• expired

FlexiRoam Travel eSIMs: 100% Cashback Capped at $20 (One Transaction Only Per Member) @ TopCashback AU


Hey guys, hope you are all well. Nice promo for all the travellers out there. Ensure you change the currency to AUD prior to purchase. eSIM activation period expires 3 months from purchase date. Promo ends 23:59 AEDT today unless withdrawn earlier. Stay safe, and enjoy 📱☺️

Very Important:

  • Using any discount codes is not permitted for this promo and will deem cashback ineligible (will track at $0).
  • One (1) transaction only per member is permitted. Subsequent orders will not track and cannot be claimed.
  • Cashback is ineligible for purchases made via the FlexiRoam app.

Some possible freebies:

  • Asia 3GB - price: $19.63
  • Japan 5GB - price: $17.37
  • Global 1GB - price: $13.59
  • China 3GB - price: $17.37
  • Europe 3GB - price: $19.63


For tracking success, disable/remove all 3rd party plugins (AdBlock, uBlock, Pi-hole, Honey, etc), VPNs, avoid browsers such as Brave, close additional browser tabs, and don't click away to other sites looking for codes etc after clicking from TopCashbackAU as tracking will be lost. TopCashbackAU must be the very last click/tap prior to purchase. Try our iOS/Android mobile app for improved tracking results. Use our Help Centre & Contact form here for any questions, issues, or claims.

Referral Links

Referral: random (4067)

Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

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TopCashback AU

closed Comments

  • +2

    When travelling, I found the FlexiRoam sims are not reliable for VoWi-Fi.
    Also some websites would not work without using a VPN.

    • Is there any Australian carrier supports VoWiFi on roaming? None I’m aware of.

      • +3

        Telstra and their MVNOs

      • +3

        Boost. I use my Boost service in the US without a Boost international roaming plan, by using a local compatible data eSIM and Voice over LTE/WIFI.

        • I'm Still not able to confirm if we have a dual sim phone, Can we use Data from 1st sim to support Vo-WiFi for 2nd sim? or you have to separately connect to Wifi. Could you confirm?

          • @itsmubi: I had 2 sims (Boost physical sim, travel eSIM - Keepgo). I am back in Aus currently so can't check now, but I believe it worked with just the sims and no wifi. There are a few variables though, and you may need to try some different configurations. I am using a Samsung phone on Android 14.
            I set the local (travel) esim to Primary, but turn off VoLTE for that line (it's data only, no calls anyway).
            I keep VoLTE and WiFi calling turned on for my Boost sim.
            I definitely had the Boost service working when on WiFi. I think it also worked via the local esim and LTE/5G.

            • +1

              @Topside: If I remember correctly VoWiFi didn't work when the data is on the esim on the same phone, but I might just set it up incorrectly. I'm also.using Samsung.

              I usually just bring a 2nd old phone for the data, and connect my main with Boost sim to it.

          • @itsmubi: I did this a few times with Boost and an iPhone 13 mini.
            Wifi needed to be separate, so I'd use external wifi or hotspot with another phone.

            Although on my last trip to Japan I discovered an odd wrinkle that I was never aware of - local carriers can block VoWIFI.
            I couldn't get any VoWifi via a Rakuten portable wifi thingy, and had to hotspot myself through a different travel sim.

            But worst of all, another wrinkle I recently discovered with Boost - on roaming, a switched off phone does not have a ringtone, voicemail, or missed call notifications. Anyone trying to call will be instantly disconnected and you won't know about it.

            Normally that wouldn't matter much, but I discovered it during a job search, when all my leads suddenly went cold.
            I was unwittingly offline and blocking everyone for about 3 weeks :(

            • @crentist: So far I have been doing the same (Hotspot from another phone or wifi device to main device for VoWiFi). I thought maybe there is any solution and I wont need to carry two phones.

      • Boost/Telstra.

        • -1

          Woolies, Aldi…

    • +2

      I’m using FlexiRoam eSIM in China now (free with 28degrees card). Can access all the usual websites I’d normally use in Aus.

      Speed & connection are both fine.

  • Used FlexiRoam last month in Hong Kong, no issues about speed or stability

    • The ip address they game me when i last used them was from Hong Kong.

      • +1

        fresh ip from the fragrant harbour

  • +2

    Free flexiroam if you have latitude 28 degrees card.


    • No longer free, there is a monthly fee.

      • That’s not true. I’m using the free 3GB eSIM from 28degrees now.

        In fact I’m on my second eSIM on the same account (have primary & secondary cards).

        No monthly fee.

        • -1

          No monthly fee.

          Yes there is.
          Latitude 28 degrees card is $8 per month.
          Previously, it was free.

          • @jv: Oh you meant the card. The comment was talking about free FlexiRoam not the card.

            • +3


              The comment was talking about free FlexiRoam

              Yes, it's no longer free. It is included in your $96 annual fee.

