• expired

FlexiRoam Travel eSIMs: 100% Cashback Capped at $20 (One Transaction Only Per Member) @ TopCashback AU


Hey guys. Nice promo again for all the travellers out there. Ensure you change the currency to AUD prior to purchase. eSIM activation period expires 3 months from purchase date. Promo ends 23:59 AEDT today unless withdrawn earlier. Cashback reverts to 90% for UAE eSIMs and 10% for everything else after this promo. Stay safe, and enjoy 📱☺️✈️

Very Important:

  • Using any discount codes is not permitted for this promo and will deem cashback ineligible (will track at $0).
  • One (1) transaction only per member is permitted. Subsequent orders will not track and cannot be claimed.
  • Cashback is ineligible for purchases made via the FlexiRoam app.


For tracking success, disable/remove all 3rd party plugins (AdBlock, uBlock, Pi-hole, Honey, etc), VPNs, avoid browsers such as Brave, close additional browser tabs, and don't click away to other sites looking for codes etc after clicking from TopCashbackAU as tracking will be lost. TopCashbackAU must be the very last click/tap prior to purchase. Try our iOS/Android mobile app for improved tracking results. Use our Help Centre & Contact form here for any questions, issues, or claims.

Referral Links

Referral: random (4069)

Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

Related Stores

TopCashback AU
TopCashback AU

closed Comments

  • +2

    I bought one during last deal. Can I buy another one with this deal ?

  • +5

    Fyi, the 3gb asia plan has increased to AUD$25.67

    • oh gyped!

  • So it is not required to activate the Sim card in order to receive cashback?

    I am not 100% sure I will make a trip within 3 months.

    • -1

      I think you do need it activate it as mine is still pending on TCB

    • +1

      Not sure about TCB but last 100% cashback on cashrewards, I got confirmed cashback already even though I haven't activate the plan I bought.

    • +1

      I asked this last time and seems fine https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/15854980/redir

  • +2

    Not the prices I'm seeing - the 3Gb Europe is A$25.67

    • +2

      Way overpriced - Looking at esimdb you can get 3GB for a month for $6-7…

      • the japan one looks to be $16, not sure if this is USD or AUD

  • My last one still tracking as $0 pending.

    • Hi. Are you referring to FlexiRoam from the last 100% deal? If so, please note the terms as it appears you used a code (likely a Mastercard one):

      Using any discount codes is not permitted for this promo and will deem cashback ineligible (will track at $0).

      If it's some other issue, please PM me.

      • ahh I was logged in to my account, and it automatically added the code …

      • +2

        This has possibly just happened to me. I just bought, and only because of this deal and didn't even know I was using a code, at the checkout it just said discount and didn't have a way for me to remove it. Only just purchased so hasn't tracked yet, but am I going to get rejected?

        • It will track, but will track at $0 cashback per the terms. Sorry!

          • +2

            @tightarse: Feel a bit scammed by flexiroam here…

            • @Fishballs: How exactly please?

              • +1

                @tightarse: Flexiroam offers a great deal, then sneakily applies a discount code to void said deal. I thought I was paying $3 ($23 minus $20 cashback) but in reality I'm actually going to be paying $23

                • @Fishballs: I'm not sure about 'sneakily' applying a code. This promo would be the furthest thing from their mind as TCB is offering it to you, and I'm sure the code would be there even if there was no promo. Have you tried cancelling your order?

                  • @tightarse: It feels sneaky when purchasing through the mobile version of the website because I just see the word discount, I couldn't even tell that it was a code when I purchased, and I would've removed it if I noticed because I know this generally voids cashback.

                    Yeah I've tried cancelling but flexiroam support is being generally unhelpful.

                    After back and forth for a while they've very reluctantly offered a refund in the form of credit to be used on another plan of theirs, but I assume if I make another purchase with this credit then cashback would also track at $0?

                    • +1

                      @Fishballs: I'm assuming the $0 is already in your account? Make a new purchase with your credit - not even sure if using credit will null cashback, but I'll wear it. I'll see what I can do at my end to track it to you in good will. Message me after you've done it. Thanks.

                      For everyone else - please ensure you remove any discount code prior to checkout 👍

                        • @vchoy:

                          didn't see any coupons applied

                          What's the issue then? The issue is only if you had vouchers auto-applied

                          In your case you should just get the cashback

                      • @tightarse: Thanks for sorting this

                • @Fishballs: Typically, a website automatically applying a code is a good thing (for the consumer). I get why it's not in this case, obviously. But it seems a bit unfair to call FlexiRoam scammy for automatically applying a discount.

