• long running

[PC] Free to Play: Starcraft 1 (with Original Graphics) @ Battle.net


Cool freebie here.

StarCraft 1

  • Two games in one
    Includes the classic StarCraft as well as its expansion, Brood War, which added a host of new content including three new single-player campaigns, new units for each race, and new multiplayer maps.

StarCraft 2 Wings of Liberty

Welcome the Koprulu Sector. You are Jim Raynor, and you're on a crusade to bring down the Dominion and its nefarious leader, Arcturus Mengsk. Haunted by betrayal and remorse, some believe you've given up the fight. But you have promises to keep—and a need for vengeance that’s long overdue.


Spotted on HUKD

Mod Note: Starcraft Remastered has always been free to play since its initial release in 2017, however, purchasing the game for $21.95 will unlock Remastered HD graphics and the ability to play on the ranked ladder system.
The free-to-play retains all single-player content and full multi-player functionality with no ladder (play as either client or host)

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  • +12

    We need additional pylons

    • +5

      food for thought

    • Then…

      Carrier has arrived

      • This sent tingles down my spine. You know you've made it with carriers

    • +14

      Reading this quoted incorrectly and then upvoted hurts a bit.

      "You must construct additional pylons"

      I didn't even play Starcraft and I know that lol.

      • +1

        You can tell its wrong when you don't read it in the voice

      • +3

        My memory failing me in my old age evidently

    • +1

      show me the money

    • +1

      I think this will solve the housing crisis

  • +9

    Spawn more overlords!

  • +8

    Nuclear launch detected! (and then madly scrambling around looking for the red dot) :)

    • +6

      I was always so bad at finding the dot and reacting

      Notice: nuclear launch, detected

      Me: tell my wife, hello.

    • +5

      Didn't muck around with nukes late game, mass BC was always the best

      Battlecruiser operational… (I know you thought it in the accent)

      Hailing frequencies open

      Set a course

    • It's probably in your mineral line.

  • +4

    Fire it up
    Got any questions about propane? Or propane accessories?

    • +1


  • +11

    In the pipe, five by five

    • +1

      In the rear with the gear

  • +2

    I've not played much of Blizzards games other than Diablo and Overwatch, but I've been reading Play Nice: The Rise, Fall, and Future Of Blizzard Entertainment and its really interesting. Lots of stuff about StarCraft so far.

    • +1

      The book looks interesting, thanks.

  • +3

    Use Stimpack
    Ahh… That's the stuff!

  • +2

    Power overwhelming

  • +12

    "You want a piece of me, boy!"

  • +2

    StarCraft introduced many revolutionary new features that have since become staples of the real-time strategy genre: asymmetric factions, meticulous balance, and a strong emphasis on deep strategy and high accessibility. Find out why, after more than ten years, StarCraft continues to headline gaming tournaments worldwide.

    What was so revolutionary about it?

    I think Command and Conquer and Warcraft were the biggest RTS game changer when it first got released

    • +4

      No doubt C&C and WC were big in their own right, but dialing in (literally with a Netcomm Roadster modem on dial up) to the Starcraft servers before the internet took off proper was such a big thing.

      I reckon you're forgetting how big and revolutionary Starcraft was (and still is!)

      • +1

        but dialing in (literally with a Netcomm Roadster modem on dial up) to the Starcraft servers before the internet took off proper was such a big thing.

        I remember doing direct dial up to my friend with a 28.8k modem and playing with each other. Are you telling me you could dial to starcraft servers and played with a range of people without having the internet? Were you charged a local call fee or international??

        • -1

          nono… you still needed to call your ISP (like AOL etc), but really the only reason was to check if you had mail, or to load up battlenet. There was no 'internet' really. A couple crappy websites like msn that you could jump to after checking your mail, and that was it. It was very clunky, very slow, and very unreliable.

          Direct dial with mates interstate cost a bomb, but when battlenet and true multiplayer started, it was HUGE. Logging in to a starcraft server and being able to find a few players to play on a 6 or 8 player map from all over Australia (or if you picked your time, the US) was simply amazing. I made friends there I still know to this day!

          • @UFO: What year was this? must be something like 1996-97 if there were only a few websites running?

