This was posted 4 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS5, XSX] Dragon Age: The Veilguard $75 Delivered @ Target


Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be $75 at Target on launch day 31/10.

Mod: $10 off $50 Spend with Online Newsletter Signup @ Target

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closed Comments

  • +31

    If anyone reaaaally wants this, wait a month til it goes on clearance.

    • +5

      i will wait for 10 bucks

      • eesh, watching the detailed reviews on youtube, it sounds like about $5 too much lol. (And I've been playing bioware games since Baldur's Gate 1 in 1998 :( )

    • A month? Someone's feeling generous. I give it a week.

      • We get it. You've never had an original thought in your life, so if a youtuber makes a video complaining about something being "woke" you've already made up your mind about a game.

        • So fast with the personal insult, you're very easy to trigger. I think there's a game which is perfect for you, somehow I can't seem to remember the name

        • -2

          Where did you pull these assumptions from?

      • +6

        I find it surprising that people are openly willing to admit they're offended by a game because the characters aren't white and male. I get that you may be intimidated by women but you have to face the real world sometimes.

        • Nobody is offended, but at the same time anybody with any sense won’t throw their money down the drain for an obviously shitty product. Not sure why you’re defending it, if the game is good then the sales will speak for themselves but if history is anything to go by there’s only one way this kind of game is going.
          I was really intimidated by Stellar Blade, not sure how I managed to finish the game with the big scary woman.
          Enjoy your game, modern audience ;)

          • +7

            @SuperGreen: Hmmm. Is it obviously shitty? Yet you also say if the game is good then sales will be good so you obviously have no clue.

            If history is anything to go by? You mean the previous Dragon Age games? They seem to have done well, so that's good. I'm hopeful this one is good too.

            So I guess your only real issue is that it is indeed something about the game being "woke". Like Baldur's Gate 3, absolutely trash game right? Hades? Elden Ring? Tekken 8? Also all woke. I hope you don't enjoy any of those games otherwise you may be woke yourself mate. A closet "woke"?

            See list of "woke" games here if you're unsure:

            • @DingoBilly: Dont care about the woke argument (both sides are as bad as each other) but just wanted to jump in to say the previous Dragon Age games havent been good since origins. Dragon Age 2 gets a passing mark and Inquisition was a big let down.

            • +1

              @DingoBilly: Thanks for the list ;)

            • -4

              @DingoBilly: Lol it never grows old the leftist clowns claiming Baldur's Gate as woke, and therefore proving that woke games aren't invariably trash. Keep your hands off Baldur's Gate, that game isn't woke - it was made for everyone to enjoy.

              • -3

                @Budju: You can't have it both ways. If you say a game is bad because it's woke because of x, y, z and then baldurs gate 3 has the same stuff (so is therefore woke) but is good, then the only conclusion is being woke has nothing to do with whether a game is good or bad.

                Just think a little before you write.

                • -2

                  @DingoBilly: I played Baldur's Gate 3 for a very long time and never had even considered the idea that it was 'woke' until I heard some parrots squawking that it was. I wonder why you think BG3 was woke.

                  • +1

                    @Budju: "I wonder why you think BG3 was woke."

                    I'm no expert on 'wokeness', because it seems to be a meaningless catch-all phrase for stuff young men are terrified of…but it's pretty obvious that BG3 ticks every box of wokeness, right?

                    It features non-binary options for the players, every main character is canonically bi, there are same-sex relations in the main plot, there's drag queens in the voice cast, there are graphic depictions of men having sex with each other.

                    It's one of the best RPGs ever made. It's also a celebration of everything LGBTQ+, and really raises the bar for what people might label as 'woke'. Anyone genuinely worried about gender politics in gaming would absolutely hate BG3 (and miss out on an all-time classic).

                    • -2

                      @Rejoinder: It's so sad the woke nut jobs have to rip a great game like BG3 down and try to claim it as a byproduct of their toxic culture.

                    • +1

                      @Rejoinder: not true. I loved BG3, main reason being wokeness was an optional element. In DA Veilguard, wokeness defines the game. DEI is forcibly shoved down your throat.

              • @Budju: the spreadsheet isn't left or right claiming it as woke lol, it's some random dude/group curating on steam with hilariously fickle standards.

            • @DingoBilly: TIL (from the spreadsheet): Depictions of vitiligo is considered woke 💀

        • +4

          It's not about that man. Gameplay looks generic and soulless as hell. I can't feel any DA DNA in this game except seeing a few familiar name. Also way too cartoony

          • +3

            @djmm: The OP literally wrote that it's because the game is "woke". Please don't try to change the subject and cover it up when it's written there just a few scroll wheels above.

            You may not like it for other reasons which is fine, but what I replied to clearly had issues with the game for I don't know, having women or some LGBT representation or other random things to get offended by.

  • +13

    I was a big fan of the first few games, but the trailer for this game was so disappointing.

