Amazon are price matching Coles and Woolworths.
Sugar Free Creaming Soda, Lemon Squash, Lemonade and Pasito
Lemon Squash
Creamy Soda
Amazon are price matching Coles and Woolworths.
Sugar Free Creaming Soda, Lemon Squash, Lemonade and Pasito
Lemon Squash
Creamy Soda
Oddly specific, but incredibly helpful.
We're a wide audience. Can we get the individual breakdown for every suburb please.
all say oos, also two 10 packs are same price at coles for @14.50
Why don't retailers/manufacturers sell/make SODA WATER in a can anymore?
That's soda water, not creaming soda, as a drink mixer.
The bottled stuff at Coles/Woolies etc has no fizz as soon as you release the top.
We bought a Soda-stream, but they are so expensive to use, when compared to the bottled stuff.
I don't know the situation in other states, we are on the Gold Coast and cannot buy soda water in cans.
Because they can sell it for three times as much if they put it in glass and call it sparkling water.
I've purchased these b4 @ $7.80 S&S .
That would have been the 10 packs.
Nope just checked my Amazon account & it was 20 pack .
How long ago? The cheapest I could find in my history was $6.20 for a 10 pack in 2019. Nope, there's a Kole Beer 20 pack for $10.19 in 2023 (damn).
Ain’t nothing better than couplea’ ice cold Pasito or solo after a day of yard work
Not even a KFC Krusher?
Operator: nah the machine is broken
The sugar free passionfruit one tasted bitter the first few cans, but then it starts to grow on you.
Actually the regular Pasito arrived and it tastes just like the sugar free one, just a bit sweeter. I guess that's just what Pasito tastes like and I didn't know it…
Everything is temporarily out of stock
It's because Amazon won't ship outside of capital cities for most items. I've lodged a complaint as the cost of prime increased and they've now removed heaps of items from being available.
This is business 101. Offer a fantastic value product, wedge yourself into the market and take business from your large competitors. Once you’ve got a customer base slowly make the service worse and more expensive.
let me know how it goes. looking like I won't renew because of this.
Try your luck with a parcel locker if not already. Adds an extra step but worked for me.
This does work but lockers are quite small and won't fit all the items you can't get anymore but would like to order (tissues, toilet paper etc) so I'd suggest a parcel collect addressvas well at the same lpo.
Picked up some lemon squash, thanks OP
Time to stock up for xmas parties! Thanks OP!
Out of stock now! Good if you are on a KETO diet (Atkins)
Lol I saw these for $8 at my local middle eastern shop. Expiry 12/24
Is it true they've discontinued Kole Beer?
How is the sugar free lemonade or lemon squash mixed with vodka?
Squash is better with vodka than lemonade
I mix the sugar free lemonade with beer.
1 part beer to 7 lemonade
Makes a damn nice shandy
Back in my day these were 6.50. That day was 2020.
Where’s Kolé beer?
Same price at IGA and Coles
Love the sugar frees.
Boycott Amazon. Very unfair for people outside of cities
Ordered and dispatched in the same day and then the order went missing.
Last 10 Amazon orders I’ve probably had 4 missing items and delays.
Look for a well watered and refreshed delivery person - it’s summer so I get it.
What artificial sweetener do they use?
Not deliverable to SA 5433 or 5700