Hi guys,
I'm looking for a minipc that I can take to work (which has plug in monitors/kb/etc) and use at home (so can throw in my bag/briefcase).
I'm going to use mainly for web browsing - will have heaps of tabs open (30). Perhaps some very light video editing. Some desktop apps. Will need to be able to cope with 2 monitors and hopefully wifi6.
Not to worried about ethernet. (but nice to have).
Looking for 16GB with a spare memory slot (so I can upgrade to 32GB) and at least an i5 or higher (no N100).
2 HD 'bays' would be cool…. (but not essential).
Wouldn't mind an internal GPU or thunderbolt 4 for egpu to play some games (nothing that taxing - happy low end graphics), but only if its in the budget.
Probably $300-$400, don't mind refurbish. (something particularly outstanding up to $450).
Any thoughts?
AMD Radeon 660M 6 Core RDNA 2 iGPU
Dual GB lan
Dual SSD storage
2 HDMI ports
2 NVMe slots
$419 with coupon code currently