A 3-Act Story about Tangerine Telco. The Upgrade, The Overcharges, and The Debt Collectors

Here is my story about Tangerine Telco.

It is a long story, but I assure you it is a gift that keeps on giving. Money amounts have been rounded for convenience.

As our Tangerine plan discount ended, our monthly plan jumped to $85. I called before the month ended to say we were switching to another telco with a discount offer. To keep us, they offered a 250/25 plan for $75/month (normally $105) if we upgraded to FTTP, which was too good to pass up. Unfortunately, this was the start of the biggest pain in the ass I have ever experienced from an ISP.

The fiber was installed and a few days passed and we still weren’t getting the upgraded speed. I first thought that maybe it would switch automatically when the billing cycle ended, but it didn’t. The next day I spent over an hour on the phone to support. Turns out that they activated the new plan without ending the old plan, and both plans were active at the same time.

After customer support switched us to the new plan, we still had our old speed. Cue the tech support saga that was filled with great classic hits such as “You aren't using the right CAT cable” (I guess our cable conveniently maxes out at the speed of our old plan), and then “It must be your router”. Anyway, it started working for absolutely no reason at all on my end which I guess was just that something hadn't actually been done properly on their side, or because of a delay in the activation, but I digress.

A month later, the bill arrived, charging us $85 instead of the promised $75…

Plus, an extra $14.48 for an overlap period where both plans were active.

Cue another call to support. I explained what happened and the guy said he will have to get approval to fix it. He comes back and offers an arbitrary discount of like $7. Throughout my continued explanation of how much I was overcharged, he went to get approval like 3 or 4 times and each time, came back with a nonsense reason why he can't do it. He tries to conclude the discussion by saying he can't remove the charges because it says on our system that we started using the service on the date it shows. However, makes a final offer to make our bill $81.

If you are currently thinking 'well, that's only $5 more than what you should be charged, you should just cop it', then you are on the wrong website, bucko. I signed up for $75, im paying $75.

I asked what the extra $5 was for, and he said it was a calculation based on the price difference of our old plan and our new plan for the pro-rata period that we started the new plan.

That might not seem off, but let me break down what they did:

We paid a month in advance and our last month was at $85. However, we switched plans before that period finished.

Our new plan with no discount is $105.

$105 is more than $85, so they took $105 and worked out that for the days the new plan was activated before the billing cycle ended, we would be charged the difference in the plan costs.

Our new plan is supposed to be $75 for the month.

I told him that if he wants to consider the pro-rata period, our old plan was $85 a month, which is less per day than the $75 that our new plan is supposed to be. I did the calculations to the guy on the phone of the price difference per day, stating that if there are any pro-rata adjustments happening, then money should be coming off our bill.

The silence was so long, I felt like I had been put on hold with no music.

He says he has to go and check again with his manager or whoever and comes back and again, says sorry they can't do that. I said I would gladly pay $75 and to forget about the pro-rata discount I had just learned we were owed. He refused. I told him to make a note on my file that I will not be paying the bill until it is corrected and to call me back when it was.

They call me a lot. The first few times I did my best to explain the whole story, ending by saying that I am not going to pay anything more than what our plan was supposed to cost. Every time they called, I asked them if they had any notes about the case or about why I was not paying and they never did. So, I just told them to call back when they fix my bill.

About a month ago it was transferred to their debt collection department, who apparently have even less information about why I haven't paid my bill. Today I received a 'generous' offer of removing the $20 late fee and $5 failed debit fees they had charged me.

Overall, it’s been almost 3 months since I was overcharged by Tangerine. How many more calls do I need to take before I can sue them for harassment?

Maybe I am just unknowingly really bad at math and Tangerine were giving me a really good deal with that $5 charge.

If not, go and poo-poo yourself Tangerine.

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  • +3

    Similar issue with dodo where their call centre is trash. Just escalate and say you would only talk to the senior manager

  • +6

    Been some years since I had to but have you tried lodging case with the TIO, we had big issues with a now non-existent internet and voip provider, TIO stepped in and helped escalate issue and get to a solution when talking to os call centres were getting us nowhere

  • -2

    Why couldn't you just expand in the other post?

    More specifically

    • +3

      I had already drafted this post when I commented on the other one. I searched the Forum and found the other one and commented there. I thought the whole story was worth still posting.

  • OP do you have a tdlr version?

    • -4

      here is the tldr

      OP obviously felt the need to have their own thread. FFS.

    • Moved from $85 plan to a $75 (after $30 discount).

      New plan was FTTP. They install the fibre but we were still on the old plan and both our old and new plans were active at the same time.

      It was eventually fixed but when we were next billed, we were charged $85 plus another $14.

      The extra $14 was for the period when both plans were active at the same time. Overall $24 overcharged.

      Customer service would only settle on a bill that was still $5 over charging, which was based on a pro-rata rate for the time our new plan started as we changed plans before the end of the billing cycle. But, because our new plan was supposed to be cheaper than our old one, the adjustment for pro-rata would actually be a discount.

      They continue to harass me for months, apparently keeping no record of why I'm not paying, regardless of how many times I told it.

  • +1

    Read to the end and disappointed to see no bikies involved at the debt collectors. When I read debt collectors, I was expecting a third party agency who would be on another level of harrassment compared to in-house ones who are like girl scouts in comparison.

    • +1

      Apologies for the accidental click bait

  • +1

    you are on the wrong website, bucko. I signed up for $75, im paying $75.

    Surely this post is a contender for the hall of fame. No way would I willingly spend hours on hold and dealing with sales staff.

    Did your pro rata calculations take into account the time you had spent lmao. With all the calls you've received from them they've probably lost even more money on your account from labour.

  • +1

    tldr from chatgpt

    TL;DR: I switched to a discounted $75/month plan with Tangerine Telco, but after upgrading to FTTP, I was charged $85 instead of $75 and hit with additional unexpected fees. Customer support was unhelpful, offering arbitrary discounts and pro-rata charges that didn’t add up. Despite multiple calls, my bill remained incorrect, and after months of back-and-forth, it was sent to debt collection. Still waiting for a resolution, frustrated by their lack of proper documentation and refusal to fix the charges.

  • Bargain …3 part drama for only $5 give or take some pro rata variances.

  • +2

    Have you tried TIO https://www.tio.com.au ?

    I'm pretty sure it will cost the ISP some money if they received a complaint.

  • +2

    Go to the TIO. They will sort it out, and it will cost those idiots hundreds of dollars to do so, when they could have just given you your $6.

  • +2

    Why on earth wouldnt you say to them you are lodging a complaint with the TIO after the call than let it drag on for months ?

  • I had problems with them in the early days. Never going back to them or any of their "sisters", "subsidiaries" or otherwise related companies.

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