                  I am going to presume they're not going to code something to the effect of, "for any customers being redirected via TopCashback from an Ozbargain deal on 8 November, apply an exception and do not automatically apply a promo code so such customers will get their cashback" - y'know what I mean? It wouldn't make sense to spend the time/effort to code such a mechanism in when they could alternatively just pass on the instruction via TCB to say "manually remove promo codes".

  • i dont travel until march….= (

  • +5

    Can't seem to change from USD to AUD currency :/

    • Ya I can't find anywhere to change currency as well.

    • Top right corner (on PC) should say USD, click it, select AUD. Works fine for me.

      • +1

        Didn't work for me, clicked on AUD and nothing happened. tried changing the url manually from en-us to en-au, didn't work too.

        EDIT: Got it to work, I had to switch to another random currency first, then switch back to AUD to get it to work

        • +3

          Please note there's actually no need to change to AUD, but it gives you a better indication of the actual amount you'll receive as cashback. If you use USD, then conversion rates come into play. Hope this helps :)

          • @tightarse: I thought if you don't change to AUD it will charged in that currency

            on website there is no issue changing to AUD

            but on the mobile website version you need to change to another currency and then to AUD to work… it's a bug

        • Not working for me too

    • Your probably need to login.
      Go to the hamburger option on the top right, then account, then currency.

    • Looks like there is a bug on their website. If you are having trouble changing your currency to AUD, ie. clicking on AUD does nothing, try changing to another currency, then change it back to AUD. Worked for me.

    • I couldn’t work it out on mobile. For the previous deal I paid $11.50 US / $17.38 AU (after MasterCard conversion an no fees thanks to 28 Degrees) and cash back tracked at $17.41 AU.

  • +5

    Repost some useful info for everyone:

    • You can 1 or more active plans at the same time. Eg. You can have a local plan, regional plan and global plan active at the same time (with overlapping validity). You can also have multiple "same plan" to stack up the data allowance. If you are in a country where both local plan and regional plan has the coverage, the data quota will first deduct the local plan, followed by regional plan, then global plan
    • If you have more than 1 devices / phones, you need a separate flexiroam account and different eSim for the different phone
    • You have up to 3 months time to activate the plan after date of purchase. To check the validity, you can press "Activate Plan" and select schedule activation and see the last date allowing you to activate

    With point 1, I am guessing, let say I am going to Hong Kong and Japan.
    The Asia 3GB / 30Days isnt enough for me
    I can first purchase a Local plan Hong Kong 3GB / 30Days [100% cashback]
    then purchase a Local plan Japan 3GB / 30Days [100% cashback]
    then purchase a Asia regional 3GB / 30Days [100% cashback]

    All these plans can be active on the same period
    No matter I am in Hong Kong or Japan, the local plan quota will be first consumed, then the regional plan
    So the end result is, if I am only stopping over in Hong Kong (which 3GB is enough), I can have 6GB to be used in Japan

    • Wait, I assume you buy these on separate accounts? E.g. 3x tcb, 3x flex. Then how do you stack up different esims?

      • you cant stack up with different esims, but you can stack up with multiple plans within same flexiroam account
        while each tcb account can only have $20 cap cashback
        you may have more than 1 tcb account (eg. family members), and purchase plans to the same flexiroam account

    • hey little soldier - this month I am travelling to 3 different countries and each of these trips will be less than a week. If I buy the plan with a data plan for each place separately for 7 days, can I activate each data plan separately or does each activate at the same time I cant find a clear article on this on flexi roam. TIA!

      • +1

        you can certainly activate plans separately
        you can even schedule future dates for auto activations (schedule up to 3 months from date of purchase)

    • They send you different esim for different plans? Or only 1 esim, then you an activate the plans whenever you like

    • So, if I buy 2 Asia 7 days ($7 USD each, which will be close to this $20 AUD) on same Flexiroam acc (as it has to be 1 transaction), can I use them on 2 different phones? Or do I can only use it on 1 phone but different period (activate 1 after the other)

      • no, as one transaction (with multiple plans in the cart) can only be adding to one flexiroam account

    • Thanks, useful info

      So it seems like, even though I've got two plans, I only have one eSIM. So I can't say, one plan for me, and one plan for my wife.

      If I wanted to do that, I'd need a new eSIM. Since each account only can have one eSIM, it would instead need a new account.


