Same Techradar Dell Coupon as in other deals like, but different monitor.
Currently deciding between this and HP OMEN 27q.
Same Techradar Dell Coupon as in other deals like, but different monitor.
Currently deciding between this and HP OMEN 27q.
which one
The HP is better for gaming but looks pretty terrible for anything else. The Dell isn't isn't great for gaming but it's much better in other areas.
The HP has terrible contrast and blacks are… not black…
May I ask what website it's from?
Looks like Rtings
Of topic question but does Dell pick up your old defective monitor if you request a replacement?
Yeah they come out and collect it.
At least they did in 2021 with my doa aw3821dw which was in a gargantuan box. This was even bought via eBay too. They are surprisingly helpful via live chat from memory.
As long as it’s in warranty replacement I would guess they’d collect it
Yeah mine had a power issue recently and they shipped a new one overnight. They will harass you until you return it and charge you if its not picked up in a week.
If they deemed that the defect was your fault do they then charge you?
No idea bud, mine was warranty issue well within warranty period.
That 34” with USB 3.2 downstream looking real nice right now.