Says it all. 18 pieces. Better than coles and woolies half price. And comes with 4 varieties of chutneys instead of two.
Haldiram's Punjabi Samosa 18 Pieces 1.4kg $10.99 @ Costco (Membership Required)

Royale with cheese on 17/10/2024 - 13:29 (392 clicks)
Last edited 17/10/2024 - 13:44 by 1 other user
Last edited 17/10/2024 - 13:44 by 1 other user
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closed Comments
You mistaknely wrote 1.5L. Ghee is 3L instead of 1.5L.
So true, my mistake
Normal price at local Indian and Afghan grocery stores
- no membership or massive drive to the remote Costco stores. Costco only worthwhile if you live close buy and can utilise bulk amounts…expensive for small/single household not living nearby.
Will the Officer VIC warehouse push through?
No. Victorian government doesn't want to give land
They any good?
Not like fresh but still do the trick. Especially people at work love them. I don't fry them and often don't apply extra oil in air fryer but i imagine that will get the best tasting results.
OK thanks. :)
Multiple offers in a catalog…
Ghee $32.99 for 1.5L
Rice $42.99 for 20 kg