      • +1

        yes, one flexiroam will only come with one eSim
        For 2 phones you will need 2 flexiroam accounts

        Given TCB only allow cashback in 1 transaction
        probably have to use 2nd TCB account (eg. family member) for 2nd eSim

  • Good deal. Do we need to activate the sim within 30 days to qualify for the cash back like other SIM card deal ? Thanks

  • travelling in mid Jan for 15 days, can I purchase now and activate later?

    • eSIM activation period expires 3 months from purchase date.

  • nice

  • +3

    Prices have gone up since last deal. Boo…

    • yeah im thinking of waiting for travelkon black friday sale :(

  • Can I order multiple sims in 1 transaction if it's less than $20 total? Or is it only for 1 sim regardless of cost?

    • Hi. You can order as many as you like in 1 transaction only, however the most you'll get back is $20. Cheers.

    • +1

      I believe eSim is free when you open a flexiroam account
      what you need to pay is the data plans
      you can purchase multiple plans in 1 transaction
      but they will all be added to the same flexiroam account (same eSim)

  • i just bought a plan but it doesnt show in my tracked. did it not work or do i have to wait a day for it to show

    • @tightarse

      • +2

        Hi. You'll please need to be patient. Tracking is not instant, and from what I can see right now FlexiRoam is taking around 60-75 minutes to report into accounts. Please note this can vary dramatically depending on a lot of factors. Thanks.

        • Hi @tightarse
          I purchased last night around 8:20pm, and didn't track yet as at this Saturday morning. Should I keep waiting? Thanks!

          • +1

            @donotuse: Hi. Should have tracked by now for sure. You can either cancel, or lodge a missing cashback claim after 7 days. Any issues with either, just let me know :)

  • +1

    Prices are higher but maybe from worse AUD/USD exchange rate

  • Where is the IP for this?

  • Why it's not eligible if i purchase thru the felxi app? click thru TCB it ends up pop the flexi app for purchasing

    • This is because app2app tracking is not enabled for this merchant. You have a warning on the redirect screen. If it force-opens the FlexiRoam app, delete it first then tap through TCB again prior to purchase. Cheers.

  • Last time didn't track, it was put "On Ice" and it has now been submit to the merchant. Waiting on the merchant confirmation and my understanding is that this could take months?

    I'm just going to try again, hopefully it will track this time.

    • +1

      Please follow my tips in the post. Thanks.

  • cant sign up with email…
    Got "Invalid reqeust, please contact ….."

    Had to use Google or Apple account to sign up. Weird

  • thanks TA, missed out on the last one…need a Japan sim for December

  • +1

    I got charged international transaction fee last time. Make sure your payment choice has no international transaction fees.

    • Good point. I just checked mine, I got it too on my ANZ CC. I'm pretty sure I changed to AUD before purchase.


      • I dont think it matters what currency it is in because the company itself is overseas.

      • +3

        Some banks will still charge an international transaction fee even when charged in AUD. It’s dependent on where the merchant is located.

  • +2

    Some terrible reviews on ProductReview. Can't really go wrong if its free, but would be a pain if you arrive at destination and doesnt work as intended

  • Include any voice plan?

  • The only issue I had last deal was I didn’t realise that FlexiRoam is a two step process.

    1. Activate/install the eSIM
    2. Activate plan after logging in to FlexiRoam account

    The “installation guide” email explains it all but I did t read it clearly. I was used to other eSIMs where all you have to do is step 1.

  • Is deal applicable to physical SIM as well?

  • +1

    There’s nowhere to change from USD on the mobile website. Thankfully TCB still tracked the transaction.

    • How long did it take to show transaction tracked on TCB?

    • Navigate to Account and change the currency to AUD

    • Yea luckily you don't need it to be in AUD for the transaction to track

  • not sure what the next step is after seeing "We've recorded your visit "..I don't see the link that takes me to the FlexiRoam site

    • +1

      What browser are you using? Didn't a new tab open with the FlexiRoam page?

      • was using firefox with no 3rd party plug ins…have now tried MS Edge and it has now redirected me to FlexiRoam, thanks TA

        • +1

          Cheers. Firefox is my go to browser. Love it and never have tracking issues.

          • @tightarse: same here, I should have exited firefox and restarted laptop, that probably would have fixed the issue..but all good know after trying Edge

  • +1

    Hi OP @tightarse, how long does it take TCB to track? order confirmed 11:45 but nothing on TCB.

    • Please see my comment here.

  • is there a way to see which networks they connect to in each country?

  • Tracked within the hour!

  • Anyone know which Japanese network is used with the 10Gb 30-day eSIM?

  • Thanks, purchased

  • Good deal Thanks tightarse :)

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