This was posted 5 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Mokshaa Ghee 3L for $33.99 @ Costco (Membership Required)


Been waiting on price on ghee to drop.
As expected, Diwali has brought on some discounts across indian grocery at costco
This is a mokshaa tin 3L.
Hate the tin and preferred the glass bottle but i guess this is what i will have to stock up.
Good price otherwise!

Paneer also discounted for $9.99
Katoomba roti paranthas for $9.99

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Costco Wholesale
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closed Comments

  • +34

    Thanks dad!

    • +1

      Anyone wondering why “Thanks dad” is upvoted is B’cos of OP name

  • +1

    Any reviews for Paneer?

    • +1

      Costco paneer is on special at $10kg (atleast it was at Ringwood today).
      It is as good as any paneer out there.
      The local Indian grocery store was selling for $25/kg (Sharma’s kitchen).

      • Sharma paneer is softer than Costco’s

        • +1

          Sharma’s food are a shame.. no good at all

    • +1

      The Costco paneer is great, it holds together much better than those you can find in the big supermarkets.

    • +1

      The best one out there

  • +6

    Oh ghee that is a good price.

  • How often are you guys making indian dishes that you need to buy this much ghee?

    • +4

      Everything Indian is made in ghee in many households. Think of it as oil consumption

      • +2

        Yeah nah. Not everything.

    • +2

      Some Aussies are Indian as well, think about that

    • +11

      Aussies use ghee too, its great for cooking scrambled eggs.

      • +1

        Really! Gotta try that.

    • +11

      I use it for all cooking that requires oil.

      It tastes great with most dishes and is healthier than almost all alternatives.

      I'm making some rump steaks on ghee this very minute, so sue me..

      How's that for pwning an animal? - Cooking it in its own product.. Reminds me of making a rabbit stew with carrots.

      PS. Poor form to down-vote Broden for asking a question.

    • +4

      You can use ghee as a replacement for oil or butter when cooking, for most things. Try it.

      • Shouldn’t be used as an oil replacement, ghee is not healthy to be used for high heat cooking.
        It causes more harm than any benefits, it’s best to be used as a top up after the cooking is done

    • Which one is good quality then?

      • +3

        Allowrie the best 👌

      • +3

        I use this

        • Me too!

        • +1

          "Pure New Zealand Ghee is likely a high-quality clarified butter product"

          "The ghee is likely prepared using traditional methods"

          So might be high quality traditional ghee, or might not…

        • @pricebeat I bought 800ml container which never froze during Melbourne winter. I personally think it's not pure. I complained to manufacture but absolutely no response

        • @Pricebeat That looks nice! Why do you prefer this particular Ghee to others?

          I use 'Cook' brand, which is also New Zealand Ghee. Is Ghee from NZ superior to the alternatives?

        • That's the best. I used the glass bottled ones, only 1 or 2 litres I think.

      • +5

        Make your own from Westgold grass fed butter. So easy.

        • +2

          Don't understand these people buying 3kg bulk buy. Takes literally 10 mins to make ghee. Make it every week and use it fresh.

          • @soan papdi: This can't be a real comment.

            • +1

              @dangry: Why? Ghee is really simple to make. Fats go rancid very quickly. Unless consumption is high, like in a restaurant, ghee from a 3kg bottle won’t taste good even a few weeks after opening.

              • @soan papdi: Just have to be careful with storage. Whatever you put into the ghee container should be clean. The jar lid and top should be kept clean, as contamination spreads down.

                I also followed the internet's advice and split the smaller bottle into three. We ate it too quickly, so didn't have to worry about it lasting more than three weeks. Life span is supposed to be 3-6 months.

          • @soan papdi: I have made ghee multiple times, but it's not hard to imagine why someone might be interested in this offer.

            Westgold from Coles @ $5.80 for 400g, I'd need about 7.5 packets at $43.50, plus time and materials (cheesecloth is hard to come by).

            Or just buy this for $33.99.

            • @TozBargain: Stock up when on sale. That would be grass fed ghee. Tastes and smells amazing.
              The equivalent of this deal would be cheapo own brand butter blocks.

              • @Kanjus: What do you mean by grass fed? What else do cows eat?

                • +4

                  @cheapobargain: Not sure if you are being serious. Usually gmo grain/hay feed combinations with supplements and hormones to make them lactate

          • @soan papdi: While home-made ghee stays fresh for longer, it takes a lot longer than 10 minutes to make ghee.

        • Username checks out

          • +1

            @WwDesi: Come on now. I changed mine to my current one after being inspired by Kanjus.

      • +2

        Gold leaf pure nz ghee

        • Never buy that. Ghee never froze during Melbourne winter.

          • @ScoMosas: Freezes fine over at our place. Infact it stayed solid even as outside hit 25C this week.

    • Same with its paneer stay well clear

    • What ghee products in general are if good quality? Very few.

  • +4

    Yuck this brand is nasty and cheap would not even go near it even if I got it for free

    • +1

      What brand do you reccomend?

      • GOLD LEAF PURE AUSTRALIAN DESI GHEE expensive but right on the money

        • +2

          Ta, will give it a go.

        • Big no to gold leaf. Ghee I bought never froze during Melbourne winter. I have raised complaint with MPI NZ.

    • +2

      I said the same thing above and got downvoted to a point my neg to the “deal” was removed.

      People don’t want to know what’s good for them? I am lost!

      (Hi Lost, I’m dad).

      • +1

        I upvoted for you 🙏🏽

    • Which ghee do you think Sundar Pichai uses?

  • -2

    Ghee increases cholesterol

  • -5

    clarified butter, You get a rancid hit of that…God! I mean, you can imagine?

    When Indira Gandhi got assassinated, I was watching when they broadcast the cremation. Did you know they doused the body and the funeral pyre in clarified butter just to get it burning?

    • Interesting fact.

    • Honestly, a butter-fuelled Viking funeral isn’t the worst send-off.

    • +1

      More likely to be a piece of bad shellfish.

    • Think that's normal to use some ghee. Or at least expected.

  • Artie Bucco does not approve

    • We lead the world in computerized data collection!

  • +6

    Ghee is just clarified butter which has high smoke point, it can be stored for long time, a great alternative to daily cooking oil needs.

  • if we eat this do we get "Moksha".

    • +2

      No, you get "Motta" instead.

      • No, you don't get Motta with ghee.

  • Been using this for a while now. But curious to know is this what we call “Desi ghee” or not? Yes have seen the Beerbiceps episode.

    • Yes, this it's also called Desi ghee

  • Real indians make their own ghee at home. It's not hard and you get the best quality Ghee doing it that way. Plus it's a hell of a lot cheaper

  • +1

    I make my own from Aldi butter, yes it is great with eggs or anything else, and far healthier than seed oils.

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