    • +1

      Tried to use this recently after having successfully done so once in the past. They wanted to do KYC but needed to chat with a consultant, was a slow process so gave up. Went to leave a review and saw another review with a similar experience.

      • Free benefit for those with a 28d card. My price protection claims easily covers the free.

        This deal won't be around all year and multiple counties but handy if leaving soon .

        They wanted to do KYC but needed to chat with a consultant, was a slow process so gave up

        Not sure what all that is but would you experience that with flexiroam too?

        • what kind of stuff have you claimed for price protection and you hit the lifetime limit yet?

          • @Poor Ass: Anything and everything, only used about $4k of $20k lifetime limit :).

            • @G-rig: I actually have 3 cards that got the price protection they all originally from GE money / latitude

              but I had to give up one of them because can't justify $10.95 a month fee

              now I got Coles legacy and 28 degree……. issue with Coles one is that has to be same retailer but get 2 years to price match but advantage is no fee

              28 degree has fee but 1year can go back to any retailer to price match

              • @Poor Ass: 28d is great, well worth it. People complaining obviously don't have the grandfathered option of price protection.

                • @G-rig: the free flexiroam is it actually free? complicated to get?

                  • @Poor Ass: Dunno Just try it when the time comes. should be fine.

  • Is Turkey part of Europe or Asia?

    • +19

      yes it is.

    • Yes, it is part of the Europe train network, but be ready for the high cost of a tourist visa for Australian passport holders!!

  • +1

    Are the 3 months the time you have to activate the Sims? Let's say I buy it today and activate it in mid Jan so it stays active for another 30 days?

    And how to change currency to AUD?

    • To change the currency, go to the top right corner of Flexiroam website and click USD (the default currency) and choose AUD.

    • Same here. I only see the option on Desktop site, not mobile.

      EDIT: Ok, I can see the option under your account settings.

  • Do I need a legal ID for activation?

    • Do you need it for normal Sims?

      • Yes for physical ones, my previous phone didn't have esim support so had to get a physical one.

    • +2

      You have 3 months from purchase. aka, 28th Jan 2025.

      • Sorry, meant to say ID check

    • You install and activate the Esim at anytime
      Then you can schedule or start the data plan in a later date

  • if I go to Japan in March can I make use of this?

    • +1

      No. I’m heading there in Feb and asked live chat about this. They said you have three months to activate the SIM from purchase, which from today would be 28th of January. The live chat agent said you’ve gotta activate it one day before expiry, and it is then valid for 30 days after that. Therefore, 27 February would be the last possible date of validity.

      • +3

        This is correct and just confirmed with my contact as well. Expiry mentioned in the OP relates to 'activation' expiry. So you have 3 months from purchase to activate. Then once activated, the eSIM validity period applies. Made a slight alteration to the OP for clarity.

        • I assume the cashback will still be paid even if the sim is not activated? I grabbed one for a trip I may or may not take so just checking. Thanks :)

  • +1

    Going India next month, will be curious to see if I can use this.

    • +16

      With your username, I'm afraid it's you that's about to be used there

      • I feel bad pos'ing this coz it feels so wrong but it's also absolutely hilarious at the same time LOL

  • I’m overwhelmed by managing so many carriers with their eSIMs, linked emails, activation dates, expiry dates, and other details. How do you keep track of these eSIMs efficiently? Excel?

    • +4


      Or you just, you know, don't take advantage of all these deals lol

    • +1

      What on earth are you doing that requires more than 1 for home, and 1 for travel?

  • I just purchased through the click of Topcashback to the Flexiroam website and changed the currency to AUD and removed any promotional code. Would I expect to receive any email confirmation from Topcashback that the cashback has been tracked?

    • Got an email from Topcashback now at 2 mins ago.

      "Your recent purchase has tracked

      FlexiRoam Travel eSIM
      FlexiRoam Travel eSIM
      28 Oct 2024 10:20

      View your earnings page for the status of your cashback.
      Please note, your cashback will not be paid if you cancel or return your purchase."

  • Cashback tracked already

  • +1

    Rep, is this tied to our Topcashback acc detail? Can I buy and pass to a friend currently overseas?

    • +1

      Hi. Not tied to your TCB account :)

  • Is there any limitation on new flexiroam or topcashback account? I have an exisitng flexiroam account when they automatically applied “mc15off” code to my order. Would that affect the cashback?

    • "Using any discount codes is not permitted for this promo and will deem cashback ineligible (will track at $0)"

    • Hi. That appears to be a Mastercard promo code and if used, your cashback will track at $0 per the terms. You must remove and/or not apply any codes prior to purchase. Cheers.

      • Cool. Thanks. Will remove before payment.

        • A few haven't so far unfortunately. Ah well.

          • @tightarse: Same case. It was shown untill my transaction was processed. I have cancelled the transaction and got the refund in wallet. Can i make a new transaction without the code and will i be eligible?

