitt and George Clooney even if Clooney is a woke turd he can still act well.

  • +21

    been on the high seas a while….

  • +6

    I saw this at the cinema, I thought it was quite good until about 2 thirds in, the ending had similarities to hybrid story from Alien Resurrection. And I like Alien Resurrection too despite a lot of people disliking it, I saw Alien Resurrection at the cinema as a teenager, at Tuggerah I believe.

    • +4

      Sounds like Sunshine. It was brilliant until it just went stupid horror about two thirds in too.

      • Yep, Brilliant movie until it turned to mush….

    • All Alien movies need to follow basic structure. Ridley Scott understands that.

    • Thought Alien Resurrection was awesome, they had no choice to mix it up after the A3 ending. Would have liked to see the follow up with the hybrid Ripley on Earth. They could still go there I guess, Weaver still looks great on screen and Ryder is having a comeback.

  • +6

    Quite a solid addition to the alien series, was not disappointed. Wish I coulda seen it at the Cinema, it was in and out so fast.

    • +4

      Yeah, surprisingly good. The horror vibes were good so easily top 3 Alien movie for me.

    • That's what she said.

    • It is still showing around Melbourne!

      I had to make to this at the cinema, did not disappoint

    • that's what she said.

  • +1

    Next year?!?!?

    • you make it sound like it’s a year away. 😂

      but it’s actually 52 days I set the counter in the post.

      • you could shoot a blockbuster in less time than that. 🤣

        • -1

          content gets added to streaming devices much later than purchase or rent.

          I think it’s been available to watch for 2+ months already on Apple TV.

          • @n3ck3ntry8bort0rgasm: Not knocking it at all. Promise. Just having fun. Sounds interesting - look forward to watching it. Fan of the originals and old enough to have seen them in the cinema. 🙂

            • @seamonkey: it’s ok didn’t think you were knocking it.

              just thought your original comment was like “NEXT YEAR!”. 😂

      • +1

        Blockbusters take 45 days to shoot, then two years in post production to fix all the plot and lighting errors

  • +5

    Started off good, then went downhill. It's almost like the writers didn't know what to do with it, then they just copied bits n pieces from other Alien movies and stitched it together.

    • +3

      Agreed, first couple of minutes were promising. We must be over 30 and remember good movies.
      Alien: 7.8/10
      Aliens: 8.5/10
      Alien: Romulus: 3/10

      Pushing vegetable carts where spacecraft are taking off. Off-world coal miners carry a canary. Copying the art direction from the first movie without purpose. Just another "<tards in space" movie.

  • Thank you! Haven't watched yet, can't wait.

    • I just wish it was added sooner.

      it’s already available to purchase and watch on Apple TV (for cinema price of $19.99) so I thought it would get added within 3 months after September. I was thinking early Dec. oh well.

  • -5

    Just remember that by signing up to Disney plus you waive your rights to sue Disney for whatever reason, like if you die because of them. Look up Dr. Kanokporn “Amy” Tangsuan vs Disney case

    • +5

      If I die from Disney, how the hell am I going to sue.

      • Your estate I guess 🤷

      • Sue-ance.

    • does it still apply to people like me who have subbed a month at a time before? because I guess then can’t sue anyway and it doesn’t matter. 😂

    • +3

      you.do like a good sh1tpoat.

      That was in the US and didn't make it to Court, just lawyers playing with themselves & media.running clickbait. It's about as legally valid as "trespassers will be shot".

      • +1

        Wait, what?
        Must call my lawyer tomorrow morning.

      • I prefer "trespassers will be shot and buried".

        • +1

          It got a bit messy at my house at Halloween for sure. The more trespassers the more everyone thought my front yard was a set piece…

    • Googled this, found an article on ABC quoting a University of Sydney law professor saying this wouldn't apply in Australia, so not sure how true this is.

    • Lawyers are scumbags and will say whatever they are told, they are basically the biggest tools in the universe.

      • +2

        Until you 'need' one lmao

        • +1

          Yeah, but half the time you need one is only to defend yourself from one someone else or the state has set against you. Seems that the rule of law sometimes only applies if you can afford to spend a small fortune on lawyers.

    • Just remember they have no way of verifying you used your legal name.

      If John Smith signs up, doesn't matter that my bank card is connected to it, I lent my card to my buddy John. Prove I didn't. In any case, there's no agreement whatsoever signed by Dylan.

      Not that this "story" held any real ground anyway, but like, yeah, fake names are pretty goshdarn easy to throw on. Just like Macca's allegedly pulling the same schtick with their app. At the end of the day, even if I was to agree to the idea that signing up to their app is a binding legal yadayada, if John Smith orders a coffee, and Dylan picks it up for him, and Dylan gets burned to shit by it, Dylan will sue, because Dylan never signed any agreement, did he?

      • the real point is you can't sign away your rights because the other party said you can.