    It went from medieval dark fantasy of the earlier games, to a cartoonish, hipster vibe of this game.

    • +7

      The reveal trailer was bad, but check out the actual gameplay. It does keep the dark fantasy themes, though the art style could be better.

      • +2

        That gameplay trailer on the Playstation State of Play was horrible.

  • +1

    Does Amazon match these types of deals? Or does the price need to actually drop first?

    • +2

      Needs to be online first but maybe try your luck sending them the webpage listing the deal, they may update before Target goes live.

      Article is here

      • Thanks for the link. When I check their link to the target website, though, it just goes to a page with search results for "dragon age the vanguard" which isn't the name of the game. I also can't find the game on the target website or catalogue.

        I this press start page, and the author Shannon Grixti, is just baiting for clicks, sadly.

        • +2

          lol, I'll await your apology on Friday.

          • @shancake: I'd honestly love to eat my words now, I'm keen for the game and really hope it's this price! Are you able to share the evidence for the price, though?

    • +3

      Last couple of things I've preordered, the price has been cheaper somewhere after it shipped on release day and Amazon matched it, they've sent me the difference back, without me asking. It just so happens that I hit them up on chat when I noticed the price drop and also got the differencet added to my account as credit both times as well, so ended up getting the difference twice :D

    • +1

      Just a heads up, but I guess they may have price matched now, as its showing as $75…

  • +7

    Lots of negative comments, but everything I've heard from people who've actually gone hands-on with the game has been really positive.

    I understand being disappointed about the shift in aesthetic, but the wider community is talking about it the same way we usually talk about Ubisoft slop and these seem night/day apart…

    • -2

      Yep all the previews were pretty universally positive.
      I think the review embargo is up tonight so we'll know more then.

    • -2

      Haters will jump on the bandwagon and hate without any intention of ever playing the game. Happens all the time. Wait for it to get review bombed by the same people..

      Personally looking forward to it. Have loved each Dragon Age game and have seen nothing to make me think I wont enjoy this one just as much.

    • +1

      Previews can be misleading, and also usually sponsored by the publisher. Wait for proper reviews to come out.


      Sounds like you've been watching some low tier/quality reviews. Try this one, it is balanced.

      • -1

        How are you telling me that I'm watching 'low quality reviews' without knowing what I've watched, yet linking me a very negative preview and calling it 'balanced'?

        If you think the game looks bad that's okay, the reviews will be out soon anyway. There's just a massive pile-on from people who haven't played the game and want it to fail, and I don't think it's necessary at this stage.

      • -1

        Oh yes, a review entitled "The truth about Dragon Age: The Veilguard" sounds very balanced indeed.

  • +5

    The only Dragon Age I've played is Inquisition and it was an excellent experience. So I'm keen to try it, though not desperate enough to buy it at launch.

    • Really loved Inquisition as well!

    • +1

      Well you won't be happy to hear that they've made this game nothing like Inquisition then.

  • Cautiously optimistic for this one. Love a good Dragon Age.

  • +4

    My thoughts are old school fans will not be happy because it’s just too different, But people coming in with a open mind will be happy with their purchase 80-85 metacritic score calling it now

    • -1

      I'm not sure I understand the "just too different" argument though. Every other game in the series has played quite differently. I think they all want it to be like Origins, but having gone back to play Origins, that game is some janky-ass jank-tastic jank. It's clunky mcclunkerson, and each subsequent game has improved on the original formula as far as I'm concerned. I feel like I'm in the minority though…

      • As long as the game is good , I don’t care how it plays or what type of game it’s trying to borrow elements from. That’s my final thoughts

  • +1

    Enjoyed DA-I as a newcomer to the franchise. It had its issues but then again what game doesn't. This looks to be alot more linear which may be a good thing since the open world MMO-esk side content in Inquisition was lacklustre.

    Not gonna pick it up at release but might grab it at chrismas when its hopefully abit cheaper. Unfortunately looks like its going to be another sh#t fight on social media no matter which way the reviews go. And once again it'll likely fall somewhere in the middle of either side of that topic.

    • It's such a weird series. When DA:I came out, it was all anyone could talk about, like it was the second coming of RPG games or something. It won numerous games of the year awards. I wanted to play it, but I don't like jumping into a series mid-way. I had bought the previous two games, but had not yet played them (my backlog is massive!).

      So, I jumped into the first one and it was… not fun. The controls were stiff, the animations wooden and it felt like a chore to play through, however the story was good.

      The second game was more of an action adventure game, which understandably annoyed some people, but I liked the action elements and really enjoyed the story as a smaller-scale tale set all in one city, and not about world-ending events.

      Finally I could play DA:I, and I loved it. It pulled in some of the best bits of Mass Effect's party interactions, loyalty missions and downtime banter, while keeping the fantasy battle elements. I had a great time.

      I, for one, can't wait to see what this is going to be like, and the previews have been enticing enough for me to get it day one.