            • +1

              @nnaa8287: Hi. I honestly have no idea if credit is ok for cashback. Please go ahead and try buying again using the credit but without the code. Then PM me your TCB email address tomorrow and I’ll see if FlexiRoam can manually push the transaction to you. No promises as you’ve already made your one transaction, but nothing to lose given the circumstances. Worst case you refund again. Cheers.

  • +1

    can we get 2 esims in one transaction for cash back? @tightarse

    • +2

      Hi. You can get as many as you like provided they're all in the one order. Max cashback will be $20. Any subsequent orders will not track. Cheers.

      • Not even the standard 5%?

    • Your mum buys one, your dad buys one, you sister buys one, your brother buys one, your neighbour buys one … and they gift them all to you for Christmas.
      How nice of all your relatives and friends.

  • Excellent and timely deal for me!

  • +2

    So these dont have mobile numbers attatched?

    • -2

      They would have to, but not necessarily have any call/sms allowance included. So you could probably receive messages but not call or text from it.

      • What? Why would they have a number attached..? Most of these travel/roaming (e)SIMs do not have any number attached at all

  • +2

    Just a warning, you need to create new accounts for each new esim you want to buy. for e.g. if you plan to use two plans on two mobiles for you and your partner, then you need to create two accounts and get these. They don't do refunds!

  • Amazing deal, thanks @tightarse!

    Is changing to AUD a requirement to get cashback, or is it just so one doesnt get confused?

    • +1

      Thank you! Changing to AUD just simplifies the process and avoids any possible international conversion rate discrepancies. Doesn't affect tracking. Hope this helps :)

      • Thought so, thanks :)

        • No worries.

  • Tracked after 40 mins :)
    Thanks TA

    • Cheers 👍

  • Great deal, thanks TA

  • Should I install esim when I travel or I can install now and activate later ?

    • +1


      Best to install and activate day before you travel as some places may have restricted wifi in the airport then ya screwed for an internet connection to activate

    • I have found it best to activate your eSIM on arrival. Some SIMs require connection to the network that you will be roaming on. You can usually connect to airport wifi and activate the SIM then.

  • Is it relatively easy to activate?

  • +2

    Free is good, I'll get that part out of the way.

    However it is normally much cheaper and more efficient to just buy a regular sim card when you arrive at your destination.

    I tried one from one of these companies when I was in Thailand, and even though it was advertised as a 'Thai travel sim', it was actually a Hong Kong service with roaming, which meant the service was very slow, dropped out all the time, and some apps in the google store were 'unavailable'. It also cost about double the equivalent local SIM, even if you paid maximum airport prices :/ . I don't know what I expected, but at least a native local SIM would be a good starting point. I eventually bought a 'real' 5g SIM and suddenly life was worth living again.

    I cannot think of why a tech savvy person (Ozbargainers usually are) would want something that's basically the shoddy and expensive convenience store version of the product.

    With most of these you're basically paying 2 months worth of money but getting 1 week worth of data. Then when your 3gb runs out will you buy another one anyway?

    • you can have multiple plans activated at the same time
      eg. I bought 3 x 3GB same plans in last CR deals
      meaning I can have 9GB in the same period

      However as you say, these plans are pricy and speed isnt great
      I personally wont pay for it and prefer to get a better travel sim via other providers

    • Mostly agreed. The deal here is that it's free. Would never pay normal price for this.

      However, the arguments for using these would be…

      • Not wanting to waste time scrambling for a SIM on arrival (you can set this up upfront)
      • Wanting to use an "anonymous" SIM that isn't registered to anyone
      • Preferring eSIM over physical SIM (maybe you don't want to remove your own aus SIM which is a physical SIM, since most phones don't support dual eSIM)

      I tried one from one of these companies when I was in Thailand, and even though it was advertised as a 'Thai travel sim', it was actually a Hong Kong service with roaming, which meant the service was very slow, dropped out all the time, and some apps in the google store were 'unavailable'.

      Speeds may or may not be affected by using a roaming/travel SIM - it depends on whether roaming partners are de-prioritised. As far as I am aware, it happens in some countries but not all.

      Unavailability of apps sounds odd - do you mean you couldn't view a particular app in the Play Store? If so, it's got nothing to do with where your data is from. It's to do with the country of your Google account (not sure how it works on iPhone but presume it's similar)

      Being unable to use an app on the data though? Yea, that can happen. TikTok often doesn't work on HK-based SIMs

  • Damm stuffed up and got a dataplan instead of the voice plan

  • Good timing, thanks TA! Cashback tracked half an hour after purchase!

  • +1

    Used the TGG app, and it tracked.

    Navigating the site (via mobile) was horrible though. They need to improve their UI (particularly when searching via mobile).

  • Tracked after 43 mins. Thanks

  • Does speed get slow if all data used?

    • +1

      Slows to 0kb/s

      • Haha who would have thought..
        Just like if you don't put fuel in the car.

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