Possibly be asked too many times already.
My sons 2018 Nissan Navara dropped its crankshaft last night. A similar situation that I and many others have had to face in the past, but is my decision correct, because who wants to give the wrong advice anytime.
Paid $25,000 12 months ago.
New engine estimation $12,000.
Owes $15,000
Fix it- $35,000 plus car, now owe $15,000 and owe $27,000.
Get what he can, maybe $10,000, owe $5,000 and get another car.
Or any other ideas, I'm keen on any advice.
Thank you to all that replied, including the clowns.
I should of used replacement engine instead of new as that's what pricing is based on.
Will keep thinking.
could try looking for a donor engine