  • +1

    Nup nup nup.

  • Link just going to the main site page. Assuming down or sold out?

  • -4

    Won't be touching this dumpster fire with a barge pole. They have trashed a sacred franchise.

  • +2

    Don't pre-order in general for a product you don't know the quality of, but especially for this game. The watered-down nature of modern BioWare game design has really been devastating to see as a long-time fan. From the gameplay that has been shown, I can't imagine this game is going to deliver anywhere close to a genre-defining RPG experience like Baldur's Gate 3, but I hope I'm proven wrong. If this game fails, I really fear that BioWare is done for.

    • +3

      Amen. I pre-ordered Anthem for somewhere between $80-$100. The game was literal trash, and it wasn't even woke. I didn't last longer than a few days before never play that dog shit game ever again. That was the hardest pre-order lesson ever learned.

      Bioware is nothing more than a shell of a company name that used to make amazing games. Nobody there is left that made those games, what they were and are, today.

      • +1

        Following Blizzards tracks. Out with the old guard more focused on monetisation and implementing DEI than gameplay. Industry needs a reset

  • -2

    Its not looking good…its ashame, been looking forward to it. Might wait for it on gamepass.…

    • +2

      That entire article quotes the opinion of one woman, some random Spanish streamer who is making fun of trans people. 10/10 source I guess…

    • +1

      That park place? What?

  • +3

    SkillUp review:

    ‘Every conversation feels like HR is in the room.’


    • +1

      Yeah, that’s a huge Red Flag.
      What’s more concerning though, you got downvoted for sharing an opinion of a seemingly reasonable observation. Bizarre…

      • +1

        he gave a lot of examples/evidence too. he literally talked me out of buying the game.

    • Super funny, the majority of the reviews are really positive, but SkillUp is the channel I actually put the most stock into.

      This reminds me of Final Fantasy 16, which he (and I) really didn't enjoy.

    • -4

      These are the same guys who recommended Cyberpunk 2077 as deserving its hype and who said Last of Us Part 2 is a bad game. 🤔

    • +1

      I haven't played much games lately and never heard of that reviewer. But his review resonates quite a lot with me as a long time fan of the franchise.

      I really want to like it despite some red flags, because I enjoy the world building it had over the past few games.

      But after watching that review, makes me realise it's got little of what I used to enjoy from the game. Saved me the temptation of picking it up over the weekend

  • -4

    Reviews are looking good. Looks like most people enjoy it. A shame as it looks like the Target preorder link is dead. 😔…

    Some people calling it best RPG by Bioware which is high praise. Others also stating if you're easily offended by "woke" culture you probably won't like it. To be fair, I can't imagine those people would play RPGs in the first place.

    • +1

      Nvm, deal is available in 2 days apparently. So can pick it up then.

      Not sure why downvoted, I've posted a link to an aggregation of reviews which are generally positive. Usual outraged gamers it seems.

    • If I play a game for its engaging gameplay, why the f would I care if it's woke or not?

  • +1

    So I can go and grab this for this price on Thursday?

    There's no mention of the game on the Target website

    • -3

      That's my understanding. I reported it but mod came back to me and pointed out the price is only in 2 days. So should be good to go then.

      Good price given the scores.

  • -5

    sick of dei and esg funded games and how censored they are. and still cannot believe there are ordinary civilians pushing for blackrock bribery.

  • -1

    Is there proof its 75 how do poeple know?

  • No Series S version?

  • man I haven't even finished the first dragon Age….

  • Have always enjoyed the franchise, some have been better then others, but that is the same in pretty much every franchise. The reviews have been a little polarising. Some have seen it as the second comming of Christ, others it seem to think it is worse then ebola. I think I am just going to sit and wait for the Steam Reviews to come in, the problem with many review sites is that they feel the need to either over egg it, or demonsie the hell out of it to get clicks. I think a day or two of Steam Reviews will decide if I jump in early, or hit it when it goes on sale.

    • -7

      Dear lord. People who think this is a problem are transphobic morons.

  • You people really are surprised by this? Mass Effect 3? Dragon Age 2? Dragon Age Inquisition anyone?

  • +1

    User reviews are in, avoid or wait a month for the inevitable discounting.

  • Now we are past all the paid reviewers the actual gamers have spoken this is a woke dumpster fire and now worth buying at any price

    It is sad Mass effect Andrometer, Rings of Power, Indiana Jones and Disney Star Wars all woke trash when they were once part of great franchises loved my many

    Marvel seems to be heading that way too

    Sadly we add Dragon Age to this pile

    What next will the woke kill….

  • -1

    This is the game for people who think games like Elden Ring or Returnal are too complex and require you to think too much so this game just spoonfeeds you everything

    Even puzzles, hey this rock goes into that hole, what a complex design

    Coming from a game series that had a very complex puzzle section in Origins in the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest…

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