        Shops can't refuse refunds on faulty good even if they have a sign saying so even if they have a sign saying so. Shops can't force you to empty your bag for inspection , property owners can't shoot you for trespassing even if they have a sign saying so private car parks can't fine you for over-staying even if they have a sign saying so.

        • Yes. A handshake agreement would hold up better, and you didn't even shake my hand.

  • A shame the physical media release got canned. One day it was on the JB website with a release date and then the next it was gone.

    • +1

      @Elyxar - The physical media release hasn’t been canned, it’s coming out in international markets. It could never have been canned here in Australia because it was never getting a release here in the first place, therefore you’re wrong about it ever being listed on JB HiFi’s website… It never would’ve been listed on JB HiFi’s websites as coming soon on DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K Blu-ray, because it’s a Disney release, Disney Australia home entertainment distribution for physical media no longer exists, they pulled out of the Australian physical media market last year in August 2023, and they have released nothing here on physical media since.

      • +1

        I am aware that Disney isn't releasing physical media in Australia. However it was on the JB website for a November release. Obviously someone stuffed up or it was automatically listed then removed. I had hope that they were making an exception for this franchise but it was that crappy kind of hope.

        • -2

          I don’t believe you, I believe you’re mistaken. Have you got a screenshot? I would have taken one the instant I saw it. I can easily verify it tomorrow with several contacts that work at JB specifically with physical media, and personally have a high interest in physical media themselves as geeky fan enthusiasts.

          • @[Deactivated]: Was definitely on there one day then gone the next. I think the date changed also the day before. I didn't think it was going to be removed as I had hope so didn't take a screenshot. I just checked my history and I didn't actually click on through to the product page (because I was avoiding spoilers). I remember there was a steel book version of the 4K.

  • +6

    You wait 53 days for a movie that someone can download? I'd just watch it now.

  • I liked the movie. Not much else better in cinemas these days (except for Dune 2 & Deadpool).

    • +1

      The substance was amazing. Gladiator 2 should be nice. Deadpool lol that is cringe af

      • Thanks, I will check out The substance

  • +2

    I don't mind these posts when there's something coming out soon or ideally today, but like, this is literally next year.

    Good movie, I enjoyed it thoroughly at the cinema, but I ain't waiting another 2 months for it to hit Disney, if I was keen, and I didn't want to pay, I'd be off to the bay.

  • +1

    Feel like I'm in the minority but I found this a pretty forgettable entry to the series. I found Prometheus and even Covenant to be much more entertaining movies despite their issues.

    • +2

      Prometheus and Covenant despite having a ton of flaws, at least tried something different. This was just a boring rehash, worse than the originals in every way

      • Completely agree

        • Remake wouldve been better than just constant ‘homages’

      • Hey at least they incorporated some elements from Alien Isolation, however, the game was infinitely more enjoyable.

  • -3

    who would a thought, aliens only prefer oral, they sure are pack'in!

  • As much as I liked Prometheus and covenant, it's good to go back to the basics and see the classic facehugger and Xenomorph horror like the first 3.

    Will be watching again soon.

    • I found it better the 2nd time. 4K is super nice.

    • I liked Prometheus and Covenant a lot too.

      but tbh since Romulus was announced, they revealed that the entire cast was going to be young actors. so since then I knew it's made to appeal to the younger generations compared to Prometheus/Covenant.

  • Was a good movie watched in IMAX

  • -8

    Already streaming in my lounge room

  • -1

    Boycott Disney fellas.

    • +1


      • -4

        Go woke go broke. They have lost it.

        • +2

          Disney wasn't woke before?

          Promoting female leads, acceptance of minorities, underprivileged street rats, female rights, cross cultural relationships, environmentalism.

          Seems like they've always been woke to me.

          • -3

            @Windows98: They have pushed the boundries with their wokeness since Covid, they went all out and that's when I said, nope f this. They are not getting my money.

  • Still able to watch on YouTube probably won’t last long.

    • +1

      And gone!

  • Good movie, just wish there was less fan service in it

  • +3

    wouldnt give a cent to Disney - high seas it all

  • Not a bad movie, but they spent too much time copying Alien/s (Ripley, several key scenes and lines). Felt a bit like watching TFA…. i've seen a lot of this before.

  • I liked this movie, not as good as others in the series but it had some decent moments.

  • Who is going to win? Romus or Romulus?

  • -1

    How is this a bargain? You're advertising content.

    The reality is Disney+ have put their annual fee up 50% in the last 2yrs, they're also going to stop account sharing, charging an additional $8 for other users.

    Disney+ is trying to recoup funds for all their recent box office and streaming failures. Dump it.

    • -5

      Exactly, they went full woke and people stopped paying for their service so they are now making those who pay, pay double and triple. Boycott them.

      • -2

        I wonder who are the two people who downvoted you, must be from the same woke culture. Your comment is correct, more viewers are turned off from Disney's woke culture than viewers who are supporting them, that's why so many of their movies and TV shows are failing now. Upvoted you.

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