            I first got dial up internet at around 1998 and it was already established by then.

            • @Homr: Yep, that sounds about right… even 97 sounds a little late. 95-96? A couple years of "you have mail" AOL and some chat groups, but there wasn't the wealth of information readily available in text. You had to ask people. I think Starcraft was later… 98ish?

    • +8

      Starcraft blew up in South Korea where it was on national television and it paved the way for professional eSports that we see today.

    • +1

      asymmetric factions, meticulous balance, and a strong emphasis on deep strategy

      Both Command and Conquer and Warcraft only had superficial differences between teams/factions, basically some unique hero units and different skins. Even most strategy games that came afterward do not attempt this level of complexity

      • +5

        it is unbelievable how the 3 races are so different and yet the game is so balanced.
        C&C , WC, AOE etc are all good games but once I completed the missions…the fun is pretty much gone.
        but Starcraft got me hooked for more than 10 years.

        • +1

          Warcraft 3 and Starcraft were the best of all time. Multiplayer as well

          Sadly nothing surpass those

    • -1

      Star craft was the first to have mods and customs maps

      Which spawned a lot of moba games you see now

      • +1

        Like Dota? But Dota came from Warcraft

        • Aeon of Strife from SC1 was arguably the first moba.

    • +1

      I think I might have to give a shoutout to Dune 2!

  • We require more vespene gas

  • +1

    Well, butter my biscuit.

  • +2

    Does anyone replay missions?

    I find myself replaying the following missions:
    Terran campaign: maw of the void, media blitz, gates of hell, shatter the sky
    Protoss campaign: into the void

    I didn’t really like the Zerg campaign and find that I never replay Zerg missions…

    What are your favourite missions that you replay?

    • yep!

      great story line.

      I too wasn't a huge fan of the zerg, but even their storyline was great. the corruption of a human to think like them and joing them (like the borg in star trek) is awesome

    • Terran: the dig (try to clear the protoss bases) and shatter the sky purely for the cheese of killing the lethiaven and the cooling tower at the same time!

      Zerg: I like the char missions where there's a huge Gorgon floating towards to your base, and going after Warfield.

  • +2

    Is everything free or is it just the base stuff that's been free for years?

    • Just the base stuff, nothing new here it appears..

  • +1

    Is my memory wrong but hasn't SC2 been free for years? You only pay if you want to play campaign or say story mode.

  • +1

    "need a lighter…"

    Oh man those late night LAN party.

    Custom starcraft skin, talking about that "Gundam skin" trend

  • Is this free to play now?

    • Has been free to play for years.

      • oh what i paid $15 for it

        • That was for the redrawn graphics.

  • There is no cow level

  • Ah!! the memories…I loved to do Dark Templar rush and every time it happened i could hear people screaming "where the F is the Dark Templar???" "already???" shouted another…

  • +2

    My life for Aiur!

    Power overwhelming

  • My life for Aiur!

  • still not free for quite a lot of the campain, not sure what's new from the "free to play" news since 2018

    • shit, i should have followed the pattern!

      en taro adun!

  • +2

    SCV good to go!

    • SCV good to go sir!

      • Delighted to, sir!

  • En taro Tassadar!

  • zergling rushes are the best (and most annoying)

  • Ah the good old days

  • +1

    Battul Cruizer reporting!

    • Make you'se of me!

  • Ready to roll out!

  • I got the game, why it still keep ask me for paying the HD version?

    • I got the game, why it still keep ask me for paying the HD version?

      Because what you get for free is Starcraft classic - the Remastered version (ie widescreen and improved graphics, access to Ladder games etc) still costs $21.95.

      It goes on sale pretty frquently if you really want it.

      • I had the first CD version of it. Need to find it first.

        • I had the first CD version of it. Need to find it first.

          …and then we start an OzBargain SC clan? (I did enjoy playing when the clans were a thing - I still enjoy playing now but the clans were fun)

  • One of the GOAT games


  • I play The custom maps All The Time, so much fun!

  • Which server should go?

    • Ladder is cross server. But generally US west if you are based in aus. Otherwise Korea

  • +1

    Original SC1 is better than SC2

    Also blizzard completely screwed Warcraft 3 reforge

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